Mariana Ricardo

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Cantique des créatures
Assise, 2005 : un troubadour parcours les rues de la ville natale de Saint-François d’Assise, chantant et jouant la chanson de Frère Soleil, ou Chanson des Créatures, écrite par Saint-François durant l’hiver 1224. Forêt d’Ombrie, 1212 : lors d’un prêche aux oiseaux, Saint-François défaille soudainement. Réanimé par Sainte Claire, le saint homme semble étrange et absent, et ne se rappelle rien. À la tombée de la nuit, dans la forêt, les animaux chantent et prient François. Mais cet amour chanté par les animaux conduit à un sentiment de possession, un désir d’exclusivité aussi connu sous le nom de jalousie.


Jan 01, 1999
A love triangle between two boys and a girl who drift through life from a rugby game, to a pool party, to the beach.
John From

John From

Mar 31, 2016
Lisbonne, dans des familles sans histoire, Rita et Sara, 15 ans, partagent leurs vacances d’été entre cafés glacés et après-midi lascives. La rencontre de son nouveau voisin, Philippe, enflamme la jolie Rita d’un désir violent. Le quartier tranquille en devient magique et merveilleux, comme une île de Mélanésie au cœur du Pacifique.


Jul 04, 2003


This is the way you hold the racket to play a forehand. Just move your arm back, the left shoulder facing the ball, step forward with your left foot, hitting the ball.”
L'épée et la rose

L'épée et la rose

Sep 09, 2010
Manuel a 31 ans et travaille comme journaliste free-lance. Il habite dans un quartier populaire de Lisbonne, où les maisons – aussi vieilles et décrépies que leurs habitants – sont bien meilleur marché. Son quotidien est solitaire et répétitif, dû aux petits boulots qu’il se voit obligé de faire et dont il s’acquitte sans grande motivation face à l’écran de son ordinateur. Il n’est pas le plus heureux des jeunes hommes mais, malgré tout, n’est pas un sauvage non plus: il a des amis, une petite copine, une femme de ménage et un inspecteur des impôts.
À Noite Fazem-se Amigos
In the year when cinema was paralyzed in Portugal due to lack of funding, a group of friends embarks on a mysterious expedition to see wolves in their natural habitat, but ends up being trapped in a house without much to do. The night goes by and the expedition’s main goal seems increasingly compromised until the biologist who promised them adventures shows up.


Nov 07, 2019
La retraite approche pour Luís Rovisco. Les chansons qu’il invente dans la journée atténuent les torts qu’il subit dans la vie. Mais devant la réceptionniste Lucinda, il se retrouve à chanter sur un autre ton…


Apr 05, 2012
Une vieille dame au fort tempérament, sa femme de ménage Cap-Verdienne et sa voisine dévouée à de bonnes causes partagent le même étage d’un immeuble à Lisbonne. Lorsque la première meurt, les deux autres prennent connaissance d’un épisode de son passé : une histoire d’amour et de crime dans une Afrique de film d’aventures.
Journal de Tûoa

Journal de Tûoa

Jul 14, 2021
Le film est présenté à la Quinzaine des Réalisateurs au Festival de Cannes 2021 Journal de Tûoa a été tourné sous régime de confinement, au Portugal, entre août et septembre 2020. C’est aussi un film de fiction. Impossible de le résumer sans en dire trop. Nous avons donc choisi de reproduire un paragraphe d’un conte de Cesare Pavese, Le Diable sur les collines : « L’orchestre reprit mais cette fois sans voix. Les autres instruments se turent et il ne resta que le piano qui exécuta quelques minutes de variations acrobatiques sensationnelles. Même si on ne le voulait pas, on écoutait. Puis l’orchestre couvrit le piano et l’engloutit. Pendant ce numéro, les lampes et les réflecteurs, qui éclairaient les arbres, changèrent magiquement de couleur, et nous fûmes tour à tour verts, rouges, jaunes.


Oct 20, 2022
Tiago, a tour guide with a broken heart leads Karen, a grieving and aging Brazilian woman, around a Lisbon of strange suicidal heroes. Tiago lives with his father, Raul, an old sailor haunted by historical defeats, and with his son, Manuel, a teenager fantasising of a solitary, but erotic, trip to the cosmos. All together, they take Karen through dreams, lost glories, and catastrophes to meet a fallen hero who disappeared many centuries ago on an island in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Les mille et une nuits : volume 1, l'inquiet
Tiago, a tour guide with a broken heart leads Karen, a grieving and aging Brazilian woman, around a Lisbon of strange suicidal heroes. Tiago lives with his father, Raul, an old sailor haunted by historical defeats, and with his son, Manuel, a teenager fantasising of a solitary, but erotic, trip to the cosmos. All together, they take Karen through dreams, lost glories, and catastrophes to meet a fallen hero who disappeared many centuries ago on an island in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Les mille et une nuit - Saga
Tiago, a tour guide with a broken heart leads Karen, a grieving and aging Brazilian woman, around a Lisbon of strange suicidal heroes. Tiago lives with his father, Raul, an old sailor haunted by historical defeats, and with his son, Manuel, a teenager fantasising of a solitary, but erotic, trip to the cosmos. All together, they take Karen through dreams, lost glories, and catastrophes to meet a fallen hero who disappeared many centuries ago on an island in the South Atlantic Ocean.


Oct 11, 2013
Tiago, a tour guide with a broken heart leads Karen, a grieving and aging Brazilian woman, around a Lisbon of strange suicidal heroes. Tiago lives with his father, Raul, an old sailor haunted by historical defeats, and with his son, Manuel, a teenager fantasising of a solitary, but erotic, trip to the cosmos. All together, they take Karen through dreams, lost glories, and catastrophes to meet a fallen hero who disappeared many centuries ago on an island in the South Atlantic Ocean.
La gueule que tu mérites
Tiago, a tour guide with a broken heart leads Karen, a grieving and aging Brazilian woman, around a Lisbon of strange suicidal heroes. Tiago lives with his father, Raul, an old sailor haunted by historical defeats, and with his son, Manuel, a teenager fantasising of a solitary, but erotic, trip to the cosmos. All together, they take Karen through dreams, lost glories, and catastrophes to meet a fallen hero who disappeared many centuries ago on an island in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Grand Tour

Grand Tour

Nov 27, 2024
A princess and a hunter. An iconographic journey immersed in Lusitanian fantasy.


Apr 05, 2012
A princess and a hunter. An iconographic journey immersed in Lusitanian fantasy.
4 Hearts

4 Hearts

Aug 20, 2009
A princess and a hunter. An iconographic journey immersed in Lusitanian fantasy.


Jan 01, 1970
A chronicle of a bloody war that pitted the inhabitants of the hamlet of Canudos, led by their prophet, against the army of the young Brazilian Republic in 1897.
Ce cher mois d'août

Ce cher mois d'août

Aug 21, 2008
A chronicle of a bloody war that pitted the inhabitants of the hamlet of Canudos, led by their prophet, against the army of the young Brazilian Republic in 1897.
Cantique des créatures
A chronicle of a bloody war that pitted the inhabitants of the hamlet of Canudos, led by their prophet, against the army of the young Brazilian Republic in 1897.


Oct 11, 2013
A chronicle of a bloody war that pitted the inhabitants of the hamlet of Canudos, led by their prophet, against the army of the young Brazilian Republic in 1897.


Nov 07, 2019
A chronicle of a bloody war that pitted the inhabitants of the hamlet of Canudos, led by their prophet, against the army of the young Brazilian Republic in 1897.


Mar 01, 2018
Ramiro is a bookstore owner in Lisbon and a poet in perpetual creative block. He lives, somewhat frustrated, somewhat conformed, between his shop and the tavern, accompanied by his dog, his faithful drinking companions and his neighbors: a pregnant teenager and her grandmother recovering from a stroke. He would gladly continue living this quiet and somewhat anachronistic routine if events worthy of a soap opera did not invade his bubble.


Oct 17, 2013
A ten year-old boy faces up to the struggles of life in a summer camp. It’s not easy to be ignored by the girl of his heart or seeing his dormitory vandalised by adolescent thugs. Fortunately, in the forest, the wild haggis insists on remaining out of sight.