Simeon Willis

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Aug 28, 2016
Filmmaker Catherine Sweeney is determined to make her zombie horror romantic comedy. However in order to get the funding she need to put a talking dog in it...
Graphic Desires

Graphic Desires

Aug 31, 2023
Graphic Desires suit le parcours d'une jeune femme nommée Charlie, qui est une artiste numérique en pleine ascension. Elle commence à ressentir une forte attirance pour un mystérieux inconnu qu'elle découvre à travers une série d'illustrations graphiques sensuelles et troublantes. Au fil du temps, elle se retrouve de plus en plus obsédée par cet inconnu, au point de ne plus pouvoir distinguer la réalité de l'imaginaire. Charlie se retrouve alors plongée dans un monde de désirs inavoués et de sombres secrets, où chaque nouvelle illustration semble la rapprocher d'une vérité inquiétante sur sa propre vie. "Graphic Desires" explore les thèmes de l'obsession, de la dualité entre l'art et la vie, et de la fine frontière entre la réalité et la fiction. Au fur et à mesure que l'intrigue se déroule, Charlie doit faire face à des révélations choquantes qui la poussent à remettre en question sa propre identité et la nature de son désir.


Jan 01, 2007
Stagknight is derived from the uncensored lusty straight-to-Drive-In horrors of the 70's and 80's, I Spit on your Grave, The Beast, Samurai Assisan, movies that spawned the mighty Evil Dead, American Werewolf in London, later Aliens. Set deep in dark mythical English woods Stagknight presents a uniquely stupid look at this genre through the cracked "Weekend Warriors" paintball team. This is mansville not boytown on a blow-out bachelor paintball weekender bender of dirty tricks, hot babes and truly splatter-tastic medieval kills to die for.
Headlock Security

Headlock Security

Jan 01, 2015
Charlie, Danny and Gavin are down on their luck and out of work. After a chance encounter with Killer Ken, a self defense instructor, they decide to start their own security company, HeadLock Security. With not much experience but unbridled enthusiasm they may have bitten off more than they can chew
The Gatehouse

The Gatehouse

Oct 01, 2016
Eternity, a 10-year-old girl, lives in a gatehouse at the edge of an ancient forest and she likes to dig for buried treasure. One day she digs up something she shouldn't, and the forest wants it back.
In The Grass

In The Grass

Aug 01, 2016
Detective Wallace, an awkward sleuth suffering a crisis of confidence, finds himself unable to act when the killer he never suspected takes the life of his partner.
Second Spring

Second Spring

Feb 21, 2020
After a series of unusual encounters, it is obvious to those that know her best, that Kathy Deane is not herself. Then comes a devastating diagnosis, and she leaves the safety of her marriage to Tim for a man she barely knows. The mental illness causes her to behave irrationally and affects her capacity for empathy. She becomes aware that she is unaware. Nick seems wild and free, and is the change that Kathy needs. He takes her to his childhood home, around the marshes in north Kent. It's here that she is able to reconnect with herself and find some hope for the future.
Give Them Wings

Give Them Wings

Nov 20, 2021
'Give Them Wings' is based on the true story of severely disabled football fan Paul Hodgson.