Kate Harper

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Hedgehog Wedding

Hedgehog Wedding

Apr 17, 1987
Mr and Mrs Desmond Howard Jones invite you to the wedding of their daughter Mariella to Dominic Frazer.
Only Love

Only Love

May 10, 1998
Two young lovers whose romantic dreams were shattered, are reunited years later in this sweeping story of fobidden love.
TV Movie
Dylan: The Life and Death of a Poet
A drama documentary of the life and death of the poet Dylan Thomas, who died in New York 25 years ago at age 39. Alcohol and a doctor's injection of morphine were the immediate causes. Ever since his childhood in Wales his life was a spectacular attempt - comic at times, serious below the surface, tragic at the finish - to survive on his own bizarre terms as the poet to end all poets. By the 1950s, that first postwar decade of uneasiness and change, Dylan Thomas was a legend to his admirers but a burnt-out case to himself. As he tours America to read poetry to rapt audiences, his past crowds in on him, the fractured memories of a man at the end of his tether.


Sep 06, 1991
Sam Boyd, ancien agent de la CIA, est chargé d'échanger avec le KGB un pilote espion américain contre deux millions de dollars.
Créatures féroces

Créatures féroces

Jan 23, 1997
Le magnat d'un empire multimedia vient d'acquérir le paisible zoo de Marwood dans l'intention de le renflouer puis de le revendre. Il dépêche sur place son homme de confiance, un certain Rollo Lee, qui dévoile au personnel médusé un audacieux plan de redressement.
Ping Pong

Ping Pong

Jul 17, 1987
After restaurateur Sam Wong dies in a telephone booth after making a call, law clerk Elaine Choi is tasked with executing his will. In order for the will to be valid, it needs to be signed by its recipients, but Choi finds that each of them are reluctant to do so.


Jan 01, 1976
Relates the four sexual escapades that take place in a London apartment.
Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes

Apr 20, 1982
1999: Examination of family life and political ideals in a war-ravaged future Europe, compared and contrasted with ’60s equivalents.
L'inspecteur Harry

L'inspecteur Harry

Dec 23, 1971
Un tueur inconnu menace de poursuivre une série d'assassinats si la police de San Francisco ne lui remet pas immédiatement 200.000 dollars. L'inspecteur Harry Callahan, aux méthodes expéditives mais efficaces, le traque.
Le petit Lord Fauntleroy
Un petit garçon vit seul avec sa mère depuis le décès de son père, un noble anglais. Lorsque son grand-père paternel exige son retour en Angleterre, il devient le petit lord Fauntleroy, seul héritier d'une grande fortune. Son existence est bouleversée.
TV Movie
Night Watch

Night Watch

Oct 04, 1995
L'agent secret Mike Graham ne se remet pas de la mort de son collègue et ami, survenue lors d'une mission dangereuse. Pour l'aider à sortir de sa déprime, ses supérieurs le chargent d'une nouvelle enquête : retrouver un tableau volé. L'affaire, apparemment facile, se révèle plus complexe qu'il n'y paraît alors qu'ils découvrent un complot bien plus inquiétant visant à détruire le réseau de communication mondial.
Spies, Inc.

Spies, Inc.

Sep 11, 1992
Spies from different nationalities stationed in a small Asian island work out a plot to create an international incident taking profit from it. Defrauding CIA through fake reports and running a front company using operating funds, they control the island and use the skills acquired in the service of their countries to pursue their personal dreams of wealth and happiness.
The Good Night

The Good Night

Jan 25, 2007
Gary, a musician, is trapped in an unhappy relationship with his live-in lover, Dora. He becomes enthralled with a beautiful seductress who enters his dreams, and tries to control his dream-state so he can spend more and more time with her. When Gary sees his mystery woman's face on a bus billboard, he discovers she is real, and fate brings him an opportunity to meet her.


Jun 21, 1989
Violence et corruption règnent dans la ville de Gotham City. La mafia dirige la ville à sa manière, au nez et à la barbe des autorités, complètement dépassées par les événements. Depuis quelques semaines cependant, un mystérieux justicier, drapé dans un costume de chauve-souris, terrorise les malfaiteurs et sème l'inquiétude dans les rangs de la mafia. Une jeune journaliste, Vicki Vale, mène l'enquête. C'est ainsi qu'elle fait la connaissance d'un séduisant mais excentrique milliardaire, Bruce Wayne. Celui-ci n'est autre que Batman, qui l'a déjà sauvée. Elle rencontre également un odieux truand, Jack Napier, bras droit du parrain Carl Grissom...
Last Chance for Love

Last Chance for Love

Dec 25, 2008
Harvey est un compositeur américain reconnu qui crée des musiques pour la publicité. Afin d'assister au mariage de sa fille, il se rend quelques jours à Londres. Quand celle-ci lui annonce que c'est le nouveau mari de sa mère qui va la conduire à l'autel, il décide de repartir dès la cérémonie terminée. Mais, par malchance, il manque son avion. C'est alors qu'il s'installe dans un restaurant. Là, il entame une sympathique conversation avec Kate, qui sort d'un rendez-vous raté. Peu à peu, elle se laisse séduire et le convainc d'assister à la soirée du mariage. Cette rencontre va très certainement tout changer dans sa vie jusqu'alors morne et inspide...
Darkly Noon

Darkly Noon

Jan 02, 1995
Le désir tourmente un ancien cultiste qui se réfugie chez une femme à peine vêtue dont le mari est absent.


Jun 17, 1983
A skeptical family moves into their new home despite warnings of a resident ghost. They soon become believers.
Before Water Lilies

Before Water Lilies

Mar 24, 1981
For various reasons, a number of people have come see the painting Water Lilies by Claude Monet in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Two businessmen caught up in office politics discover the truth about themselves and their situation. Angie and Marcia, two elderly matrons, find a place to rest their weary feet. David, a shy English student, meets a young student museum guide, and a married couple find the peace of the room gives them the strength to talk truthfully about their relationship.


Feb 17, 2001
The US president unexpectedly checks into a sleepy hotel in the heart of England, where he is held hostage by terrorists and, even worse, attended to by a host of wacky characters who obviously don't get out much.
Stiff Upper Lips

Stiff Upper Lips

Jun 12, 1998
Stiff Upper Lips is a broad parody of British period films, especially the lavish Merchant-Ivory productions of the 'eighties and early 'nineties. Although it specifically targets A Room with a View, Chariots of Fire, Maurice, A Passage to India, and many other films, in a more general way Stiff Upper Lips satirises popular perceptions of certain Edwardian traits: propriety, sexual repression, xenophobia, and class snobbery.
Heather Ann

Heather Ann

Jun 30, 1983
Cornish fisherman John Lewis is waiting for a stroke of luck which will give him the money to pay his debts and rid himself of his wife and his trawler Heather Ann. One day he nets a torpedo...
Hercule Poirot

Hercule Poirot

Nov 13, 2013
Hercule Poirot, policier belge retraité, à la moustache parfaite dont il est si fier. Il s'est exilé en Angleterre suite aux ravages de la Première Guerre mondiale. Désormais, il vit à Londres et exerce en tant que détective privé. Sa réputation d'enquêteur hors pair est internationale et de nombreuses personnes font appel à lui pour percer des mystères que la police ne pourra pas résoudre ou n'a pas su résoudre.
Perfect Scoundrels

Perfect Scoundrels

May 30, 1992
Perfect Scoundrels first broadcast in 1990 on British television. A comedy-drama following two con-men doing their best to separate various people from their money


Nov 20, 1987
Pulaski is a British television drama series produced by the BBC in 1987. Created by Roy Clarke, the series was a parody of detective dramas centred around Larry Summers, an American actor starring in a British detective series in the title role of Pulaski, who finds himself involved in real life cases. He was assisted by his co-star Kate Smith, who played his sidekick Briggsy in the series. The theme music was performed by The Shadows.
Inspecteur Morse

Inspecteur Morse

Jan 20, 1993
L'inspecteur Morse est un policier bien particulier de la ville d'Oxford. Amateur de bière et amoureux des mots, il entretient des relations plutôt tendues avec ses supérieurs. Mais avec son adjoint, l'inspecteur Lewis, ils résolvent toutes les enquêtes qui leurs sont confiées.
Deux vies, un destin

Deux vies, un destin

Feb 09, 1987
Ann, a former chorus girl marries above herself into a rich society family, but her mother-in-law regards her with great suspicion from the start. When Ann shoots her husband dead, claiming she thought he was a prowler, the older Mrs. Grenville decides to back the woman she despises, to protect the family image.
The Upper Hand

The Upper Hand

Oct 14, 1996
The Upper Hand is a British television sitcom, produced by Central Independent Television and Columbia Pictures Television and broadcast by ITV from 1990 to 1996. The programme was adapted from the American sitcom Who's the Boss?. As in the former series, an affluent single woman, raising a son with the help of her mother, hires a housekeeper only to have a man apply for the job.
Frank Stubbs Promotes

Frank Stubbs Promotes

Aug 15, 1994
Frank Stubbs (Timothy Spall) is a down-at-heel ticket tout with grand ideas. He has an ambition to become a 'high class' promoter of famous and talented performers. In reality, his ambitions tend to outstrip his capabilities.


Mar 09, 1991
Bergerac is a British television show set on Jersey. Produced by the BBC in association with the Seven Network, and first screened on BBC1, it stars John Nettles as the title character Detective Sergeant Jim Bergerac, a detective in Le Bureau des Étrangers, part of the States of Jersey Police.
Nuits secrètes

Nuits secrètes

Feb 27, 1984
Lili est une célébrité. A la recherche de sa mère, la jeune actrice, jugée facile et sans morale, réunit trois anciennes amies d'école.. et sont liées par un secret depuis leur adolescence. Lili veut connaître la vérité et fera tout pour l'obtenir.
Bizarre, bizarre

Bizarre, bizarre

May 13, 1988
Cette série est une anthologie d'histoires horrifiques et fantastiques inspirées de l'oeuvre de Roald Dahl.
Bizarre, bizarre

Bizarre, bizarre

May 13, 1988
Cette série est une anthologie d'histoires horrifiques et fantastiques inspirées de l'oeuvre de Roald Dahl.