Claudia Hansmann

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Augsburger Puppenkiste - Am Samstag kam das Sams zurück
Mr. Taschenbier hopes that Sams, that little cheeky, gluttonous, yet lovable green creature with the red hair and blue dots on his face, will come back soon and stay with him forever, once the wishing machine has been set in motion. But, on Sunday the sun must shine, on Monday Mr. Mohn must come to visit, on Tuesday Taschenbier must go on duty, Wednesday is just there, there must be the middle of the week, but Thursday is difficult, because there must be thunder, and Friday must be a day off. But one day it works out, the Sams is back and the wishing machine works. But now one disaster after another happens.
Augsburger Puppenkiste - Eine Woche voller Samstage
Mr. Taschenbier, who had previously led a rather unremarkable and monotonous life, becomes suspicious when a big thunderstorm suddenly appears on Thursday. After all, the sun had shone on the previous Sunday, Mr. Mon visited him on Monday, and on Tuesday he was on duty as usual. That would be so far admittedly still nothing special, just as little the middle of the week on Wednesday. On Thursday, however, there is thunder. And when Mr. Taschenbier then also has Friday off, he goes into town on Saturday, curious about what might await him. In fact, he encounters a creature that none of the other passers-by can make sense of. Only he logically suspects that it must be a "Sams".
Graf Yoster gibt sich die Ehre
Graf Yoster gibt sich die Ehre [French title: Le comte Yoster a bien l'honneur] is a TV series which followed the adventures of the title’s amateur gentleman detective. It was a success in particular in Germany and in France. Originally the show was a German production in black-and-white but it evolved into a European co-production in colour.
Augsburger Puppenkiste - Urmel aus dem Eis
There are incredible things on the remote South Sea island of Titiwu: a school that you can skip with impunity and a harmony between humans and animals that was thought to be lost. The absent-minded Professor Habakuk Tibatong has taught some animals to speak. For example, the pig lady Wutz, the shoebill Shush, Ping Penguin and the monitor lizard Wawa. On the rocky reef, the elephant seal sings his "traurögön Lödör" all the time. Unfortunately, every one of them except Wutz has a speech impediment. The orphan Tim Tintenklecks helps the professor when it comes to getting the animals excited about a joint project. And one day it happens: a block of ice is stranded on the shore. Inside is an egg from which a primeval creature hatches - the Urmel. And it can even talk. Professor Tibatong, who has always believed in the existence of the Urmel, does something stupid...