Ken Blackburn

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Bad Blood

Bad Blood

Nov 12, 1982
During World War 2, a farmer in New Zealand murders seven people. The police, along with local Maori trackers, hunt him in the bush country.
Skin Deep

Skin Deep

Oct 01, 1978
In small town Carlton Bob, the head of the Progressive Association, the local accountant and the boxing coach at the men-only gym, hires a masseuse from Auckland. Sandra is quite happy to give straight massage, but Bob pressures her to give "city massages". The wives are disturbed by her presence - perhaps with some justification. The climax occurs when accountant Phil, wants to leave his wife for Sandra; but when she rejects him, he smashes up the gym. The boys rally round to hush up Phil's indiscretion.


Oct 01, 1981
Walter Burton's realistic photographs depicting poor treatment of Maori prisoners are rejected by late 19th century government officials. Walter is condemned to making a living from everyday studio work, the frustration of which is apparently quite sufficient to make him a drunk. His brother Alfred is happy to take the photos that the officials want and therefore gets the commissions. Alfred's photos are well received, but when Walter shows his own photos, toughs are sent around to smash up his plates.
Rest for the Wicked

Rest for the Wicked

Nov 24, 2011
Ex-cop Murray(Tony Barry), is compelled to come out of retirement for one last case, when he finds out his old nemesis Frank (John Bach) is now in the Knightsbridge Gardens Retirement Village. In order to catch his man, Murray goes undercover by becoming a resident. He also discovers a world of sex, drugs and rocking chairs where life is lived and being old does not mean feeling past it. However Murray discovers that things are not always what they may seem to be.
Absent Without Leave

Absent Without Leave

Feb 20, 1993
In 1942 Wellington, Daisy Edwards, 16 and pregnant, relies totally on her just-wed husband, Ed, who is little older than she. Ed is suddenly drafted into the army and is to be sent overseas to battle while Daisy is sent to her father in Auckland. When Ed's leave is cancelled at the last minute he takes the dangerous decision to go absent without leave to be with Daisy on her journey home. As a deserter, Ed is hunted, captured and imprisoned. Life inside is bad enought without the worry of what is going on outside. The film is based upon a true story.
Brotherhood of the Rose
Romulus and Remus were picked up at an orphanage at a young age, raised together as brothers and trained to supersede every other CIA agents.
Action & Adventure


Mar 21, 2003
John Crichton est astronaute. Le jour où il part dans l'espace pour vérifier l'une de ses théories, son module est aspiré par un vortex et il se retrouve projeté dans une zone inconnue de l'univers où personne n'a jamais entendu parler ni de la terre ni des humains. Il est recueilli par un Léviathan avec à son bord trois prisonniers en train de s'échapper. Dès lors il n'aura de cesse de chercher un moyen pour pouvoir rentrer chez lui. Mais le voyage ne sera pas de tout repos car l'univers grouille de menaces plus dangereuses les unes que les autres...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy