A year after her dismissal from a Michelin-starred restaurant, Chef Grace Collins, now managing a more modest eatery, has an unsavory encounter with the critic responsible for her firing.
When Dale discovers a beautiful painting in the trash outside his apartment, he's determined to share the experience with his ex-wife Theresa, who may not quite have the patience for it.
Cinq ans après qu'un dysfonctionnement inexpliqué a causé la mort de 15 visiteurs le soir de l'inauguration d'une visite guidée d'Halloween dans une maison hantée, une équipe de tournage se rend sur les lieux de la tragédie pour découvrir ce qui s'est réellement passé.
Une journaliste d'investigation est convaincue que des preuves essentielles sont cachées dans l'hôtel Abaddon abandonné - des preuves qui feront la lumière sur les mystères de l'hôtel et les nombreuses morts et disparitions non résolues.
An aging actress is magically returned to 1965 to relive the tyranny unleashed by a perverted, merciless white supremacist family, raging vengeance on her ill-fated love affair with a poetic African American civil rights advocate.
August Williams is surrounded by a growing staff and campaign team as his fight to break the current two-party system begins to resonate with voters, but a coalition of the establishment is fighting to maintain their power and place.