Jason Scott

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Hacking at Leaves

Hacking at Leaves

Apr 06, 2024
Hacking at Leaves documents artist and hazmat-suit aficionado Johannes Grenzfurthner as he attempts to come to terms with the United States' colonial past, Navajo tribal history, and the hacker movement. The story hones in on a small tinker space in Durango, Colorado, that made significant contributions to worldwide COVID relief efforts. But things go awry when Uncle Sam interferes with the film's production.
Hackers Are People Too
A portrait of the hacking community. In an effort to challenge preconceived notions and media-driven stereotypes Hackers Are People Too lets hackers speak for themselves and introduce their community to the public.
Musings Of A Mechatronic Mistress
In a world where technology and humanity intertwine, Tiffany, a self-aware feminist "sex robot", embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Conversing with leading experts, Tiffany confronts the issues that have shaped her design and asks about queerness concerning sex tech.
Science Fiction


Sep 26, 2024
While searching for Nazi documents in an Austrian farmhouse, a team of experts uncovers a hidden secret buried in its bowels. American expatriate Gunner S. Holbrook becomes obsessed with solving the mystery, and as his sanity wanes, he must confront an insatiable evil. Can he find redemption before it drains the life out of him?
Glossary of Broken Dreams
Marionnettes ! Pixels ! Anime ! Vivez l'action ! Des images d'archives ! Johannes Grenzfurthner, lauréat d'un prix Lumpennerd, donne une revue cinématographique passionnante sur des concepts politiques importants. Tout le monde parle de liberté ! L'intimité ! Identité ! Résistance ! Le Marché ! La Gauche ! Mais, aïe, Johannes ne peut plus tolérer les commentaires ignorants et topiquement abusifs sur "Internet" ! Soutenu par l'écrivain Ishan Raval, dans ce film, Johannes explique, réévalue et parfois sacrifie les veaux d'or politiques du discours. Ne pas utiliser avec une fausse conscience ou un lubrifiant à base de silicone.
Action Park : à vos risques et périls
Documentaire sur le tristement célèbre parc d'attraction Action Park. Situé à Vermont, New Jersey, ce parc d’attractions est resté en activité pendant 18 ans, malgré des dizaines et des dizaines de blessés, de nombreux procès et six décès. Images d’archives, témoignages de victimes, de visiteurs, du personnel, ainsi que des extraits animés illustrant certaines attractions absolument invraisemblables.
Je Suis Auto

Je Suis Auto

Jul 01, 2024
An ill-tempered middle-management mafioso is set on delivering a suitcase full of money. Little does he know that taking an ontologically challenged self-driving taxi puts them on a collision course with fate-and a badly dressed pirate.


Apr 28, 2016
Artist and life-long nerd Johannes Grenzfurthner is taking us on a personal road trip from the West Coast to the East Coast of the USA, to introduce us to places and people that shaped and inspired his art and politics. Traceroute wants to chase and question the ghosts of nerddom's past, present and future. An exhilarating tour de farce into the guts of trauma, obsession and cognitive capitalism. Features interviews with Matt Winston, Sandy Stone, Bruce Sterling, Jason Scott, Christina Agapakis, Trevor Paglen, Ryan Finnigan, Kit Stubbs, V. Vale, Sean Bonner, Allison Cameron, Josh Ellingson, Maggie Mayhem, Paolo Pedercini, Steve Tolin, Dan Wilcox, Jon Lebkowsky, Jan "Varka" Mulders, Adam Flynn, Abie Hadjitarkhani, Kelly Poots...
The Lost Arcade

The Lost Arcade

Nov 14, 2015
Chinatown Fair opened as a penny arcade on Mott Street in 1944. Over the decades, the dimly lit gathering place, known for its tic-tac-toe playing chicken, became an institution, surviving turf wars between rival gangs, changing tastes and the explosive growth of home gaming systems like Xbox and Playstation that shuttered most other arcades in the city. But as the neighborhood gentrified, this haven for a diverse, unlikely community faced its strongest challenge, inspiring its biggest devotees to next-level greatness.
Masking Threshold

Masking Threshold

Sep 30, 2022
En menant une série d'expériences dans son laboratoire de fortune, un informaticien sceptique tente de guérir sa pénible déficience auditive.
DEFCON: The Documentary
DEFCON is the world's largest hacking conference, held in Las Vegas, Nevada. In 2012 it was held for the 20th time. The conference has strict no-filming policies, but for DEFCON 20, a documentary crew was allowed full access to the event. The film follows the four days of the conference, the events and people (attendees and staff), and covers history and philosophy behind DEFCON's success and unique experience.
Get Lamp

Get Lamp

Mar 26, 2010
GET LAMP is a documentary about interactive fiction (also known as text adventures) filmed by computer historian Jason Scott.
Get Lamp

Get Lamp

Mar 26, 2010
GET LAMP is a documentary about interactive fiction (also known as text adventures) filmed by computer historian Jason Scott.
Get Lamp

Get Lamp

Mar 26, 2010
GET LAMP is a documentary about interactive fiction (also known as text adventures) filmed by computer historian Jason Scott.
Going Cardboard: A Board Game Documentary
A film about the new board gaming, a phenomenon going on right under your nose, probably in your very community. This film will take you into that world to meet the players and designers responsible for this radical departure from technology. And you just might discover it's the hobby for you.

Jul 09, 2005

Long before the Internet escaped from the lab, connecting the planet and redefining what it meant to meant to be a computer user... ...there was a brave and pioneering band of hobbyists who spent their time, money and sanity setting up their home computers and phone lines to welcome anyone who called. By using a modem, anyone who knew the phone number of these machines could connect to them, leave messages, play games, send and receive files in a virtual community... and millions did. They called these places "Bulletin Board Systems", or BBSes. Their collections of messages, rants thoughts and dreams became the way that an entire generation learned about being online.

Jul 09, 2005

Long before the Internet escaped from the lab, connecting the planet and redefining what it meant to meant to be a computer user... ...there was a brave and pioneering band of hobbyists who spent their time, money and sanity setting up their home computers and phone lines to welcome anyone who called. By using a modem, anyone who knew the phone number of these machines could connect to them, leave messages, play games, send and receive files in a virtual community... and millions did. They called these places "Bulletin Board Systems", or BBSes. Their collections of messages, rants thoughts and dreams became the way that an entire generation learned about being online.

Jul 09, 2005

Long before the Internet escaped from the lab, connecting the planet and redefining what it meant to meant to be a computer user... ...there was a brave and pioneering band of hobbyists who spent their time, money and sanity setting up their home computers and phone lines to welcome anyone who called. By using a modem, anyone who knew the phone number of these machines could connect to them, leave messages, play games, send and receive files in a virtual community... and millions did. They called these places "Bulletin Board Systems", or BBSes. Their collections of messages, rants thoughts and dreams became the way that an entire generation learned about being online.