Mauricio Bautista

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Cuando vuelva, en verano
Year 1987. Rubén is a ten-year-old boy who grows up playing tag in the village. He lives with his parents and his grandmother, with whom he spends the afternoons. Rosa tries to keep her grandson as a child and not to be aware of the dramatic situation at home, which is spoken about in a low voice.
Postales desde la luna
Julien and Louis begin together a journey to southern Spain, hoping to find intact the place where they were happy during their childhood.
En la otra camilla

En la otra camilla

Jan 01, 2008
The quiet day-to-day existence of two kidnappers, Alfonso and Marta, comes to an abrupt end when the elderly businessman they are holding in captivity tries to commit suicide.
Marisa en los bosques

Marisa en los bosques

Sep 14, 2018
Marisa feels that she is the supporting actress of her own life. She has no job, no projects, no prospects for the future. She looks away from her own life's downfall to become the rescuer of her best friend Mina, who is immersed in a desperate crisis after the break-up of her relationship with Salvador. When she tries to get help from other friends, she only finds more lives adrift. Then, some unexpected news breaks the difficult balance of her life, and Marisa can only find comfort in the city nightlife. She is ready to disappear, silent and quietly, like fading into black.
249. La noche en que una becaria encontró a Emiliano Revilla
On October 30, 1988, the businessman Emiliano Revilla had been kidnapped by ETA for 249 days. After more than eight months of captivity, hopes of liberation were increasingly scarce and very few journalists were still standing guard at the employer's house. María José Sáez, a young editor, formerly of the EFE Agency, was the only one who was close to the house on the night of October 30th.
La luz prodigiosa

La luz prodigiosa

Jan 30, 2003
Au tout début de la guerre civile espagnole en 1936, un berger trouve un homme blessé et laissé pour mort. Il décide de laisser le mourant aux bons soins d'un asile. Presque 50 ans plus tard, le berger retrouve la trace de ce mystérieux homme.


Nov 06, 2001
Tomas, un jeune voleur, est l'unique survivant d'une effroyable catastrophe aérienne. Il pourrait bien être l'instrument de la vengeance de Federico, qui a survécu à un tremblement de terre et a découvert qu'il possède le pouvoir de voler leur chance aux êtres humains en les touchant. Il a le Don. Samuel est le survivant absolu, celui qui a tout perdu sauf la vie pendant les pires heures de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il est théoriquement intouchable et dirige à présent un casino avec l'aide de Federico. Lorsque celui-ci rompt leur association, Samuel le bannit du paradis et lui retire sa capacité à voler leur chance aux autres. Federico veut à tout prix défier le Maître à son propre jeu. Pour cela, il va se lier à Tomas. Sur le chemin qui va les conduire vers le casino et Samuel, Tomas et Federico vont suivre un parcours initiatique désespéré.
Cuéntame cómo pasó

Cuéntame cómo pasó

Nov 29, 2023
Recounts the experiences of a middle-class family, the Alcántaras, during the last years of the rule of Francisco Franco and the beginning of the Spanish Transition to democracy.