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May 12, 2023
Aoyama Haru and Kagaya Kaede have been friends since they were 4 years old, when they began living next door to each other. They are now 24-years-old and still live in the same apartments. Kaede has held feelings for Haru for the past 20 years, but Haru doesn’t seem to realize her feelings for him. She talks about this situation with her childhood friends Iori and Mio and decides to give up on her feelings for Haru. But, it's not easy for Kaede to disconnect her feelings for him. Meanwhile, Iori has liked Kaede since he was an elementary school student. He approaches her. Seeing this, Haru becomes disturbed. In fact, Haru made a promise with Kaede’s late mother and he is honoring it.


Mar 14, 2001
A boy genius named "Kadokawa" invents the ultimate anesthetic for SM play. Kadokawa's madness is turned into reality by his childhood friends Oyamada and Saigo. "A near-future science fiction work that will burn out the "endless everyday life.
The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

Feb 15, 1997
La petite Sakiko a toujours aimé l'argent. Après ses études, sa famille lui suggère de travailler dans une banque. Elle devient donc caissière... mais réalise que tout cet argent qu'elle traite n'est pas à elle. Elle perd le goût de la vie jusqu'au jour où elle est retenue en otage lors du braquage de la banque.
Mahoro Ekimae Tada Benriken
À Mahoro, la banlieue fictive de Tokyo, Tada travaille comme solutionneur de problèmes généraux à la demande. Un jour, l'ancien camarade de classe Gyoten débarque sans prévenir. Les deux hommes ont plus de 30 ans et sont divorcés. Sans explication, Gyoten demande soudain à passer la nuit chez Tada. Tada finit par accepter Gyoten comme assistant et ensemble, ils s'occupent de diverses affaires concernant un ensemble de personnes d'horizons différents.
Sasaki has had a difficult period, going through a divorce and losing his job. To take a break and start anew, Sasaki decides to visit Iriomote Island. While there, Sasaki's belongings are stolen by four homeless men. Sasaki then lives with three other people: a survivalist, a city man and a girl who speaks Kansai dialect. One day, Sasaki hears news about the four homeless men and decides to get revenge ...
Samurai Hustle Returns
Masaatsu Naito (Kuranosuke Sasaki) termine avec succès le Sankin-kotai (rituel requis pour visiter le shogun). Sur le chemin du retour, il apprend qu'une insurrection de paysans a eu lieu dans sa ville natale de Yunagaya. Masaatsu Naito sait que c'est une contre-attaque de Matsudaira. Il revient à Yunagaya, mais constate que son château a disparu.
家裁調査官 山ノ坊晃
Tokyo Family Court judicial research official Akira Yamanobo is in charge of Tetsuo and Ayano Katase's divorce arbitration. Ayano, the wife, who works for a boutique company, insists her husband is involved with another woman. Supported by her employer Kotomi Saegusa, the company president, she demands a divorce as soon as possible. On the other hand, her husband Tetsuo, a trading professional, denies having a relationship with a woman. He says he will not agree to the divorce and does not plan to let his only son Kenta go, so the arbitration continues. According to Akira's investigation, Ayano gave birth to Kenta as a single mother five years ago when she was working as a hospital clerk, making him Tetsuo's stepson. Tetsuo loves Kenta as his own child, so Akira doesn't understand why Ayano is so insistent on getting a divorce. However, Tetsuo's insistence on not giving up custody of his stepson Kenta is also very unusual.
さよならドビュッシー ~ピアニスト探偵 岬洋介~
Yosuke Misaki used to be a promising prosecutor, but he suddenly quit his job. He begins a new career as a pianist. He knocks on the door of wealthy man Kentaro Katsuki who lives in a peaceful area of Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture. Kentaro Katsuki lives with his housekeeper Michiko Tsuzuruki (Midoriko Kimura). Kentaro allows Yosuke Misaki to stay at his home. Near Kentaro Katsuki's home, lives the Sanada family. At their home, Haruka aspires to become a pianist. One day, a fatal fire breaks out at the Sanada's house. Later, Yosuke helps Haruka to play the piano again.
TV Movie


Sep 09, 2011
A woman named Kazuko (Kimura) who was guilty of a “serious crime” in the past, along with three of her friends. Those friends suddenly begin to die one by one. Kazuko learns that one of those deaths is somehow connected to Mamoru (Nakamura Aoi), her younger brother from whom she has been separated ever since their father disappeared 15 years earlier. Although Mamoru knows nothing of his sister, Kazuko is determined to find the killer in order to protect Mamoru and herself.


Apr 18, 2013
Katsuya Maruyama is a middle school student boy full of obscene thoughts. He then meets Tatsuo Shimoi, a single father who moves into the same apartment complex. Tatsuo Shimoi is a bit of an enigma: he doesn't get along with the housewives in the apartment complex and doesn't appear to work. Through his encounter with the mysterious single father, Katsuya grows as a person.
108 海馬五郎の復讐と冒険
Screenwriter Goro Kaiba is horrified to learn via Facebook that his wife Ayako is having an affair. Furthermore, her post about the affair has received 108 likes. Absolutely furious, Goro Kaiba contemplates divorcing his wife, but he estimates he will have to pay her half of his assets, about 10,000,000 million yen, in a divorce. To get revenge, Goro Kaiba decides to use that money on a epic one month womanizing streak. His goal is 108, the number of likes his wife received on social media.
Welcome to the quiet room
Une femme se réveille attachée sur un lit d’hôpital, sans savoir ce qu’elle fait là. On lui apprend qu’elle est internée en unité psychiatrique à la suite d’une tentative de suicide dont elle n’a aucun souvenir…
Kamen Rider

Kamen Rider

Feb 23, 2025
Le monde est tourmenté par Shocker, une mystérieuse organisation terroriste, qui recrute ses agents en kidnappant des personnes qu'ils transforment en mutants cyborgs. Takeshi Hongo, l'une des victimes, se rebelle juste avant la phase finale de sa transformation. A l'aide de ses nouveaux pouvoirs, il décide de combattre Shocker...
Action & Adventure
Legal High

Legal High

Dec 18, 2013
L'avocat Kensuke Komikado aime l'argent, le prestige et les femmes, mais il a aussi un taux de réussite de 100% quand il s'agit de ses affaires juridiques, peu importe les moyens. Machiko Mayuzumi est un avocate débutante qui a un sens aigu de la justice et une passion pour la protection des faibles. Elle est aussi maladroite et droite dans son travail. Un jour, Machiko Mayuzumi commence à travailler au cabinet juridique de Kensuke. Les deux avocats s'affrontent constamment, mais dans la salle d'audience, ils coopèrent pour ne faire qu'un.


Dec 12, 2002
A new kind of melodrama about a man that wants children, but can't have them with his wife; and a single-woman that wants to have a child of her own. It is also about what children mean to both sexes.
Gomen ne Seishun!

Gomen ne Seishun!

Dec 21, 2014
C'est quasiment la guerre entre les lycées Tonko et Sanjo. Situés l'un à côté de l'autre, ils fonctionnent pourtant complètement différemment. Tonko est un lycéen pour garçons, fondé sur la doctrine zen et obtenant des résultats scolaires médiocres, alors que Sanjo est un établissement catholique pour filles qui a une plutôt bonne réputation. Seulement voilà, baisse de la natalité et crise économique obligent, une fusion entre les deux écoles, vieux serpent de mer jamais concrétisé jusqu'alors, est de plus en plus d'actualité. Malgré leurs dissensions, les deux directions se mettent finalement d'accord pour effectuer un test. Le professeur Hara Heisuke et quelques élèves de Tonko sont intégrés à une classe de Sanjo tandis que la professeure Hachiya Risa et la moitié de sa classe font le chemin inverse afin de vérifier si une cohabitation est possible.


Oct 01, 2010
Moriyama joue le rôle d'un intérimaire qui n'a jamais eu de chance avec les femmes. Un jour, il commence soudainement à recevoir des invitations de plusieurs belles femmes, et il ne sait pas comment gérer cette nouvelle expérience de "moteki" (une période où l'on est très populaire et attirant pour les autres).


Jun 09, 2017
Kamiwatari Kotone is a geisha in Kyoto. While she is sleeping after a night of drinking, her fellow geisha is killed. Kotone Kamiwatari is falsely accused of her murder and is sent to prison. There, she is bullied by other prisoners, but Kotone relies on her training from senior geishas to persevere. She also learns why she was framed for murder and sent to prison.
Rumi Kizaki enrols in a nursing program because she failed to enter a university. However, she does not want to become a nurse because she believes that she will not make a good nurse. While Rumi ponders over what to do, she continues her training in nursing. Along the way, Rumi meets new people and discovers new things about herself.
Majo Saiban

Majo Saiban

Jul 11, 2009
Toru est un jeune travailleur à temps partiel qui ne s'intéresse pas aux questions sociales. Il est appelé comme juré dans le procès d'une femme étiquetée comme "sorcière", accusée d'un meurtre pour obtenir un énorme héritage. Bien qu'il semble qu'elle soit la coupable, un par un les jurés commencent à voter pour "non coupable". Dans l'ombre, une mystérieuse organisation achète le contrôle du jury. Au même moment, des événements étranges commencent à se produire autour de Toru. Lorsqu'un autre juré est menacé, Toru est déterminée à la sauver. Cependant, la petite amie de Toru, une journaliste, semble se méfier de leur relation. C'est alors que Toru commence son combat solitaire pour la vérité.
Set in "Byplaywood" a large film studio surrounded by forest, far from the city. The story depicts 100 days of turmoil caused by the gathering of serial dramas and movies from various TV stations at once in this remote studio. It is a drama full of battles for ratings between studios, clashes between young, mid-career, and big names, and a heartwarming story of friendship and bonding. Also, the self-deprecation and parodies are enhanced by the fact that the actors play a role of themselves.


Dec 20, 2024
Centered around typical Japanese food, a solitary salesman travelling through the country for business purposes, eats at its various establishments and experiences the various delicacies of Japanese cuisine.