After the simple night in Vanessa had planned for Duncan's birthday goes south, things get increasingly worse as guest after uninvited guest begins to show up to the celebration - the result of a mass text gone awry.
Après s’en être éloigné quelques temps, Adam n’a d’autre choix que de vendre à nouveau son corps pour quelques billets. A contre coeur, il doit replonger dans ce monde obscure où se croisent malfrats et magouilles en tout genre, seule façon de pouvoir s’en sortir.
A young man poses as a long-missing child, but as doubts arise about his identity he must discover his new family's darkest secret before his own is revealed first.
A day in the life of two "better as friends" exes as they get together to hangout, fight over their shared past, and maybe truly see each other for the first time.
A day in the life of two "better as friends" exes as they get together to hangout, fight over their shared past, and maybe truly see each other for the first time.
A young man poses as a long-missing child, but as doubts arise about his identity he must discover his new family's darkest secret before his own is revealed first.
After a prolonged disappearance, Adam reluctantly returns to sex work. Driven by the urge to protect a young aspiring adult film star from their terrorizing handler, Adam's actions trigger a series of events that send violent ripples through the Los Angeles underground sex-trade. This Dekkoo-original series is a provocative and grity drama. A true hustler's odyssey.
After a prolonged disappearance, Adam reluctantly returns to sex work. Driven by the urge to protect a young aspiring adult film star from their terrorizing handler, Adam's actions trigger a series of events that send violent ripples through the Los Angeles underground sex-trade. This Dekkoo-original series is a provocative and grity drama. A true hustler's odyssey.