The Soul Hunter is a short animated film created from over 1,000 of Christine Rebet's drawings on watercolour paper and filmed in 35mm frame by frame. In her first work of film, the young French artist depicts a disturbing soul hunter battling against a kamikaze 'waterworks' boy.
Choosing Signs is a multi-award winning comedy about an American woman who follows the signs of the Universe all the way to Ireland, only to discover that when it comes to love, the Universe may not always be on her side.
A gritty, honest and beautiful tale of a working class family in South Texas caught up in a dysfunctional cycle of seedy traditions, and their search for a way out. Based on a true story. Director
Jeremiah Ocanas
Gabriela Lopez de Dennis(screenplay)Jeremiah Ocanas(original story & screenplay)
Amber Shana WilliamsMia RuizSantiago Villalobos