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No one seems to understand Nakami. His nights are restless, his days sleepy, and his time at school is isolating. Yet all that seems to change when he encounters his carefree classmate, Magari, dozing off in their high school’s abandoned observatory. Not only is Magari friendly, she’s also a closet insomniac. Together they find solidarity in their shared condition, using the observatory to nap as needed. When their unsanctioned use of the space is discovered, the only way to save their refuge is to revive the school’s long defunct astronomy club. As they work together and get to know each other, their bond grows ever stronger, but hidden truths threaten to cut their budding friendship shot.


Feb 28, 2015
Omnibus film that tells five stories from a radio station and its listeners.


Jul 15, 2023
A single mother who returned to her hometown at the lowest point of her life, and a doctor who is energetically working in remote areas. While helping the local elderly, they begin to move forward to overcome the wounds they carry in each other’s hearts. Life, death, and hope intersect.
Love Like the Falling Petals
Haruto, photographe en herbe, tombe éperdument amoureux de sa coiffeuse, Misaki. Quand il trouve enfin le courage de demander à la belle de sortir avec lui, tout semble sourire au jeune couple. Jusqu'à ce que Misaki développe une maladie rare qui accélère son vieillissement.


Apr 20, 2013
A love story in which a man with a dark past and who lives lonely days apart from others, meets a woman named Arisa.


Sep 01, 2022
Doctor Shiro Kubo, whose family had a severe accident leaving the mother in a coma, is called to treat a strange disease. His daughter is suspicious of the woman who claims to be her mother after leaving the coma. Who is the woman who pretends to be her mother? A father must do everything he can to bring tranquility to his family.


Oct 01, 2016
The semi-biographical The Extremists' Opera follows the everyday and inner struggles of a women-only alternative theater group delivering explosive and politically controversial explosive stage performances under the control of tough mannered director Naoko.


Oct 20, 2013
Young man, Yusuke Mamiana, fed up with his life meats a unattractive ugly girl, Kyoko, at his hometown. Out of his impulsive desire, he had a relationship by nearly raping her. They started to live together and gradually feel 'Family' attachment in each other. As time passes, Yusuke starts to think more about 'Happiness' of his family and himself.
Parasyte Part 1

Parasyte Part 1

Nov 29, 2014
Depuis des milliers d’années, l’Homme se trouve au sommet de la chaîne alimentaire. Jusqu’à ce jour où de mystérieuses sphères, abritant d’étranges parasites, se répandent un peu partout sur Terre. Rapidement, les entités prennent possession de certains habitants. Nul ne sait d’où elles viennent, mais ce qui semble certain, c’est qu’elles sont là pour débarrasser le monde de l’espèce humaine. Shinichi, jeune lycéen, est un « hôte » dont le cerveau a miraculeusement été épargné : et pour cause, Migi, son parasite, a pris possession de son bras droit ! Ce cas exceptionnel va déboucher sur une singulière cohabitation. Car au-delà de la fusion physique opérée entre Migi et Shinichi, qui partagent désormais le même corps et la même vie, va se développer un lien d’attachement particulier.
Science Fiction


May 11, 2015


Sur une verdoyante route de montagne, un bus transporte un groupe de lycéennes en voyage scolaire. Alors qu'elles bavardent joyeusement, une attaque surnaturelle frappe le bus et le coupe en deux. Seule Mitsuko en réchappe. Sa course pour échapper au danger se transforme en marathon contre l'absurde.
Yakuza Apocalypse

Yakuza Apocalypse

May 21, 2015
Kamiura est un chef Yakuza légendaire. On dit qu'il est immortel, en fait c'est un vampire, un chef Yakuza vampire ! Kageyama est le plus fidèle membre de son clan, mais les autres yakuzas se moquent de lui : sa peau est trop sensible pour être tatouée. Un jour, des hommes arrivent de l'étranger et lui délivrent un ultimatum : Kamiura doit retourner à un syndicat du crime international qu'il a quitté ou mourir. Kamiura refuse et son corps est démembré au terme d'une bagarre féroce. Avant de mourrir, Kamiura arrive à mordre Kageyama, lui transmettant ses pouvoirs. A son réveil Kageyama, va se servir de ces pouvoirs pour venger la mort de son chef et combattre ce syndicat international du crime.
Having lost her beloved father at an early age, Yuri lives with her mother and younger brother. Yuri's mother meets a new man, but they are deeply in debt and forced to leave their home. Yuri is then forced to take a job as a call girl to support her brother. One day Yuri's brother becomes ill but since Yuri has to work, she unwillingly leaves him at home. When she returns, she finds him dead in the bathtub. Her heart is scarred with regret and she suffers with a pain that will never go away. After some time has passed, Mayu, a colleague of Yuri's, tells her about a mysterious mobile app that is rumored to enable its user to talk to the dead. Yet, it comes with a warning: Never reply if the dead soul says, "I want to see you." Because she blames herself for her brother's death and will do anything to tell him how sorry she is, Yuri downloads the app and reaches out to her dead brother. Meanwhile, the app's users begin to die.
Shinjuku Swan

Shinjuku Swan

May 30, 2015
Shiratori Tatsuhiko erre sans le sou dans les rues de Shinjuku lorsque son chemin croise par hasard celui de Mako, un influent recruteur travaillant pour la société Burst qui s'occupe de placer des filles dans des bars à hôtesses, des salons de massage ou des maisons closes. Sous l'aile de Mako, Tatsuiko fait ses premiers pas dans le milieu malgré sa réticence initiale. Manque de chance pour lui, il arrive en pleine période de rivalité exacerbée entre sa boite et un concurrent, la société Harlem. La situation dégénère rapidement, d'autant que Hideyoshi, un des meneurs de Harlem, semble avoir une rancœur personnelle vis-à-vis de Tatsuhiko.


Apr 14, 2016
Madly explores love in all its permutations in six short films from a vibrant group of filmmakers representing Japan, Argentina, the UK, the US, India, and Australia. All forms of love are on display in this anthology. And all manners of feelings expressed from jubilance to depression are done so strongly.


Jan 01, 1970
Ohno jokingly ran for mayor of the town and he actually won. He is invited to a conference organized by the city to announce an official coat by a famous designer. But nobody can see the coat... A remake of "The Emperor's New Clothes", which shows how politeness can cover shame, vanity and stupidity.
みんな!エスパーだよ!番外編 ~エスパー、都へ行く~
High school student Yoshio Kamogawa suddenly gained the power to read other people's minds. One day, he receives mail from Sae Asami in Tokyo asking for his help. Yoshio Kamogawa loves Sae Asami. Yoshio Kamogawa goes to Tokyo and infiltrates the high school where Sae Aami attends. Yoshio Kamogawa then becomes involved in a strife between 3 different groups as he tries to save Sae Asami. Shizuka Tachibana also falls in love with Yoshio Kamogawa.
TV Movie


Jan 01, 2017
Takara only wears spotless white T-shirts, but lately can’t seem to keep any of them clean. Meanwhile, he meets a mysterious contract killer and struggles with insecurities about his girlfriend. -JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film
The Limit of Sleeping Beauty
Aki is an unsuccessful 29-year-old actress who eventually became a magician's assistant. While pretending to be hypnotised on the stage, Aki finds the boundary between reality and illusion becoming increasingly vague. For Aki, the only beautiful memory she has was the time spent with her lover Kaito.
Based on an actual murder that took place in 1996 in Shibuya, Tokyo. One day, Emi receives a visit from her ex-boyfriend, Takumi. He tells her that her older sister, Tomomi, has disappeared after murdering her husband, Kohei. Emi is devastated. What pushed her sister to such a horrible deed?
Call Boy

Call Boy

Apr 06, 2018
Ryo a vingt ans, et la vie lisse, docile et banale que convoitent ses camarades d’université ne l’intéresse pas. Ce jeune homme désabusé de tout, passionné de rien, est abordé par la gérante d’un club privé réservé aux femmes. Au fil de rencontres qui sont autant de découvertes, ce sont ces femmes portant chacune un désir différent qui vont lui permettre de mûrir au cours d’un insolite parcours initiatique. Chacune recèle une fêlure, une attente secrète, qui échappent parfois radicalement aux normes sociales.
50 First Kisses

50 First Kisses

Jun 01, 2018
Daisuke Yuge travaille comme guide touristique à Hawaï et étudie également l'astronomie. Il rencontre Rui Fujishima dans un café et c'est un coup de foudre. Mais Rui Fujishima souffre de pertes de mémoire à la suite d'un accident passé.
Stolen Identity

Stolen Identity

Nov 02, 2018
Asami Inaba est intérimaire dans une entreprise. Un jour, son petit ami laisse son smartphone dans un taxi. Dès lors, des choses mystérieuses se déroulent autour d'elle, comme le fait que sa facture de carte de crédit porte des facturations pour des achats qu'elle n'a pas effectués. Elle est impliquée dans une grosse affaire.


Jun 14, 2019
While walking their shiba dogs, 3 middle-aged men meet at the park everyday. They do not know each other's names. They keep their distance, but chat about whatever is on their minds.


Nov 01, 2019
Satoshi Makino est un guitariste classique de génie. Un jour, il rencontre la journaliste Yoko Komine. Ils sont attirés l'un par l'autre, mais Yoko Komine a un fiancé...


Jun 06, 2019
Deux ans après le la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima, Murai brave le danger et arpente la no-go zone afin de passer du temps avec Jun, son fils de huit ans.
Yuki has decided to quit pursuing music as a career. One day he meets composer Michiko and her son Kengo who has a pervasive developmental disorder. Yuki comes to be Kengo's babysitter due to strong pressure from his boss at work which leads to a deepening relationship with Michiko and her son.
Kosuke Mikado, who works at a bookstore, has been suffering from a peculiar constitution that ghosts can see from an early age. One day, Kosuke was invited by a exorcist, Rihito Hiyakawa, who came to the bookstore and decided to work with him. The two men, who were requested by the detective Hanzawa to investigate the serial murder case that occurred a year ago, eventually found a body, but the body was cursed. While searching for the truth, they often hear the voice of the murderer who committed suicide...


Dec 01, 2018
When fourteen-year-old Yo is hospitalized she gradually develops feelings for Yayoi who is a nurse tending her. However, Yayoi leaves the nursing profession in favour of prostitution. Yo is disappointed, but turns to the older woman after she is the subject of unrequited love from her mother's man. The two grow closer and Yo is about to find out what motivates Yayoi.


Mar 05, 2021
Adapted from Kabei Yukako's novel of the same name. After being guided by a mysterious message from the past on a cellphone's answering machine, Umi encounters Mahiro, a delinquent at her school. They gradually come closer, but more messages appearing on the answering machine will unveil past secrets...
Every Trick In The Book
Shinichi Tsuda, un auteur lauréat du prix Naoki, travaille à la publication de sa nouvelle histoire. Il tourne autour de Tsuyama, un chauffeur pour une entreprise de call-girl dans la préfecture de Toyama, qui tombe sur un mystérieux billet contrefait et dont la vie est ciblée par le chef de file de la pègre Kurata. Son histoire est-elle réalité ou fiction ? Son éditrice, Nahomi Torikai, décide de vérifier si son dernier ouvrage n'est qu'une fiction basée sur des expériences vécues. Elle se penche sur une famille qui a disparu, un employé de bureau de poste qui a disparu, un tas d'argent louche, où se trouvent les colombes et la rencontre fatidique de cette nuit-là... Une série de faits choquants sont révélés à partir des histoires de Tsuda. Pourquoi la fausse monnaie s'est-elle retrouvée entre les mains de Tsuda ? Quelle est la « fin » que Tsuda souhaitait représenter ?


Jun 13, 2025
In February, 2020, a luxury cruise ship carrying 3,700 people arrives in Yokohama Port. One passenger, who disembarked in Hong Kong, was confirmed to have the new coronavirus. The coronavirus has since spread rapidly on the cruise ship. More than 100 passengers complain of symptoms. The DMAT (Disaster Medical Assistance Team) is called to the port to respond. DMAT is specialized in responding to natural disasters like earthquakes and floods. They do not have experience or training in dealing with new virus outbreaks. Hideharu Yuki, who is a leader in DMAT, and government official Nobutaka Tatematsu command the cruise ship situation at the headquarters. Doctor Yukiyoshi Sendo and members of DMAT, including Haruto Sanada, decided to board the ship to deal with the situation.


Jun 01, 2019
Three Japanese men in their thirties and forties are professionals working in law, dentistry and banking. These three men are close friends and they enjoy their lives as single men, but they begin to wonder about the merits or necessity for marriage.
Michio Iruma is a former lawyer. He now works as a judge in the first criminal court (commonly known as "Ichikei") of the Tokyo District Court. He is an unusual judge. To avoid issuing wrong judgements, Michio Iruma seeks out the truth in cases by performing on-site inspections by himself. Due to this, lawyers and prosecutors are afraid of him.


Jun 18, 2021
Kie is a full-time housewife who has lived a life like fresh water. However, one day, her husband's affair was suddenly discovered, and she left with a divorce notice and lost communication. Kie, who was shocked and angry, found the room of her husband's affair partner and boarded, but it was not the woman of the affair partner... but a young man, Kenta who was his boyfriend. It was discovered that Kenta was having an affair with her...
Kumiko, who works in the sales department at an advertising agency, unexpectedly inherits “MAJEST”, a host club in Kabukicho on the brink of collapse. She decides to revive the host club to its full glory, while working alongside a quirky ensemble of male hosts.
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
Il y a bien longtemps, à l'époque des dinosaures, la Terre a été envahie par l'organisation extraterrestre Deboss. Les seules personnes capables de les arrêter étaient des dinosaures qui ont formé une équipe connue sous le nom « Kyoki Ryu no Sha », le peuple des dragons puissants, ou, pour faire court, Kyoryuger. Torin, un dieu qui passait par hasard sur Terre, voit la bataille et décide de renforcer la puissance des Kyoryuger en leur donnant une peau métallique et une énergie électrique, c'est ainsi que ces dinosaures se sont transformés en Zyudenryu et ont vaincu Deboss. Au xxie siècle, ils reviennent en faisant appel à 5 humains qui utiliseront les pouvoirs des Zyudenchi pour combattre Deboss qui revient sur Terre pour essayer de la conquérir des millions d'années plus tard...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Sep 16, 2017
It is Tokyo in 1935. 10-year-old Yanagi Etsuko is a young girl who loves songs. Her father Kantaro, a struggling lyricist, still cannot forget her late mother and wastes his life away. Seeing her father like this, Etsuko begins a search for Kantaro’s second bride and the new partner who will be her mother. Her first target is her teacher Muraoka Masako whom she eggs on to land a date with her father. However, it does not go very well. The next person who catches her attention is a salesgirl Ikebe Kyoko whom she met at a department store. Etsuko is drawn to Kyoko’s simplicity and gradually begins to love her as if she were her own mother. However, at that moment, Kantaro’s elder sister Tsuruyo pursues the subject of an arranged introduction with Kusakabe Kaoru, the incredibly beautiful daughter of a bank owner who is a shareholder in her husband’s company.
Follows the story of love, friendship and growth of six young men and women who move from countryside to the big city of Tokyo, each with their own dreams and aspirations. Among them is Sugihara Oto and Soda Ren. After her mother died, Oto was raised by adoptive parents in Hokkaido. Although she has given up on having any high hopes or big dreams for her future, she still remains positive and faces life with optimistic attitude. One day, she finds out the fact that her adoptive parents are planning to marry her to the wealthy man in town in order to solve their financial debt. Soda Ren was raised by his grandfather in Fukushima. Ren works hard on one job after another in order to earn the money to buy back his grandfather's land so that they can start farming again. By chance, Oto and Ren meet in Hokkaido and they decide to move to Tokyo to find new life to change their fate and future. However, as soon as they arrive Tokyo, they get separated in the crowds...
Mana Endo (Yuki Sakurai) is an OL and she is about to turn 30-years-old. She has enjoyed posting about herself on social media, but she has grown tired of that. One day, Mana Endo happens to see underground idol Hana Kurimoto (Sei Shiraishi) perform live. Mana Endo is touched by her, who is not good at performing, but eager at what she is doing.
A chance encounter brought about by summer arrives unexpectedly. Three female friends, known as the “Seaside Cinderellas,” grew up together by the beach. Meanwhile, a male friend entered a top university in Tokyo to meet his parents’ expectations and pursued his own path while living as an honor student. Men and women from different worlds, who would not normally cross paths, meet fatefully on a midsummer beach. As they confront each other with their complex emotions and true feelings, they grow. Can these men and women overcome the invisible “gap” between them? This is a story that will make your heart burn passionately in a short but sweet and sad summer. With the warmth of human connections and the excitement of love. Under the midsummer sun, there are as many encounters as there are waves and as many love as there are grains of sand. And then, the miracle of the summer story is set in motion.


Mar 08, 2024
Sanpuu Minami is a popular shojo manga artist who is believed by many to be a woman. In actuality, though, his real identity is Eichizen Gotaro, a single father with two children. One day, he receives a notification from the court that he has been appointed as a prosecutor's office examiner. With the deadline for his manga approaching, he requests a withdrawal but this is declined due to a lack of special circumstances. He joins 11 other people randomly selected from ordinary Japanese citizens, who each have unique personalities and give off the impression that they would like to get this over and done with. At first, Gotaro has a negative attitude towards the Prosecution Review Board, but as he gets closer to the thoughts of those behind the case, he starts to appreciate how important this job is.


Sep 27, 2024
In the early Showa era, Japan’s first women’s law school opens, and the protagonist, Inotsume Tomoko (Ito Sairi), gains nationwide attention as one of the first female lawyers in the country. However, after facing wartime Japan’s harsh realities and losing everything, she becomes a judge with her legal knowledge and dedicates herself to establishing the family court. She stands passionately for the hardships that politics and economics cannot solve.


Mar 13, 2022
Ryōsuke Sagara is an ordinary salaryman and he works for a mid-size shipping company. He is a good-natured person. His family consists of his wife Maho, high school student daughter and elementary school student son. Maho works part-time at a supermarket. They are a happy family, but Maho and their two children suddenly disappear. There are no clues about their disappearance. Ryōsuke gets the attention of the media and public. He tries to find the truth behind his family's disappearance with the help of his subordinate Mizuho Ninomiya at work.
Asahi is a 23-year-old boy who attracts everyone around him with his innocent smile, words and talent. Chatani Kashiko is a 35-year-old working for a small advertising agency and is someone who has low self-esteem. Meanwhile, Sato Wataru is an expressive woman and works as a backstage actress in a small theatre company run by her boyfriend, who sometimes uses her as a ghostwriter. Kashiko and Wataru used to be best friends in high school and unexpectedly reunite through Asahi.
The killer Inside

The killer Inside

Nov 30, 2022
Urashima Eiji est étudiant et son père est tueur en série. Un jour, il se rend compte qu'il souffre d'un dédoublement de la personnalité et craint que son autre personnalité n'ait commis un meurtre. Il se met alors à enquêter pour découvrir la vérité.


Mar 23, 2019
Noriko Takanori is 33 years old. Due to some case which she had in the past, she has an absolute sense of justice. She does not allow herself to do wrong or commit crimes. After she got pregnant, Noriko Takanori became a housewife. Noriko Takanori meets again her 4 friends from high school: Yumiko Nishiyama, Riho Williams, Reika Ishimori and Kazuki Imamura. Her four friends all lead their own separate lives. Due to meeting Noriko Takanori again, their lives begin to change.


Feb 19, 2017
The emotional stories of the six women living along the 8th line of the Tokyo Loop.
Tokyo Vampire Hotel

Tokyo Vampire Hotel

Jun 16, 2017
Le jour de ses 22 ans, Manami va se retrouver au cœur de l’affrontement de deux clans de vampires, les Dracula et les Corvin, qui s’opposent depuis des siècles. Mais tout ceci ne lui arrive peut-être pas par hasard...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Every woman's dream is to be able to resign from work after finding a man who can support her. Office lady Yaeko does exactly that. Except between the time of her resignation and the chiming of the wedding bells her (future) husband finds a prettier woman and dumps her. With extra time on her hands she registers for a violin class where she meets a university student. She is head over heels for the young man and wants him.


Jun 10, 2024


Hiroshige Akihisa works for a karaoke company. When he is interviewed about the past 30 years of the Japanese music industry, he gets confused when he is asked about his high school student days. An incident that happened 29 years ago caused him to suppress his memories, which have now come back. On March 20, 1995, the Tokyo subway sarin attack took place. At that time, Akihisa was a high school student who got good grades and was well-mannered, but the Tokyo subway sarin attack led him to face the death of someone he knew and shook his world. Around that time, he was suddenly called out by his classmate Suzuki Shotaro, whom he wasn't very close to. Shotaro asked him if he wanted to live vacantly into his adulthood and then die. Would he be happy living that type of life? Akihisa then joined Shotaro’s group and hung out with them in Shibuya. One day, Shotaro is attacked by someone. Akihisa decides to take revenge on the attacker and begins to search for him.
Unsung Cinderella

Unsung Cinderella

Sep 24, 2020
Aoi Midori est pharmacienne et, au cours de ses huit années de carrière, elle a travaillé selon sa conviction profonde que "l'on doit bien connaître le patient pour lui prescrire le bon médicament, car le médicament est le lien qui relie l'aujourd'hui du patient à sa vie quotidienne à venir". Pour cette raison, Aoi prend généralement beaucoup de temps dans ses consultations avec les patients, ce qui lui vaut d'être critiquée par ses collègues pour son manque d'efficacité dans son travail. Aoi fait fi de ces plaintes car son objectif est d'aider les patients à retrouver la vie quotidienne qu'ils considéraient autrefois comme acquise.
Dans notre tanière

Dans notre tanière

Dec 20, 2024
L'apparition d'un mystérieux petit garçon vient interrompre la vie paisible et monotone d'un artiste autiste et de son grand frère attentionné.