Patrick Puccinelli

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The Ordeal of Bill Carney
Bill Carney has just been paralyzed from the neck down. He has been taking care of his two sons since his wife left him. Now, when word of his condition reaches her, she wants to take them away, as she feels that he is unable to care for them. And it appears that the courts agree too. So, his lawyer, also a paraplegic, begins the campaign to take his case before the Supreme Court. Will he win?
The Million Dollar Infield
Four wealthy Long Islanders play for an amateur softball team. All four men suffer from profound personal and professional problems, thus the weekly ball game becomes a method of working out their frustrations. So adept do they become at this cathartic activity that their team makes it to the statewide championship — which leads to yet another crisis.
TV Movie
Mort ou vif

Mort ou vif

Jan 16, 1987
Nick Randall, un ancien agent de la CIA, devenu chasseur de primes doit affronter un de ses vieux ennemis, le terroriste Malak Al Rahim. Celui-ci a déjà tué 138 personnes et continue de semer la terreur à Los Angeles.
The Gift of Life

The Gift of Life

Mar 15, 1982
A young woman is faced with local disapproval and strain on her marriage when she agrees to serve as a surrogate mother.
TV Movie


Apr 04, 1986
Les exploits d'un chevalier solitaire dans un monde dangereux. Le chevalier et sa monture. Un héros des temps modernes, dernier recours des innocents, des sans espoir, victimes d'un monde cruel et impitoyable. Michael Knight sillonne les routes américaines au volant de Kitt, sa voiture intelligente et indestructible, pour combattre les injustices et venir en aide aux innocents.
Action & Adventure
Dear John

Dear John

Jul 22, 1992
Dear John starred Judd Hirsch as easygoing Drake Prep high school teacher John Lacey who is dumped by his wife, Wendy, via a Dear John letter. Wendy ends up with everything in the divorce settlement, including custody of the couple's son, forcing John to move into an apartment in Ozone Park, Queens. John soon joins the One-2-One Club, a self help group for divorced, widowed or lonely people. The group is led by Louise (Jane Carr), a sex-obsessed British woman. Other members of the group include Kate McCarron (Isabella Hofmann), a sweet divorcée; Kirk Morris (Jere Burns), a cocky ladies' man; Ralph Drang (Harry Groener), a shy and neurotic tollbooth collector; Bonnie Philbert (Billie Bird), a feisty senior citizen; and Tom, Mrs. Philbert's quiet boyfriend (Tom Willett).
Dear John

Dear John

Jul 22, 1992
Dear John starred Judd Hirsch as easygoing Drake Prep high school teacher John Lacey who is dumped by his wife, Wendy, via a Dear John letter. Wendy ends up with everything in the divorce settlement, including custody of the couple's son, forcing John to move into an apartment in Ozone Park, Queens. John soon joins the One-2-One Club, a self help group for divorced, widowed or lonely people. The group is led by Louise (Jane Carr), a sex-obsessed British woman. Other members of the group include Kate McCarron (Isabella Hofmann), a sweet divorcée; Kirk Morris (Jere Burns), a cocky ladies' man; Ralph Drang (Harry Groener), a shy and neurotic tollbooth collector; Bonnie Philbert (Billie Bird), a feisty senior citizen; and Tom, Mrs. Philbert's quiet boyfriend (Tom Willett).
Dear John

Dear John

Jul 22, 1992
Dear John starred Judd Hirsch as easygoing Drake Prep high school teacher John Lacey who is dumped by his wife, Wendy, via a Dear John letter. Wendy ends up with everything in the divorce settlement, including custody of the couple's son, forcing John to move into an apartment in Ozone Park, Queens. John soon joins the One-2-One Club, a self help group for divorced, widowed or lonely people. The group is led by Louise (Jane Carr), a sex-obsessed British woman. Other members of the group include Kate McCarron (Isabella Hofmann), a sweet divorcée; Kirk Morris (Jere Burns), a cocky ladies' man; Ralph Drang (Harry Groener), a shy and neurotic tollbooth collector; Bonnie Philbert (Billie Bird), a feisty senior citizen; and Tom, Mrs. Philbert's quiet boyfriend (Tom Willett).
Dear John

Dear John

Jul 22, 1992
Dear John starred Judd Hirsch as easygoing Drake Prep high school teacher John Lacey who is dumped by his wife, Wendy, via a Dear John letter. Wendy ends up with everything in the divorce settlement, including custody of the couple's son, forcing John to move into an apartment in Ozone Park, Queens. John soon joins the One-2-One Club, a self help group for divorced, widowed or lonely people. The group is led by Louise (Jane Carr), a sex-obsessed British woman. Other members of the group include Kate McCarron (Isabella Hofmann), a sweet divorcée; Kirk Morris (Jere Burns), a cocky ladies' man; Ralph Drang (Harry Groener), a shy and neurotic tollbooth collector; Bonnie Philbert (Billie Bird), a feisty senior citizen; and Tom, Mrs. Philbert's quiet boyfriend (Tom Willett).