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Sep 23, 2011
Set one year after the drama series "Moteki." 31-year-old Yukiyo Fujimoto doesn't have money, dreams or a girlfriend. He has left his job at a staffing firm and is attempting to start a new life by working as a writer for a news site. Suddenly, Yukiyo experiences "moteki" - a period when a man becomes suddenly popular with woman. Cute magazine editor Miyuki, pure and naive office worker Rumiko, beautiful shop assistant Ai and beautiful, but tough co-worker named Motoko all become interested in Yukiyo. He tries to calm down, but is shaken by the interests of these women.
SP 革命篇

SP 革命篇

Mar 12, 2011
After the attack on the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the next duty of the fourth office will be to guard the National Assembly building. In the midst of security, Ogata keeps Inoue away from the main conference hall and puts his well-thought-out plan into action, and the parliament building is controlled by SPs and terrorists who support the revolution. Inoue notices something strange and starts to fight against the terrorists to stop Ogata.


Feb 18, 2022
Après avoir lancé une farce sur les réseaux sociaux à propos d'un bâtiment hanté, trois filles disparaissent soudainement. Des rumeurs circulent selon lesquelles ils auraient été victimes de la malédiction du Village à Tête de Boeuf, déclenchant une enquête menée par deux de leurs amis, désespérés de découvrir la vérité sur ce qui s'est passé...
SP 野望篇

SP 野望篇

Oct 30, 2010
At an event hall in Roppongi Hills, there is a charity event for landmine eradication. Kaoru does security with Security Police officers Soichiro Ogata, Eri Sasamoto, Takahumi Yamamoto and Mitsuo Ishida. Kaoru Inoue senses a threatening existence and starts to suffer a severe headache and becomes dizzy. When Kaoru was young, his parents were killed by terrorists and that incident has had an traumatic effect on Kaoru since.
容疑者 室井慎次
One day in February, 2005, Metropolitan Police Department Superintendent Muroi (Toshiro Yanagiba) is arrested to take responsibility for a botched murder case he headed. His faithful colleagues, including Arashiro (Toshio Kakei) and Okita (Miki Maya), only exacerbate the situation when they try to help clear his name. Is Muroi guilty as charged or merely taking the fall? What is the truth behind the murder? Two lawyers, one determined to get Muroi, the other resolved to save him, a feud between two police departments, political power plays and legal trappings, all combine to orchestrate Muroi’s downfall.


Jun 09, 2016
A work that spun a story inspired by the world view of the song "You Named Me Blue" by jazz singer Yurifa Matsumoto. A short film that you want to see with your right brain, like watching a painting in a museum.
SP Security Police

SP Security Police

Mar 12, 2011
SP est basé sur la vie réelle de l'unité de police de sécurité du Japon, chargée de protéger les VIP nationaux et étrangers. Le scénario de la série a été écrit par le célèbre auteur de GO, Kazuki Kaneshiro, et c'est la première fois qu'il écrit pour une série télévisée. La série est centrée sur un agent nouvellement recruté, Kaoru Inoue, qui possède des sens aiguisés qui lui permettent d'éliminer une menace avant qu'elle n'apparaisse. La franchise se compose de la série télévisée, de deux adaptations cinématographiques de la série sorties en 2010 et 2011 et d'une adaptation manga.


Sep 20, 2012
Shimura Teppei a grandi en regardant son père policier mais il rêvait de devenir marathonien. Un jour, le père de Teppei a disparu. Teppei est ensuite devenu un yankee. Sous l'influence de son ami d'enfance, Yuichi, il choisi de devenir policier et est entré à l'école de police. Cependant, il a été affecté à une "classe de réserve" qui est la classe des candidats à faire abandonner. Ils sont huit et chaque jour, ils ne sont chargés par l'assistant Ryuzaki Misaki uniquement de balayer le terrain de l'académie ...


Mar 21, 2017
Maki Maki, Sebuki Suzume, Beppu Tsukasa and Iemori Yutaka happen to meet and form a quartet. They even begin to live together in Karuizawa during the winter, but there is a big hidden secret.


Jun 07, 2024
Sakuragi Miyabi is a high school student in Aomori. She lives with her lawyer grandfather and receives special education from him in the field of law. Sakuragi Miyabi soon becomes the youngest person to pass the bar exam on their first try. A decision is then made to send Sakuragi Miyabi to her grandmother in Tokyo, who works as a director of a law office. Sakuragi Miyabi begins to work as an apprentice lawyer at her grandmother’s law office. Despite her position, she still has the mindset of a teenager and sometimes has disagreements with senior lawyers. Meanwhile, Sakuragi Miyabi begins classes at her new high school in Tokyo. She hides her lawyer job from people at her high school, but she eventually begins to give counseling at her school on law matters.
Hitori Shizuka

Hitori Shizuka

Nov 25, 2012
Dans un quartier résidentiel, un homme est assassiné par un autre homme qui a cassé son appartement. Le sergent Kizaki, qui travaille près de la zone, entend un coup de feu et court vers l'appartement. L'inspecteur Oomura est déjà sur les lieux du crime. Pendant leur enquête, ils se rapprochent de l'identité du tueur. Bientôt, le sergent Kizaki pense que quelqu'un est derrière l'affaire. Une fille sort alors de l'ombre. Le sergent Kizaki pense qu'elle est liée aux meurtres.