Brien Foerster

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Watchers 8: Cloak of Secrecy
IS THERE A CONNECTION? Are we seeing a connection between our ancient past and what is happening today? Were huge stones simply levitated into position, and do we have any modern evidence that such a thing may have been possible? WATCHERS 8 explores how today's UFO phenomena and the ancient evidence in Peru may be connected. We'll also continue with our story in WATCHERS 7 with Bill's implant.
Watchers 10 Part 1: DNA
For years, there has been an on-going effort to get samples to perform DNA testing on the Peruvian skulls and other organic creatures. Bureaucratic red tape, the TSA, and other roadblocks have prevented it. But now, after decades of being hidden in a box in Oregon, a huge Peruvian skull is found — one that has been in the U.S. for so long it became available for DNA testing. Along with this, the red hairs from the baby mummy (WATCHERS 8) and three other skulls were tested. The origins of the elongated-skull people are finally known scientifically.
Above Majestic

Above Majestic

Oct 30, 2018
Le 10 septembre 2001, le Secrétaire à la Défense Donald Rumsfeld a annoncé que 2 300 milliards de dollars ne pouvaient pas être justifiés dans les dépenses du département de la Défense. Le lendemain, le bureau de l’analyste du budget du Pentagone a été détruit dans les attaques du 11 septembre. Above Majestic porte un regard choquant et provocateur sur ce qui serait nécessaire pour cacher au public un Programme Spatial Secret de plusieurs milliards de dollars (un groupe clandestin de militaires d’élite et de figures de proue des entreprises, chargés de comprendre le fonctionnement de technologies extraterrestres, aussi appelé “Majestic 12”) et les implications que cela aurait pour l’humanité. Le public est plongée dans les origines, les technologies, l’histoire, les dissimulations, les conspirations, les témoignages et la recherche dans Above Majestic. Avec les plus célèbres auteurs, chercheurs, lanceurs d’alerte et propagateurs du mouvement pour la vérité et l’entière divulgation.
Mysteries Of Ancient Mexico
Join author and explorer, Brien Foerster, as he embarks on an epic journey to uncover the secrets of our past. Ancient Mexico was the home to famous cultures such as the Aztec, Olmec, Toltec and Maya, who thankfully left behind amazing temples for us to explore. In this documentary we explore these ancient places deep in the jungle, and find possible evidence of Lost Technology.
Deep Space

Deep Space

May 08, 2023
From the moment the real space race began, it was enshrouded with secrecy and disinformation. Now reports of extraterrestrial beings on Earth, suppressed advanced technologies and expansive government cover-ups are making their way into mass consciousness. But we have all been denied the whole story by those who would benefit from our continuing ignorance. What has been hidden will become evident as the pieces of this intricate puzzle are finally put together. Gaia brings together the best minds in their fields to shed new light on an extremely controversial subject which can no longer remain hidden or denied. It is up to you to evaluate the evidence and decide where you stand on the question of humanity's presence in Deep Space.
In Search of Monsters

In Search of Monsters

Jun 06, 2019
Des créatures obsédantes prennent vie dans une chasse à la vérité sur les monstres infâmes et leurs origines. Les experts explorent les dernières preuves, les rencontres avec des témoins oculaires et les enquêtes actives tout en dévoilant leurs théories époustouflantes sur ces bêtes cauchemardesques.