Dave Smith

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Ub Iwerks : La Main derrière la Souris
There's not a person in the world who wouldn't recognize Mickey Mouse. But until now, not many knew the man who originally gave shape, movement and personality to the world's most beloved icon. "The Hand Behind the Mouse: The Ub Iwerks Story" takes you behind the scenes to meet Walt Disney's best friend and chief animator.
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: The Story Behind the Masterpiece
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: The Story Behind the Masterpiece is a behind-the-scenes documentary narrated by Corey Burton on the making of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. It was originally made to commemorate the film's 20th anniversary, and was included with the film's subsequent home video releases. The special was made in 1996 by TV is OK Productions and was directed by Harry Arends.
Walt Disney : L'homme au delà du mythe
De Mickey Mouse à Mary Poppins, du cinéma à la télévision, en passant par le parc Disneyland, Walt Disney a touché le coeur de millions de spectateurs à travers le monde entier avec une seule et même recette : transporter les gens dans la magie. Sur l'initiative de sa fille, Diane Disney Miller, et présenté par la légende Disney, Dick Van Dike, un des acteurs de Mary Poppins, le film révèle, dans un instructif portrait, l'homme qui se cache derrière le mythe, en présentant non seulement une panoplie d'interviews de ses amis, de ses collaborateurs et d'experts en tous genres mais aussi des films privés de la famille Disney. Des périodes fastes aux périodes difficiles, mal-aimé ou reconnu, Walt Disney est toujours resté un homme non seulement, innovateur, dynamique et perfectionniste pour ses studios mais aussi profondément dévoué à sa famille.
Adventure Thru the Walt Disney Archives
Explore the rich history of the Walt Disney Archives as legendary producer and host Don Hahn tours rarely seen areas of the department’s vast collections along with beloved Disney locations — including theme parks and the studio lot — through an engaging, historical lens.