Matthew Raymond

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The Tempest - Live at Shakespeare's Globe
Prospero, Duke of Milan, usurped and exiled by his own brother, holds sway over an enchanted island. He is comforted by his daughter Miranda and served by his spirit Ariel and his deformed slave Caliban. When Prospero raises a storm to wreck this perfidious brother and his confederates on the island, his long contemplated revenge at last seems within reach. - Shakespeare's Globe
Aberfan: The Green Hollow
A film poem to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Aberfan disaster, written by Owen Sheers and performed by a stellar cast of Wales's best-known acting talent, including Michael Sheen, Jonathan Pryce, Sian Phillips, Eve Myles and Iwan Rheon, with some contributions from the local community.
Sex with the Stars

Sex with the Stars

Jan 01, 1981
After the British magazine he works for is taken over by a sex-obsessed American, a shy astrology columnist is ordered to spice up his column by writing about having sex with a woman from each star sign.
Guerre & Paix

Guerre & Paix

Feb 07, 2016
L'adaptation du roman de Tolstoï qui raconte le règne du Tsar Alexandre Ier et le triangle amoureux entre Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov et Andrei Bolkonsky.
Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams
Une série d'anthologie qui trouve sa source dans les nouvelles de l'auteur de science-fiction Philip K. Dick, auquel l'on doit des succès comme Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report ou Planète hurlante.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Sep 15, 2011
A la tête de l'organisation Torchwood de Cardiff, le capitaine Jack Harkness et son équipe utilisent les technologies extra-terrestres pour venir à bout de problèmes qui dépassent le gouvernement et la police. Unis, ils se battent pour le futur de l'humanité. Car c'est au 21ème siècle que tout va se jouer...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy