Olivia Baglivi

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Disco Inferno

Disco Inferno

Aug 31, 2015
An infernal civil servant is on a mission to rescue her boss. But the Devil is not ready to get back to her daily routine.


Sep 16, 2022
Álex and Cata, two young women who live on the outskirts of the city, a desolate place full of empty stores and ramshackle bars where dreams end up fading, have been preparing their escape all their lives.
Étoiles de cristal

Étoiles de cristal

Apr 08, 2022
Sous pression, une ballerine qui se voit confier un nouveau rôle-titre se réfugie avec une autre danseuse dans une amitié qui va les couper de la réalité.


Mar 13, 2022
Alba wakes up one morning with two men. Something happened the night before, but she doesn’t remember anything. Just a strange feeling that she can’t define.
Los héroes del mal

Los héroes del mal

Sep 11, 2015
Three teenagers, brought together from bullying, indulge in petty theft, sex and drugs. They inevitably realize they can resort to violence to take revenge on everyone who has humiliated them: students, teachers and other outcasts. One of them escalates to killing, and desires to kill again. Anyone can become his next victim. The other two face the question: should they resort to violence to stop the killings?
Aves de Corral

Aves de Corral

Jan 01, 1970
Juan plans to introduce his girlfriend Casilda during the weekend at the family home in the mountains. However, before arriving, Juan and his brother Santiago have to flee from a group of assassins who are chasing them by mistake. The killers belong to a criminal organization that includes Miki, who should never have been there, and Gus, a policeman infiltrated in the group who tries to take care of Miki. Meanwhile, Pinco, who should take Miki's place, enjoys the hospitality of the man in charge of the criminal organization, unaware of the problems that are coming their way.
Memento Mori

Memento Mori

Oct 27, 2023
A police thriller, exploring the relationship between a murderer and the police officer, who pursues him in a life-or-death duel.


Jul 26, 2024
Las Encinas est l’école la plus compétitive et huppée d’Espagne, accueillant les enfants de l’élite espagnole. C’est également dans cette école que sont admis trois adolescents boursiers, issus de la classe ouvrière, lorsque leur lycée s'effondre et que les élèves sont répartis dans plusieurs établissements scolaires. Ils s'estiment chanceux… mais peut-être ne le sont-ils pas tant que cela ? La confrontation entre ceux qui ont tout et ceux qui n’ont rien est explosive, et les tensions de classes sociales aboutiront à un meurtre. Qui se cache réellement derrière ce crime ? Est-ce l’un des nouveaux arrivants ? Ou se cache-t-il quelque chose de bien plus sombre ?