John Wilson

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Taste: What's Going On - Live At The Isle Of Wight Festival 1970
The film tells the story of Eire's seminal rock band Taste, formed in Cork, Ireland in 1966 by Rory Gallagher, Taste had a brief but influential career, releasing two studio albums in 1969 and 1970 and disbanding shortly after their legendary appearance at the 1970 Isle Of Wight Festival, which is the centrepiece of this film.
Message to Love - The Isle of Wight Festival
En août 1970, 600 000 fans ont afflué vers l'île de Wight pour assister au troisième et dernier festival qui se tiendra sur l'île. Outre la musique, ils ont également jeté un coup d'œil sur la cupidité, le cynisme et la corruption qui allaient affliger l'industrie de la musique pour les années à venir. Ils ont également assisté à la performance finale droguée de Jimi Hendrix en Angleterre deux semaines seulement avant qu'il ne rencontre une mort tragique. Quand tout fut fini, la vision du rock and roll par les fans n'a plus jamais été la même.
Boy on Bridge

Boy on Bridge

Jan 01, 2013
Boy on Bridge is a feature length documentary that follows the engaging and energetic Alan Doyle as he collaborates with some of his friends and musical heroes. While the project unfolds Alan balances his career with Great Big Sea, navigates through debilitating back problems, and attempts to find a record label home for his new project. This liberating project has allowed Alan to step outside of the comfort zone of his day band and scratch some names off his musical bucket list. The names include icon Jim Cuddy of Blue Rodeo, indie legend Hawksley Workman, Robin Hood co-star Scott Grimes, Gordie Sampson, legendary television composer Mike Post, and Alans good friend and longtime musical partner, Russell Crowe.