Svatopluk Skládal

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Drsná Planina

Drsná Planina

May 01, 1980
Chronicle of frontier division Czech police (SNB) in the years 1946 - 1949.


May 06, 1960
A young Czech boy is freed from a concentration camp and now is working for the army against the Germans.
Noční host

Noční host

Sep 29, 1961
When a man stops at a motel one evening in 1961, his tormenting behavior drives one of the people present at the motel to remember his experiences in a concentration camp during WWII.
Útěky domů

Útěky domů

Oct 17, 1980
A twelve-year-old is looking for his biological parents after discovering the fact that he was adopted.
Buldoci a třešně

Buldoci a třešně

Sep 11, 1981
The dreaded Italian mafioso, Marian Labuda, will also be convinced. Mafioso Carmello was guilty of the principles of his organization when he tried to fool the boss and earned a death sentence. The convict runs away from the killer through Vienna to Prague, which his Austrian colleague in crime recommended as a safe hiding place. None of them knows that the Czechs learned so much tricks under real socialism that a seasoned Italian professional is not enough to watch.
Qui veut tuer Jessie ?
Dans cette drôle de comédie tchécoslovaque, un scientifique invente une machine qui projette le rêve d'une personne endormie sur un écran; les catastrophes suivent bientôt quand les dysfonctionnements de la machine et les personnages de dessin animé de rêve deviennent très réels!
Konec agenta W4C prostřednictvím psa pana Foustky
The invincible agent Cyril Juan Borguette alias W4C has been assigned a mission to go to a hotel in Prague, get hold of a saltcellar with a plan for the military exploitation of Venus hidden in it, and hand it over to the beautiful agent Alice. He will have to compete for the saltcellar with other agents working for the world's various greater and smaller powers. The head of the Prague counter-intelligence unit gets news of agent W4C's mission. Deficient in personnel, he nominates accountant Foustka as agent 13B. Mr Foustka takes his dog Pajda with him and the two head for the airport. Pajda helps him track down agent W4C in a classy hotel that becomes the battleground for the interests and plans of the secret agents from different countries, each trying to get hold of the precious saltcellar.
Chronique morave

Chronique morave

Jul 04, 1969
Diverses scènes de la vie d'une communauté soudée en Tchécoslovaquie explorant l'esprit humain dans le contexte des changements politiques qu'ils vivent.
Messieurs, J' Ai Tué Einstein
Après une explosion nucléaire, les femmes ont de la barbe et ne peuvent plus enfanter. Les Nations Unies décident de construire une machine pour voyager dans le temps, afin d'aller tuer Einstein, espérant qu'ainsi la Bombe A ne soit jamais inventée...
Science Fiction
Monsieur, vous êtes veuve !
Après qu'un soldat ait coupé le bras du cousin du roi, celui-ci décide de désactiver l'armée. Bien entendu, les généraux n'apprécient pas du tout cette décision et tentent de tuer le roi. L'assassin doit être un corps artificiel ayant la forme de l'actrice Evelina Keleti et le cerveau de la tueuse en série psychotique Fany Stubová. Ils parviennent également à tuer l'astrologue du roi, Stuart Hample, qui met en garde le roi. Par accident, le cerveau de Hample est implanté dans le corps de l'assassin, l'actrice Keleti est tuée et le chaos commence.
Science Fiction
Jeden z nich je vrah

Jeden z nich je vrah

Apr 23, 1971
Marek (Jirí Holý), formerly a driver of a long-distance lorry, has served his term for smuggling art works abroad and is released from jail. Years ago, he sacrificed himself and confessed his guilt on behalf of his companions - the drivers Krása, Jelínek, Hess and Novák from the Ministry of Culture who gave them tips. Marek finds Hess and tells him that now he expects the gang to compensate him for the wasted years of his life.
Partie krásného dragouna
In a suburban villa, a woman of means is murdered. Police Superintendent Zdychynec from the Prague Liben neighborhood reports the case to Police Councilman Vacátko, upon whose order an investigation is launched immediately. Zdychynec begins to suspect the wooer of his own daughter, a handsome dragoon named Rudi, of the crime. In Rudi's absence, Zdychynec searches his rented room in the apartment of the elegant Mrs Dragicová. All his findings - among others, sand left on Rudi's jackboots and a decent amount of money in his bedside table - convince the superintendent that he is following the right lead, especially when Rudi refuses to say where he was at the time of the murder.
La Fille sur le Balai

La Fille sur le Balai

Sep 08, 1972
Saxana, apprentie sorcière peu studieuse, pour échapper aux trois cents ans de « colle » qu'elle vient de se voir infliger, s'enfuit chez les humains. Elle ne dispose que de quarante-quatre heures avant d'être obligée de quitter ce monde si différent du sien. Ses recherches pour trouver des oreilles de sorcière et en faire une boisson qui lui permettra de fuir à jamais son univers féerique, attirent l'attention de trois jeunes voyous. Ces derniers comptent bien profiter de ses talents pour échapper aux sanctions disciplinaires qui les menacent...
Fandy ó Fandy

Fandy ó Fandy

Dec 01, 1983
Little kids, little worries, big kids, big worries, sighs many a parent often. This is no different for the mother of eighteen-year-old Frantisek, who has just graduated from high school without much glory and is about to start his first job. Fandy is still full of boyish dreams, yearns for a career as a rowing representative, competes with a friend for the favor of an admiring girl and is generally stubbornly opposed to taking life seriously.
Dny zrady

Dny zrady

Apr 27, 1973
This feature film based on the events of 1938 is a chronicle of the futile efforts of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Benes (Jirí Pleskot), politicians and ordinary citizens, to save the independence and the territorial integrity of the state from the advance of Hitler's Germany. On the 29th of March 1938 the leader of the Sudeten Germans Henlein (Werner Ehrlicher) has a meeting with Hitler (Gunnar Möller). Hitler orders him to intensify pressure on the Czechoslovak government. On the 24th of April in Carlsbad, the Sudetendeutsche Partei (Sudeten German Party) decides upon eight demands that are unacceptable to the Czechoslovak President, since they would ultimately lead to the break-up of the Republic. Benes still shows a certain willingness to negotiate, and Henlein resents this. The Germans are determined to make further negotiations impossible through incidents and violence.
Cirkus v cirkuse

Cirkus v cirkuse

Feb 13, 1976
To Moscow have arrived the participants of the international conference of the zoophilologists and also the international jury which is to elect for the world festival the best performance of the program of Moscow circus. Mrs Whistler (Iva Janzurová), British associate professor, makes her understood with the animals in their language but the Czech professor Ruzicka (Jirí Sovák), though he is capable of using the animals language, prefers teaching the animals the human language. Ruzicka's friend, the poodle Archibald, speaks "in Human" very well. The scientific dispute ends with a bet - if Ruzicka teaches the circus elephant to sing, Mrs Whistler will eat up her hat.
Bouřlivé víno

Bouřlivé víno

Apr 30, 1976
It is the summer of 1968 and also in South Moravian Pálavice appear political clashes. The so far peacefully farming Unified farmers' cooperative starts splitting. Some of the farmers have found the cooperative called Vidrupa and want to deal with wine in private trade. Michal Janák, chairman of the farmers' cooperative is a deliberate man and refuses the latent return to the capitalism. As an excellent farmer he continues preparing planting out new vineyards. His adversaries do not agree - the returns will come many years later. Jozka Hrdlicka, an émigré, notices on the Austrian TV the interview with the representatives of Vidrupa and decides to visit his native village. The new suit and the hired car transform the bankrupt and criminal to the successful businessman with wine.


Oct 01, 1984
Saxony, devastated by the Thirty Years' War, is led by the comedy troupe of the principal Fortunato. The student Vavrinec has fled Bohemia and greatly values the text of Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet, which he has acquired on his wanderings around the world.
Jak se krade milión

Jak se krade milión

Sep 29, 1967
The exemplary accountant Antonín Safránek lives his orderly life as a citizen of a small town. His wife Eliska brings up their three children and desperately tries to get by on her husband's low salary every month. At the same time, she sadly watches the luxurious life of their neighbor and other people like him who have no qualms about improving their standard of living by cheating. One day, the infallible Safránek makes a mistake in the cash clearance and there are nine one-hundred Crown bills left in the safe. An unexpected company control carried out the next day passes without problems and the account is closed. The temptation is too strong. The insufficient control enables Safránek to gradually steal one million Crowns.
Visage perdu

Visage perdu

Dec 24, 1965
Europe centrale, années 1930: le médecin tchèque Bartos s'occupe avec dévouement des patients pauvres de la banlieue de la ville, tout en recherchant les possibilités de régénération des tissus humains après transplantation. Son ancien collègue Rosen, qui travaille maintenant comme assistant à la clinique privée du chirurgien Kirchenbruch, considère cette recherche comme une simple utopie. Bartos, déçu et essayant de vérifier ses théories, accepte donc la proposition scandaleuse de Marion, propriétaire d'un bordel, de remplacer chirurgicalement le visage de son amant, le voleur recherché Cutter, avec le visage du Père Hopsasa.
Vánoce s Alžbětou

Vánoce s Alžbětou

Nov 22, 1968
Surly solitary truck driver is given an assistant for his daily rounds: a young woman with a fondness for mini-skirts and boys, fresh out of prison.
Případ Lupínek

Případ Lupínek

Apr 07, 1961
In a wooden hut used as a canvassing center, members of a children's puppet-theatre group are rehearsing for a production about a journey to the Moon. The goings-on inside the hut and outside are being closely followed by amateur detective Pepik Barnabás. He, however, is the first to be under suspicion when a trunk containing puppets goes missing. The children follow him but, when they catch up with him, they discover he hasn't got it. Pepík offers to help them in their search.


Dec 24, 1973
A princess was so beautiful and had such golden hair that she was known as Pretty Goldilocks. A neighboring king fell in love with her from her description, but much to the king's disappointment, she rejected his ambassador, saying she had no wish to be married...
Procesí k panence

Procesí k panence

May 19, 1961
Farmers get away from their arguments by embarking on a religious pilgrimage, enjoy a picnic en route, and on their return decide to form a cooperative.
Řeka čaruje

Řeka čaruje

Jan 25, 1946
Leopold Kohák married a rich widow a long time ago and now has nothing to do compared to his energetic wife. He's growing old and troubled by the fact that he betrayed his first love Emča and his beloved river Sázava where he spent his childhood and youth. A visit from an old friend Lebeda brings it all back to him. After a nervous breakdown Leopold secretly visits his home instead of going to the spa. A wandering tramp suggest Leopold should bathe in the magical waters of the Sázava, and slowly his youth returns to him.


Jul 05, 1946
An ambitious and selfish lawyer confesses to the murder of his first wife. Some of the scenes were filmed in the last weeks of the war.
Les amants du faubourg
A young, unmarried woman finds herself a "little bit pregnant" and she tries to hide this fact from her mother but it isn't long before the truth is obvious.


Feb 21, 1981
Arabela était une série télévisée pour enfants produite en Tchécoslovaquie qui a été diffusée de 1979 à 1981. La série compte 13 épisodes et est en langue tchèque.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
30 případů majora Zemana
Thirty Cases of Major Zeman is a Czechoslovak action-drama television show intended as a political propaganda to support the official attitude of the communist party. The series were filmed in the 1970s. Each episode encompasses one year, and investigations are stylized to that year. Most are inspired by real cases. The series follows the life of police investigator Jan Zeman during his career from 1945 to 1975.
Nemocnice na kraji města
Hospital at the End of the City is a popular television series first released in Czechoslovakia in 1977, it featured an ensemble cast and received much viewer praise in central Europe. The series ran from 1977 to 1981 for a total of twenty episodes. The success of the series inspired the German television series The Black Forest Clinic.