In amongst the fishing quaysides of the North East of England, manipulative Bob is first able to wangle his way into a prominent position within a fish distribution firm. It isn’t long before he has his sights not only on the boss’s job - but also his wife as well.
Incendiary 1981 Play for Today, written by Jim Allen and directed by Roland Joffé that tells the story of a group of housing estate residents who attempt to organise against persistent rent rises.
En Angleterre, au XVIII siècle, Tolly, un jeune orphelin se retrouve pris en otage par un bandit de grand chemin, Black Jack. Le brigand kidnappe bientôt une fillette, Belle, et charge Tolly de la surveiller. Profitant de l'inattention de Black Jack, les deux enfants parviennent à s'échapper...