Dans les années 30, Liu Shu, parrain d'une triade, fait venir a Shanghai son jeune neveu, Shuisheng, dans le but de le former et d'en faire son dauphin.
Zhao aime les femmes bien en chair. Après de multiples déconvenues, il rencontre enfin l'âme sœur, une veuve fort plantureuse qui consent à l'épouser à condition qu'il réunisse une importante somme d'argent pour le jour de la cérémonie. Ce modeste retraité fait alors appel à la générosité de ses amis pour réunir le montant exigé, mais celui-ci est bien trop élevé. Avec la complicité de son ancien apprenti Li, Zhao va s'improviser directeur d'hôtel…
The film tells of the attempts made by a Beijing van driver to obtain his wage arrears from travel agency boss even to the point of kidnapping the latter's Singaporean girlfriend (Jacklyn Wu).
Four friends come up with an unusual idea to make some money and have fun doing it. For a small fee, they will impersonate and act out any character role for their customers. In the course of executing this novel service, they encounter a whole spectrum of people in society, finding ways to genuinely help them boost their morale and overcome their fears, while gaining unusual and new insights into the human condition.
Tracing the fascinating, real-life saga of one of China's most revered composers, master storyteller Teng Wenji sweeps us into China's intellectual and artistic coming of age during the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). As a young composer, Zhao Liming (Shao Bing) struggles with a constellation of opposing forces: personal ambitions vs. communal obligation, romantic love vs. loyal friendship, modern music vs. traditional.
A Sigh tells the story of an affair between a struggling Chinese screenwriter and his young female assistant, its effects on his marriage and the impact on the man himself.
The wife of a prominent psychiatrist can't find her marriage certificate one day. This "jiehunzheng" is all important. Without it, the family officially has never existed, including the daughter. The couple go on a wild goose chase through the Chinese bureaucracy, meeting catch-22 all the way....they need a certificate to get a new one, etc. They even journey back to the People's Commune where they met, now the site of modern private enterprises where nobody even recalls the former occupants.
Un célèbre metteur en scène se rend en Chine pour réaliser un film sur la dynastie des Qing. Une fois sur place, il annonce que ce long métrage sera son dernier et décide d'organiser ses propres funérailles...
Un couple de pickpocket professionnels fait la rencontre de Dumbo, un homme naïf qui transporte toutes ses économies sur lui. Partagés entre l'appât du gain et la culpabilité, ils retardent le moment de passer à l'action. Mais ils découvrent très vite qu'ils ne sont pas les seuls à s'intéresser au butin...
Leah is travelling the world when she eventually settles in Beijing, China, where she meets Master Sun Zhan who teaches her the art of weiqi. Her path crosses with American Chinese Richard whose family had sent him to Beijing to arrange his grandfather's ashes. A romance soon blossoms between them.
Palace of Desire, also known as Da Ming Gong Ci, is a Chinese television series based on the life story of Princess Taiping, a daughter of China's only female emperor Wu Zetian. Directed by Li Shaohong and Zeng Nianping, the series starred Chen Hong, Zhou Xun, Gui Yalei and Winston Chao in the leading roles. It was first broadcast on CCTV-8 in mainland China on March 30, 2000.
The drama depicts a world called "guidelines for editorial department, six different characters are understanding, communication and collision between the helpfulness of the editor, the description of their generation and society after the contact of every hue story.