Carlos Miguel Caballero

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Mar 10, 2021
Marlie, a dutiful assistant who dreams of being the theater's next great actor, struggles to wrangle a flamboyant cast of characters for a closing performance of Las Amargas Lagrimas de Petra von Kant, their adaptation of Fassbinder's German text. Dealing with Margo, the theater's volatile director, is always challenging, but it's critically so when Marlie has to tell her that the main electric panel has collapsed just two hours before show and she had to call the only electrician who could fix the archaic apparatus: Frank, Margo's ex-husband.
Verde verde

Verde verde

Oct 12, 2012
The first gay-themed film produced in Cuba by the Institute of Cinema since Strawberry & Chocolate in 1993. The theme, however, is the same as in Guttiérerez and Tabìo's film: homophobia, machismo and fear. The fatal attraction between Alfredo, a doctor in the merchant navy, and handsome Carlos starts in a rundown Havana bar and ends at the sailor's house. But Alfredo's flirting and seducing of Carlos immediately turns into something complicated, ambiguous, dangerous. In a claustrophobic, tense atmosphere, their bodies are powerfully attracted, and the words, though violent, intensify the level of sensuality. Does each man kill the thing he loves? Evoking dreamlike atmospheres and characters, 80-year-old veteran director Enrique Pineda Barnet openly references Fassbinder's Querelle and Jean Genet. Quite controversial in its approach, the films demonstrates the milder attitude of Raul Castro's regime towards Cuba's LGBT Community.
La vuelta del Coyote

La vuelta del Coyote

Jul 21, 1998
In the mid-19th century, California, a Mexican territory, became part of the United States. Faced with the possibility of being dispossessed of his land by the new authorities, Don César de Echagüe, a Spanish nobleman, asks his son César, a capricious and insufferable fop, for help.


Dec 06, 2004
Wrongfully accused of a crime she didn't commit, 13 year old Guadalupe Santos is sentenced to 30 years in jail, while in jail she gives birth to a baby girl who is taken from her by her older sister Milagros. 15 years later she escapes jail and meets with Daniel Moncada who turns out to be the brother of the man she was accused of killing.
Olvidarte Jamás

Olvidarte Jamás

Jun 07, 2006
At that time her name was Luisa, she was a humble and naive peasant who worked with her grandmother on the ranch of the powerful Montero. Also at that time she was outraged by Gonzalo, the son of the ruthless hacienda owner, Don Gregorio. She became pregnant, Gladis, Gonzalo's wife, had the girl be beaten to make her lose the baby, which she achieved. Gregorio had the little house where he lived with his grandmother burned, the latter dying in the horrible fire. She was expelled like a dog from the ranch, she left town like a common criminal, but the years have passed, Luisa who now calls herself Victoria has returned to town with an adopted daughter and turned into a sophisticated, rich and powerful woman, with a single goal in mind: revenge on everyone who hurt him so much.


Jun 28, 2007
Marina est une adolescente d'Acapulco. Elle est guide touristique et vit avec sa mère. À la mort de sa mère, Guillermo Alarcón lui annonce qu'il est le frère de son défunt père. Cet oncle, riche chef d'entreprise héberge déjà chez lui Alberta la veuve de son frère, mère de Ricardo et Elías qui travaillent avec lui, mais il propose à Marina de s'installer dans sa luxueuse maison. Marina a du mal à s'intégrer, les relations sont tendues, mais elle est protégée par son oncle, Don Guillermo. Elle tombe amoureuse de Ricardo, demi-frère de son demi-frère. Elle et Ricardo tombent amoureux l'un de l'autre et celui-ci décide de se séparer de sa femme qui, bien sûr, ne se laisse pas faire. À la mort d'Adrianna, Marina et Ricardo se marient. Alberta fait tout pour les séparer et convainc son fils de partir en Espagne. Ce dernier ne sait pas que sa femme est enceinte. Marina est expulsée de la maison par sa belle-mère. À la clinique, Marina donne naissance à Ricardito. Rosalba, sa voisine de chambre accouche d'une petite fille qu'elle fait adopter. En sortant de la clinique, l'enfant de Marina est enlevé par un individu masqué (l'amant de la première femme de Ricardo). L'enfant de Marina est abandonné dans une décharge. Lupe, une femme des bidonvilles faisant les poubelles, décide de s'occuper du bébé et le surnomme Chuy. De retour au Mexique, Ricardo se réconcilie avec Marina mais ne croit pas à cette histoire de grossesse et d'enlèvement. Ricardo adopte Patricia pour que Marina arrête de lui ressasser cette histoire de bébé kidnappé.