A man falls head over heels in love with a woman and takes on a new identity in an attempt to impress her. Along the way, he also seeks the help of her dog to try and win her over.
Vasham explores the concept of science and ancient mystic knowledge, and dual nature of man - good and bad, through the lives of two people, Arvind and Dr. Vibuthi Nag.
A reluctant startup employee who doesn't stand up for anything in life, finally finding true love and learning to stand up for his parents, for his love and for his passion for stand-up comedy.
A young mother faces challenges when her son fails to secure passing marks in mathematics, inciting events that test the family's resilience and unity.
A young mother faces challenges when her son fails to secure passing marks in mathematics, inciting events that test the family's resilience and unity.
Feb 19, 2021
2021 min5 vues
Des noirs secrets aux mensonges, à la jalousie et au contrôle, les quatre histoires de ce film d'anthologie explorent les aspects les plus sombres et perfides de l'amour.