Benjamin Barton

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Mar 28, 2003
Pour des raisons inconnues, le noyau interne de la Terre a cessé de tourner sur lui-même. Le champ magnétique de la planète s'effondre, provoquant sous des latitudes diverses une dramatique et spectaculaire série d'accidents. Face à cette catastrophe sans précédent, le gouvernement américain convoque le géophysicien Josh Keyes, une poignée de savants de réputation internationale et un tandem d'astronautes, la major Rebecca Childs et le commandant Iverson. Leur objectif : lancer dans les profondeurs du manteau terrestre une capsule habitée, et provoquer des explosions nucléaires en chaîne pour réactiver le noyau et ainsi sauver le monde d'une destruction imminente.
Science Fiction
The Crow : Salvation

The Crow : Salvation

Jan 23, 2000
Bien qu'il ait toujours clamé son innocence pour le meurtre de sa petite amie, Lauren, Alex est exécuté sur la chaise électrique. Au cours de l'électrocution, le masque de cuir et de métal fond et imprime au visage sans vie une cicatrice évoquant une tête de corbeau. Guidé par l'oiseau, Alex revient d'entre les morts pour obtenir justice. Sa quête le conduit dans un monde de cauchemars et de corruption. Alors que la confrontation finale avec le maître du complot approche, Alex commence à craindre ce qu'il va découvrir.


Sep 27, 2002
Sam Roberts thinks he has all the answers: the purpose of life, the meaning of love, the plan for a perfect future. Until Charly walks into his life.
The Curse of Blanchard Hill
Victor McShane disappeared on Blanchard Hill in the spring of 1985. No one knows what happened to him... Twenty years later, a group of campers take a hike on Blanchard, unaware that a killer is on the loose, killing people without mercy. Two detectives are called up to Blanchard Hill to solve the mystery and locate the campers before they suffer a fate worse than death...
O. Unilateralis

O. Unilateralis

May 28, 2016
In the summer of 2012, footage was captured by three travelers on a road trip, who unwittingly find themselves in the middle of a massive global conspiracy.
The Curse of Blanchard Hill
Victor McShane disappeared on Blanchard Hill in the spring of 1985. No one knows what happened to him... Twenty years later, a group of campers take a hike on Blanchard, unaware that a killer is on the loose, killing people without mercy. Two detectives are called up to Blanchard Hill to solve the mystery and locate the campers before they suffer a fate worse than death...
The Curse of Blanchard Hill
Victor McShane disappeared on Blanchard Hill in the spring of 1985. No one knows what happened to him... Twenty years later, a group of campers take a hike on Blanchard, unaware that a killer is on the loose, killing people without mercy. Two detectives are called up to Blanchard Hill to solve the mystery and locate the campers before they suffer a fate worse than death...
The Curse of Blanchard Hill
Victor McShane disappeared on Blanchard Hill in the spring of 1985. No one knows what happened to him... Twenty years later, a group of campers take a hike on Blanchard, unaware that a killer is on the loose, killing people without mercy. Two detectives are called up to Blanchard Hill to solve the mystery and locate the campers before they suffer a fate worse than death...
The Curse of Blanchard Hill
Victor McShane disappeared on Blanchard Hill in the spring of 1985. No one knows what happened to him... Twenty years later, a group of campers take a hike on Blanchard, unaware that a killer is on the loose, killing people without mercy. Two detectives are called up to Blanchard Hill to solve the mystery and locate the campers before they suffer a fate worse than death...
The Curse of Blanchard Hill
Victor McShane disappeared on Blanchard Hill in the spring of 1985. No one knows what happened to him... Twenty years later, a group of campers take a hike on Blanchard, unaware that a killer is on the loose, killing people without mercy. Two detectives are called up to Blanchard Hill to solve the mystery and locate the campers before they suffer a fate worse than death...


Jun 05, 2006
Après la mort de son épouse, le Dr Brown, neurochirurgien renommé, s'installe dans la petite ville d'Everwood (Colorado) pour y mener une vie plus simple et se rapprocher de ses deux enfants. Mais ce nouveau style de vie ne convient pas à tout le monde...