Richard France

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Sep 02, 1978
Des morts-vivants assoiffés de sang ont envahi la Terre et se nourrissent de ses habitants. Un groupe de survivants se réfugie dans un centre-commercial abandonné. Alors que la vie s'organise à l'intérieur, la situation empire à l'extérieur.
La Nuit des fous vivants
La paisible ville d'Evans City est envahie par l'armée après qu'une arme biologique contenant le virus Trixie s'y soit répandue. Les personnes infectées sombrent peu à peu dans la folie.
Science Fiction
There's Always Vanilla
A young man returns to his home city of Pittsburgh and moves in with an older woman who he begins to rely on for emotional and financial support.
La Créature du cimetière
Le propriétaire d'une vieille usine de textile décide d'engager quelques ouvriers pour nettoyer la cave, encombrée d'un bric-à-brac et envahie par les rats. Mais l'un des travailleurs, effrayé par quelque chose, trébuche et périt broyé dans une machine. Un singulier dératiseur, Tucker Cleveland, entre alors en action...
Dreams Come True

Dreams Come True

Aug 01, 1984
Boy discovers how to dream travel. Only in this senerio he appears in real life at the location of his dreams while his "other" body lies in bed. He then teaches his girlfriend how to dream travel and together they share the adventures of their dreams.
La Nuit des morts-vivants
Chaque année, Barbara et Johnny vont fleurir la tombe de leur père. La route est longue, les environs du cimetière déserts. Peu enclin à prier, Johnny se souvient du temps où il était enfant et où il s'amusait à effrayer sa sœur en répétant d'une voix grave : "Ils arrivent pour te chercher, Barbara." La nuit tombe. Soudain, un homme étrange apparaît. Il s'approche de Barbara puis attaque Johnny, qui tombe et est laissé pour mort. Terrorisée, Barbara s'enfuit et se réfugie dans une maison de campagne. Elle y trouve Ben, ainsi que d'autres fugitifs. La radio leur apprend alors la terrible nouvelle : des morts s'attaquent aux vivants.
American: An Odyssey to 1947
In the early 1930s, Orson Welles ascends to unprecedented stardom while President Franklin Delano Roosevelt navigates a nation in crisis. As WWII begins, an American boy visits abroad, and an American soldier enlists in the army.
The Battle Over Citizen Kane
Documentary about the battle between Orson Welles and William Randolph Hearst over Welles' Citizen Kane (1941). Features interviews with Welles' and Hearst's co-workers also acts as a relatively complete biograph of Hearst's career.
The Sorrows of Dolores
Film recounts the madcap tale of sweet Dolores who, after being tortured by her sadistic mother, is thrown into the harsh city environs, innocent and alone. Chased by villains, abducted into white slavery, and ravaged by monstrous beasts, Dolores spirals deep into the underworld unable to find redemption.


Sep 01, 1982
A film noirish atmosphere is created to show detective Lunch (a popular underground musician and poet) plow her way through the plans of a corporate businessman who seeks government defense contracts through real "corporate wars" and the manipulation of politicians.
Mrs. Reynolds Needs a Nurse
Mrs. Reynolds Needs a Nurse is a popular and award-winning training film for nurses. The film documents a case study of an elderly lady who has been transferred to the university hospital in multisystem failure, accompanied by her husband and multiple suitcases of her belongings. Mrs Reynolds is a needy and demanding patient whose fears and anxieties are expressed by her annoying attempts to get attention, treating the nurses like servants and complaining about much of the care given to her. Mrs Reynolds' 8-month-long hospitalization showcases the importance of individualizing care, being aware of both emotional and physical needs, collaborating with other disciplines, and it demonstrates the nurse's role as a patient advocate with clinical competencies that were an early version of today's case managers.