An experimental musical period drama about the witchhunts in 1595 in the south of the Netherlands. The film depicts the last days of the life of the young woman Heylken.
New York, 1926. Passionnée et ambitieuse, Antonia rêve de devenir chef d'orchestre. Malgré son talent, tout le monde refuse de la prendre au sérieux car Antonia est... une femme. Elle s'engage dans le combat de sa vie au risque de mettre fin à sa liaison avec le séduisant Frank Thomsen.
Floor Faber (27) lives with her cat in the center of Amsterdam. She has a boring job at an insurance company, but one day she'll have a successful career. And find true love, as she would make a great mom, some time later. But first she has to find out what to do with her life, and that is not as easy as it seems.
Après une attaque terroriste à Amsterdam, un policier néerlandais d'origine afghane fait tout pour retrouver les suspects… et l'un d'eux pourrait bien être un vieil ami.
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen.