Néstor Rodulfo

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Che 1 - L'argentin

Che 1 - L'argentin

Sep 05, 2008
Cuba, 1952: le général Fulgencio Batista fomente un putsch, s'empare du pouvoir et annule les élections générales. Bravant ce dictateur corrompu, un jeune avocat, Fidel Castro, candidat à la députation sous la bannière du Parti du Peuple, passe à l'action. Dans l'espoir de provoquer un soulèvement populaire, il attaque avec 150 jeunes la caserne de Monaca le 26 juillet 1953. L'opération échoue; Castro passe deux ans en prison. Amnistié en 1955, il s'exile à Mexico. Pendant ce temps, au Guatemala, un jeune Argentin idéaliste, Ernesto Guevara, se lance en politique. En 1954, lorsqu'un complot militaire soutenu par la CIA renverse le gouvernement, démocratiquement élu, de Jacobo Arbenz, Guevara se réfugie au Mexique. Après une première prise de contact au Guatemala, il rejoint un groupuscule révolutionnaire cubain.
Érase una vez en el Caribe
Juan Encarnación is a reserved jibaro with a violent past. When Pura, the woman he loves, disappears, Encarnación sets out on a path of revenge armed with his machete and his daughter, Patria, in his arms.
Todo por amor

Todo por amor

Sep 08, 2022
The story focuses on the relationship of two teenagers, "Emma" and "David", played by young actors Juliana Rivera and José E. Segarra, who come from different worlds and are surrounded by complex social problems such as peer pressure. , drugs, discrimination and lack of affection
Meister des Todes

Meister des Todes

Jun 30, 2015
Based on explosive investigations, the thriller "Meister des Todes" ("Master of Death") tells of a German arms manufacturer and their questionable weapon exports to Mexiko.
TV Movie


Jan 02, 2004
Plaza vacante

Plaza vacante

Aug 21, 2001
Truth is slippery at the prestigious firm of Martín and Associates, a place where Lucía Aldarando intends to make her mark. Although go-getter Ricardo Martín heads the company, Lucía is ready to move up the corporate ladder, calling upon her smarts and her wiles to make her dream come true. Ambition, however, has a way of changing one's character, and not for the better.
Locos de amor

Locos de amor

Sep 17, 2001
Two young people fall in love amid a gang war in a public housing project in Puerto Rico.
El último caso del detective Prado
After a long career as a detective in the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Police of Puerto Rico, José Rafael Prado takes office work before retiring. The murder of a coworker creates a vacancy Prado quickly wants to fill in order to "retire with honor".
Estampas de Teyo Gracia
A compilation of twelve short stories from one of Puerto Rico's most prolific writers, Abelardo Díaz Alfaro. These are: "El figurín", "El ejecutivo", "El muerto encogío", "La historia de la polilla", "Julia Rosa", "El funerario", "La mujer y su poder de dominio", "La locura del Rock & Roll", "Las píldoras juvenilinas", "Una estatua al ñame", "El bautizo de la leche", and "Una suegra lista".
Héroes de otra patria
This docu-drama deals with the lives of two soldiers from Puerto Rico enlisted to fight during the Vietnam conflict. Based on a real-life incident, the movie relates the young soldiers' ambiguity about the war and the tragic consequences their plight holds for them, as well as their families.
Los Díaz de Doris

Los Díaz de Doris

Jan 02, 2000
Doris is a hardworking and honest woman, divorced and mother of two teenagers whom she adores but doesn’t understand. After a bad relationship with her husband, she no longer trusts men. She lives only for her children, but they’re living their own lives. One day, Doris learns that things can get better.
Ángeles perdidos

Ángeles perdidos

Apr 15, 2006
Three children disappear mysteriously from a peaceful town of Puerto Rico. Georgie's, Walter's, and Elenita's adventure takes them from the beautiful coast, through the mountains to the depths of the city. Only their innocence, the protective spirit of their father, and the kindness of the least able leads them back to the home they thought they would not see anymore.
En cuarentena

En cuarentena

Nov 24, 2003
A group of actors is shooting a film in Aguas Buenas, based on the legend of a magician. There, they become infected with the honesty syndrome, which unleashes a number of hidden secrets to come to light.
El mar no perdona

El mar no perdona

Apr 24, 2005
Portrays with successful realism the drama of Dominicans who risk their lives by embarking on small boats to cross the Mona Passage bound for Puerto Rico, in search of a better future.
Amores que matan

Amores que matan

Jan 02, 2001
A fictional story inspired by the Utuado Massacre, in which the father of a family, in a cold-blooded manner, murdered his wife and his four children.
El callejón de los cuernos
The story of two cousins struggling in the world of drugs and chaos in the neighborhood of La Perla of Old San Juan. A kind of modern Cain and Abel in the urban world, surrounded by characters and real situations that shook Puerto Rico and especially this colorful neighborhood that borders the walls of El Morro.
Bala perdida

Bala perdida

Apr 22, 2003
A festive, tropical Christmas in Puerto Rico is what Jennifer and Papotico are most looking forward to. Both young people are filled with musical talent, with dreams and hopes for the future. But their innocence, zeal for life, and special friendship are overshadowed by the social and economic issues of Puerto Rico. Full of powerful performances and based on a true story, “Bala Perdida” will leave a chilling feeling in your bones.
En el ojo del huracán
The death and burial of the patriarch of a Vega Baja family provokes the reunion of all his sons and wives, who have been estranged for six years. They all gather for his funeral with ulterior purposes, but attend the meeting amidst a hurricane alert for Puerto Rico.
Che 2 - Guerilla

Che 2 - Guerilla

Dec 12, 2008
Après la Révolution cubaine, la gloire et la puissance du Che sont au plus haut. En témoigne sa harangue enflammée aux Nations unies, réitérant son engagement dans le combat du tiers-monde contre l'impérialisme américain. Plus qu'un soldat, le Che est devenu une figure glamour de la scène internationale. Mais, soudain, voilà qu'il disparaît. Pourquoi a t-il quitté Cuba? Vers quelle destination? Est-il seulement en vie? Le Che réapparaît en Bolivie, incognito et méconnaissable, œuvrant clandestinement à la constitution d'un petit groupe de camarades cubains et de recrues boliviennes censé amorcer la grande révolution latino-américaine. La campagne bolivienne est une ode à sa ténacité et à son sens du sacrifice. Elle nous permet de comprendre pourquoi le Che reste un symbole universel d'héroïsme et d'idéalisme. Son échec entraînera la mort du Che.
La recompensa

La recompensa

Sep 15, 2008
A young woman flees just before her wedding day and disappears to avoid facing the consequences of her actions.
Promesa de Reyes

Promesa de Reyes

Dec 02, 2003
The story of a family that is threatened by expropriation. The struggle of a woman becomes the struggle of the entire neighborhood.
La gringa

La gringa

Aug 21, 2003
Raised in New York, Marilyn Morales returns to Puerto Rico to claim an inheritance. Her obsession with Marilyn Monroe, dressing and acting like her, creates a clash of acceptance with the residents of the neighborhood. The new surroundings and clash will lead her in search for her identity.
Verdades y mentiras

Verdades y mentiras

Oct 24, 2014
One night, a beautiful young woman is brought to the police headquarters on suspicion of murder. Through a detective's interrogation, in the presence of an attorney, her attachment to sexual activities arranged online is discovered.
Animales humanos

Animales humanos

Dec 12, 2020
The harmony of a seemingly idyllic neighborhood is disrupted when a dog attacks a young girl.
Peligro en tu mirada

Peligro en tu mirada

Aug 06, 2021
Une femme photographe est contrainte d'espionner les activités d'un candidat politique, devenant le seul témoin d'un crime dont il est faussement accusé.
Rosa Diamante

Rosa Diamante

Jan 21, 2013
Rosa is abandoned as a baby at a boarding school along with a payment of 18 white diamonds. Her mother is Rosaura Sotomayor, a distinguished socialite who needs to hide the fruit of her affair. Rosa grows up and befriends Eva Sotomayor, and both girls vow to live as sisters. Their lives change after they meet José Ignacio Altamirano, an attractive, intelligent and conquering man who takes advantage of Eva’s innocence. The rich heiress dies in a mysterious accident, and Rosa decides to take her identity to avenge her dear friend.


Oct 18, 2013
Fortuna is a Mexican Spanish language telenovela produced by Argos Television for Cadena Tres. It stars Andrés Palacios and Lisette Morelos.


Jun 30, 2014
Blanca Guerrero est une fille joyeuse, pleine de ressources et avec un grand cœur qui travaille comme serveuse rêvant d'une carrière d'actrice. À un âge précoce, elle a commencé à aider son père Guillermo autant qu'elle le pouvait suite à la mort prématurée de sa mère. Lorsque Guillermo est injustement viré de son travail par Raquel Altamira à la compagnie de cette famille, où il a travaillé pendant des années, Blanca décide de se rendre à la fête de fin d'année organisée par la famille Altamira et d'en aviser Monsieur Leonidas Altamira le propriétaire de l'entreprise, de la situation de son père et bien sûr de le convaincre de réembauché Guillermo, et grâce à ses incroyables talents d'actrice, elle parviendra à se faufiler dans la fête. Lors de la fête, Blanca rencontre Eduardo, le fils très timide et romantique de Raquel Altamira, avec qui elle partage un baiser passionné à minuit tout en cachant sa véritable identité. La fête va cependant aller mal quand Adriano Ferrer, un riche homme d'affaires, trouble la fête pour révéler une affaire secrète dont l'enfant qu'il avait, des années antérieures avec Valentina Altamira, la sœur cadette de Raquel. Adriano accuse aussi la famille Altamira pour la mort de son jeune amour Valentina, ne sachant pas qu'elle est en vie, mais détenue dans un hôpital psychiatrique sous les ordres de sa sœur aînée Raquel.