Todd Friel

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Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions

Jan 01, 2008
"Dear God. What is your will for my life? I want to be in alignment with your will, so please show me what I should do for a living." This has been the earnest prayer of countless Christians. Does God answer this prayer, or does He reveal what you are supposed to do in other ways? Todd Friel, host of Wretched Radio, will provide you the tools to make small and big decisions so you will KNOW that you are in God's will. No more regrets over bad decisions. No more wondering if you are reading signs from God right. Just simple, Biblical principles that will help you make a decision and sleep like a baby at night regardless of how well it turns out.
Herman Who

Herman Who

Jan 01, 2008
Ask most Christians what they know about hermeneutics and they will probably ask, “Herman who?” Hermeneutics is the art and science of interpreting Scripture. Herman Who? will equip you to rightly interpret a two thousand year old book in our twenty-first century world. Prepare to receive a condensed (up to 13 week) master’s level education on how to read the Bible right. You will never read the Bible the same way again, and you will never have the wool pulled over your eyes by a false teacher.
Secular Humanism

Secular Humanism

Jan 01, 2018
The anti-God worldview of secular humanism began when Satan uttered those fateful words, "Did God really say?" Because there is nothing new under the sun, the Bible has much to say about secular humanism today.
The Case for Atheism

The Case for Atheism

Jan 01, 2012
Todd Friel, host of Wretched Radio debated Mr. Barker to resolve the question, 'Does God Exist?' In this DVD, not only will you witness the debate, but you will also learn: How does someone go from being a Jesus lover to a Jesus hater? How to witness to an intellectual without being intimidated. How to defend your Christian faith when confronted with atheist arguments. You do NOT need to know every apologetic argument. You do NOT need to know everything about evolution. You do NOT need to know everything about religious history. But you do need to know how to wield the two weapons that God has provided us. After watching this DVD, you will know how to use this artillery so you can witness to ANYONE. And most important, you will never be responsible for creating another bitter backslider like Dan Barker.


Jun 18, 2015
Aspiring comedian Peter is encouraged by his friend Ben to perform at the local comedy club. But stage fright isn’t Peter’s only fear. When confronted with one of today’s most divisive issues, he feels compelled to speak, but can he? Challenged by his coworker Diana to defend his convictions about homosexuality and gay marriage, will he have the courage to stand for what he believes—even at the risk of losing a friendship?
On the Shoulders of Giants
What the Reformers Would Say to Us Today. Bad News: Missiles are being launched at Christianity. Good News: Our Christian ancestors have already faced the same assaults. Though they are dead, yet the Reformers speak. And they have a lot to say to us.
Wretched Worldview - Atheism
WRETCHED WORLDVIEW: ATHEISM will equip you to: • Evangelize even the hardest hearted atheist. • Defend your worldview against the sharpest atheist arguments. • Not be shocked at the staggeringly confusing atheist worldview. Todd Friel spoke to a classroom full of atheists and agnostics and you will get to be a fly on the wall as you hear college students fire their best missiles at Todd. Once you complete WRETCHED WORLDVIEW: ATHEISM, you will be able to answer the questions: • Who created God? • How can we trust the Bible? • What about all of the hypocrisy in the church? WRETCHED WORLDVIEW: ATHEISM will equip you, encourage you and provide you with everything you need to engage or evangelize an atheist. It will also prepare you to respond to humanist accusations at the water cooler or at your school. You will be shocked at how an atheist thinks and amazed at how easy it is to defend your Christian worldview!
Wretched Worldview - Biblical Manhood
So how does a boy become a man? 1. By shooting a 12 point buck? 2. By joining a fraternity? 3. By dressing up like a knight and jousting other knights? 4. By having a mountaintop right-of-passage celebration with other men? The correct answer is: none of the above. A boy becomes a man when he puts childish things behind him and begins to act the way the Bible says a godly man should act. The Bible says that young men should be self-controlled and dignified (Titus 2:2,6). WRETCHED WORLDVIEW: BIBLICAL MANHOOD will encourage young males to rush toward adulthood and put childish things behind. No gimmicks. No silliness. No rights of passage. Just straight talk that will encourage young men to behave in a mature, God-honoring and Christ-exalting way. Includes a workbook with great cartoon characters demonstrating how to be an adult. Just kidding. No cartoons.
Wretched Worldview - Anxiety
ANXIETY IS NOTHING NEW; THIS NAGGING LITTLE SIN HAS BEEN WITH US SINCE THE FALL. BUT IT SEEMS THAT 21ST CENTURY LIVING HAS BROUGHT ON ADDITIONAL CHALLENGES THAT COULD STRESS OUT EVEN THE MELLOWEST OF PEOPLE. THE GOOD NEWS: Christians throughout the ages have struggled with stress, from Psalmists to Jeremiah to John Bunyan to Charles Spurgeon. You are not alone. THE BETTER NEWS: There is a Biblical cure. Jesus is fully aware that we struggle with anxiety and He graciously preached a sermon just for the anxious Christian. THE BEST NEWS: God will give you the power to overcome your anxiety. God has given us His Holy Spirit precisely for this struggle.


Jan 01, 2017
What is going on? Why are Christian losses growing while Christian converts are decreasing? Join Todd Friel as he visits Bible Belt universities and talks to students who claim to be Christians. Their responses will shock you. Untethered will help you know what you can do to ensure your child does not become another statistic.


Jan 01, 2017
What is going on? Why are Christian losses growing while Christian converts are decreasing? Join Todd Friel as he visits Bible Belt universities and talks to students who claim to be Christians. Their responses will shock you. Untethered will help you know what you can do to ensure your child does not become another statistic.


Apr 08, 2018
Lives are at stake. Souls hang in the balance. Some Christians are engaged in the battle, most are not. Life Is Best will thoroughly equip and inspire you to join the fight for lives and souls. Featuring pro-lifer Scott Klusendorf.


Jun 27, 2022
You will be shocked and encouraged at the Bible’s ability to pinpoint a believer’s struggle, and offer a powerful cure. With the aid of Dr. Greg Gifford and Dr. Dale Johnson, your confidence in the Bible will grow, and you will be equipped to counsel others, or yourself. You will be transformed.