Angela Heck

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Crime Wave

Crime Wave

Apr 12, 1985
A young director intent on making "the greatest color crime movie ever" can't seem to finish his script--he has a beginning and an end, but he can't quite figure out the middle. The daughter of his landlord, excited to have a real "movie person" living nearby, tries to help by putting him in touch with a man who wants to collaborate on a script--the strange "Dr. Jolly"


Sep 01, 1990
At the height of the October Revolution during the 1919 allied intervention in Arkhangelsk, the exploits of one-legged Canadian soldier Lt. John Boles are told, after he is taken in from the cold by a dysfunctional Russian family and mistakes a local woman for his presumed dead lover.
Tales from the Gimli Hospital
A la fin du siècle dernier une épidémie de peste bubonique s'abat à Gimli, une colonie islandaise. A l'hôpital, Einar, pêcheur solitaire, rencontre Gunnar, gentilhomme sympathique et grassouillet. Les deux hommes deviennent amis. Ils se racontent des histoires toujours plus enfiévrées et deviennent ennemis quand ces histoires vont trop loin, se faisaint mutuellement subir toute sorte de tourments.
The Dead Father

The Dead Father

Sep 05, 1985
Une famille est prise d'un fort sentiment de culpabilité à la mort du père.