Melissa Eastwood

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Sep 17, 2015
Basé sur des faits réels, "Captive" raconte comment Ashley Smith, une mère toxicomane prise en otage par un meurtrier en fuite, parvint à établir le contact avec son ravisseur en lui lisant des passages d'un livre à fort message chrétien intitulé "A Purpose Driven Life".
La Chambre des oubliés
Une mère et sa famille déménagent dans une belle maison à la campagne. La bâtisse cache une pièce secrète bientôt découverte... et renfermant un sombre secret.
Kill Giggles

Kill Giggles

Sep 05, 2020
Tommy dos Santos wasn't born a psychopath, nor was he made into a sociopath. He was something entirely new, and he was walking his own path - a path that will run red with the blood of the foulest most fiendishly frightening creatures ever conceived by man! No longer do they have the starring role in our nightmares, it is now the clowns who are the prey, running for their lives from a killer who won't stop until every single one of them is dead. As Tommy's body count rises, he finds himself getting closer and closer to what he thought was a ghost, the once great clown king known as "Giggles," and wonders - if laughter can't die, how about Giggles?