David Downer

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Mad Max 2 : Le Défi

Mad Max 2 : Le Défi

Dec 24, 1981
Dans un futur non défini, les réserves de pétrole sont épuisées et la violence règne sur le monde. Max, un ancien de la sécurité routière, se porte aux secours d'une communauté de fuyards aux prises avec des pirates de la route. La bataille se concentre autour d'une citerne de raffinerie.
The Settlement

The Settlement

Jul 19, 1984
Down-on-their-luck drifters Kearney and Martin wander into the small town of Cedar Creek looking to swindle a few pounds from the locals. After a not-too-friendly reception, the pair decide to move into an abandoned shack on the outskirts of town. They are soon joined in their new home by Joycie, another town outcast with a shady past. While the three manage to start a rather happy life together, they soon find that others in the town strongly disapprove of their living arrangements.
Time's Raging

Time's Raging

Sep 22, 1985
A 38-year-old woman feels her biological clock is ticking and is torn between her ex and a younger lover.
TV Movie
The Killing of Angel Street
Jessica Simmonds returns from overseas to find her retired professor father in a bitter public fight to save the historic Sydney waterfront houses on Angel Street. After her father's mysterious death, she joins forces with local residents and a union leader against corrupt forces. Based on the real life mysterious disappearance of Juanita Nielsen.
The Three Stooges

The Three Stooges

Apr 24, 2000
A biography of the Three Stooges, in which their careers and rise to fame is shown throughout the eyes of their leader, Moe.
Norman Loves Rose

Norman Loves Rose

Sep 17, 1982
A teenage boy falls hopelessly in love with his new sister-in-law. When she gets pregnant, someone raises the question that he might be the father--a notion he does nothing to discourage.
Summer of the Seventeenth Doll
Four friends grapple with aging and the march of time in this opera based on Ray Lawler's iconic Australian play. For years, cane cutters Roo and Barney (Gary Rowley and Barry Ryan) have bunked with barmaids Olive (Gillian Sullivan) and Nancy in the summer. But Nancy's moved on, replaced by newcomer Pearl (Elizabeth Campbell). Vacation's no longer the unending party it once was as each member of the quartet arrives at a new understanding of life.


Sep 01, 2013
Underbelly, relatant la guerre des gangs qui fit rage entre 1995 et 2004 à Melbourne. On suivait l’ascension de Carl Williams, un petit malfrat, pas très fûté, mais animé d’une violence animale, ancien chauffeur des frères Moran
Brigade des mers

Brigade des mers

Aug 07, 2001
Cette série met en scène la vie d'un commissariat de la police maritime. Deux inspecteurs enquêtent sur les crimes qui ont eu lieu en mer et dans le port de Sydney et ses environs.Et on suit le quotidien des patrouilleurs et des plongeurs de la brigade des mers


Oct 07, 2018
Avocat pénaliste, Cleaver Greene est téméraire, brillant, drôle, têtu et enclin à l’autodestruction… Sans parler de sa vie professionnelle, où il a une sérieuse tendance à choisir les causes perdues, et à défendre ceux qui sont indéfendables ! Il met son point d’honneur à prendre les conventions à contrepied. Rake nous plonge dans l’amour, la folie, la dépendance et la loi. C’est-à-dire dans la vie moderne !


Mar 21, 2003
John Crichton est astronaute. Le jour où il part dans l'espace pour vérifier l'une de ses théories, son module est aspiré par un vortex et il se retrouve projeté dans une zone inconnue de l'univers où personne n'a jamais entendu parler ni de la terre ni des humains. Il est recueilli par un Léviathan avec à son bord trois prisonniers en train de s'échapper. Dès lors il n'aura de cesse de chercher un moyen pour pouvoir rentrer chez lui. Mais le voyage ne sera pas de tout repos car l'univers grouille de menaces plus dangereuses les unes que les autres...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Sep 11, 1984
Singles is a 1984 Australian television mini series about Sydney doctor Alison advertises in a singles magazine and meets five different men, the serial looked at a different date each episode.
The Dismissal

The Dismissal

Mar 06, 1983
The sensational dismissal of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam's Labor Government by the Queens representative in Australia, the Governor General, Sir John Kerr on November 11, 1975.
A Difficult Woman

A Difficult Woman

Nov 08, 1998
Anne Harriman has it all, and expects nothing less. Her brilliant work as chief pathologist of pharmaceutical giant Bauer-Ritter has secured the respect of the corporate, academic and political worlds, making her a trophy addition to any board or panel. But she's prepared to put it all on the line when her old friend Giselle McKenzie is murdered.