Emerald Robinson

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Hit Team

Hit Team

Jan 01, 2015
Max and Ruthie, a hit team sent from Las Vegas to Los Angeles, need to kill six people in one day. They find themselves being hunted after they miss a hit and their mob boss and his henchmen come to the City of Angels to kill them.
A Dance for Bethany

A Dance for Bethany

Sep 20, 2007
Investigator reporter Abbey Fisher always thought she wanted the traditional American Dream: a husband and children of her own. When life and fertility stand in her way, Fisher (played by Robyn Lively) leverages her journalism know-how and uncovers the rapidly growing American sex trade preying on children and youth. Fisher and her husband come to know Bethany (Lori Beth (Edgeman) Sikes), a twelve year old victim of pernicious trafficking. As Bethany learns and grows, so do the Fishers as they take the battle against circumstances and government to protect others from Bethany's experiences.
Superseven Unchained

Superseven Unchained

Jan 01, 2015
T.H.E.Y. has programmed Sandra West to become a T.H.E.Y. assassin. Can Superseven stop her from killing more agents and prevent her head from exploding like a poodle in a microwave?
Miracles du ciel

Miracles du ciel

Mar 17, 2016
Une petite fille, atteinte d'une maladie incurable, se retrouve miraculeusement guérie après un très grave accident.
Un prince pas très charmant
Pour décrocher enfin la rubrique dont elle rêve au Los Angeles Post, Ashley doit passer un ultime test imposé par sa supérieure. Elle doit relooker et rendre présentable un journaliste sportif, Pete, avant la campagne de promotion du livre qu'il vient de publier. Ashley a beau être une spécialiste du relooking, la tâche s'avère ardue. L'affaire se complique lorsqu'elle en arrive à l'étape suivante : apprendre à Pete à s'exprimer en public. Mais elle commence à s'attacher à ce dernier...
Me You and Five Bucks

Me You and Five Bucks

Jul 07, 2015
A womanizing yet lovable loser, Charlie, a waiter in his early 30's who dreams of selling his book entitled "7 STEPS OF HEALING THE MALE BROKEN HEART" finds himself still working in restaurants to survive in the Big Apple. Low on cash, he's left with no other choice but to look for a roommate to share his tiny studio. Surprisingly, the first person to answer the ad is his ex and only love of his life Pam, who broke his heart and disappeared without reason and the inspiration behind his book. The Pam he remembered was a youthful spirit with lots of money who is now broke and disheveled. A new story begins and it is up to Charlie to find out why she ran out on him and what's happened to her over the past three years. With a potential new love in his life, he must gather the strength to help Pam get back on her feet without rekindling old feelings.
South of Hell

South of Hell

Nov 27, 2015
Maria Abascal, chasseuse de démons aux pouvoirs innés, possède en elle un alter-ego maléfique, Abigail, qui se nourrit du mal que son hôte chasse chez les autres. Elles partagent une âme et une destinée, chacune essayant tant bien que mal de surpasser l'autre...