A union leader dies in a sleazy hotel room, then the wife, mistress, police, co workers, reporters, colleagues, and political figures arrive to the hotel and each has its own intentions.
In Olympus the Gods decide to exterminate humanity, after deliberating one of the gods advocates not to exterminate those who live in Mexico, which in the year 2000 is a paradise where all calamities have been extinguished.
Shmuck makes a superhero costume, rides his bike to crime scenes. He gets involved with something big involving US capitalists taking over local Mexican businesses.
A deaf and mute vagabond finds a large denomination bill in a Mexico City dump, and while he tries to buy something with it, others try to con him into giving it away.
The dead body of a young man who was kidnapped is found, the police looks for the kidnappers as a web of corruption its uncovered in the police department.
Durant la révolution Mexicaine, au bord de la défaite, le colonel Antonio Zeta retrouve courage et foi en son combat grâce à une femme: la belle Cucaracha.
L'humble charpentier Pepe "El Toro" vit les joies et les peines de la pauvreté avec sa fille Chachita, sa mère paralysée et sa petite amie Celia "La Chorreada". Aidé par un groupe haut en couleur de voisins et d'amis, Pepe et sa famille vont mener une lutte ardue contre l'injustice lorsqu'il est accusé d'un meurtre qu'il n'a pas commis.
Pepe rencontre Manuel, le vrai père de Chachita, qui l'attire chez lui avec de l'argent et menace Pepe. El Tuerto s'échappe de prison et, pour se venger de Pepe, provoque une explosion où El Torito, le fils de Pepe, et Manuel meurent, sauvant Chachita des flammes.
A young professional hires a sex-worker to pass as his wife in a situation that requires him to seem married. Later they think about getting married for reals... but mostly they just recite monologues to each other.