Cecilia Choi

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Sep 14, 2024
A washed-up action choreographer, struggling to find his way in a changing industry, risks everything to stage an epic comeback, and attempts to repair the relationship with his estranged daughter before it's too late.
Everyphone Everywhere’s cross-cutting narrative brings together a large set of players within the mobile-communications theme. First there’s designer Chung Chit (Endy Chow), who rushes to catch a ferry and leaves his phone at home. There’s no time to retrieve the device, so he tries to soldier on without it – and the results are eye-opening. Eventually, he’ll need to call his wife Ivy (Cecilia Choi) to awkwardly help him out. Meanwhile, soon-to-emigrate middle manager Raymond Ho (Peter Chan) starts his day with his WhatsApp account hacked and frozen. Broken contacts aside, his big fear is exposure of shady workplace practices and possible blackmail or arrest. Then there’s Ana (Rosa Maria Velasco), an old classmate of theirs who’s waiting in a private kitchen and getting odd messages. And all the time a young lady, Yanki (Amy Tang), and a nerdy computer wiz (Henick Chou) are busy using messaging apps for sleazy purposes.
Rapunzel: While attending the birthday celebration of the scion of some record company, an ex-hair model who aspires to make a comeback in the entertainment business gets her tresses burnt by a spoiled brat. She walks into a hair salon to salvage her sole pride and joy, only to meet her most macabre end. Cheshire Cat: A woman whose cat was gruesomely disemboweled in the street has since opened a feline rescue center. When a man who poses as an animal lover alerts her to a potential case of cat torture, she accompanies him to the scene, only to realize that he is the real perpetrator and his next target could be human. Tooth Fairy: A dental nurse befriends a chef in the street. When he visits her clinic to check on his teeth, he is tortured by the dentist who fancies her. The morning after, the dentist is found murdered in the clinic. All fingers point to the chef who happens to be mentally unstable. Little do the police know that the real culprit is still at large.


Feb 08, 2024
Trahis après un braquage de banque, les membres d'une équipe de voleurs professionnels se lancent dans une mission encore plus risquée : rendre l'argent qu'ils ont dérobé.


Jan 01, 1970
This suspense drama follows a fugitive magician hiding out on an island where he meets a young boy who may unlock his past and bring his magic tricks back to life.


Dec 14, 2024
So Sing Wah, a former lead singer of the band, fell into the trough of marriage and career in middle age. He met his ex-girlfriend Ha Man Huen in the hospital. Recalling the love in the midsummer, she now has natural grace and elegance. But it is a pity that she left without leaving any contact. Unexpectedly, there is a bad new from her after half a year; it would be her smiling face in the photo in the mourning hall when meeting her again. So thought that everything now has become the past, but a week later, an uninvited guest came to him. Sonia, a fifteen-year-old girl claimed to be daughter of Ha Man Huen and have a presumptuous request. Ha Man Huen entrusted the lawyer before her death, hoping that So and Sonia would scatter the ashes under the Bodhidharma sun to make up for the regret of breaking up that year. The two lonely people with thirty years apart, hugged the ashes and finally decided to go to Japan together.


Sep 22, 2017
A student and political activist becomes the new housemate of a solitary painter. He is brusque and disillusioned, she is filled with hope. Outside, Taiwan is heading towards new presidential elections. Contemporary Asian cinema at its best, in which it's all about timing and rhythm. A visually impressive, layered thriller about politics, art and murder.


Jun 30, 2015
Sam has OCD. After he broke up with his girlfriend, Yu Ting, his OCD got more serious. When Sam tried to overcome his OCD, Sam's brother, Ken, took Sam to jogging. One day, they met a girl when they were jogging.
City of Darkness

City of Darkness

Apr 23, 2024
Dans les années 80, le seul endroit de Hong Kong où la Loi Britannique ne s’applique pas est la Citadelle de Kowloon, une enclave livrée aux gangs et trafics en tous genres. Poursuivi par la puissante triade de Mr. Big, un migrant clandestin y trouve refuge sous la protection de Cyclone, le charismatique chef de la Citadelle. Ensemble, ils vont devoir faire face aux attaques de Mr. Big et de ses sbires afin de protéger la population de la cité fortifiée.
Falling Love At First Kiss
Quand une fille stupide tombe amoureuse de quelqu'un qui est hors d'atteinte, existe-t-il un espoir de fin heureuse ? Xiang Qin est une fille ordinaire qui a le béguin persistant pour Jiang Zhi Shu. Après qu'elle lui ait transmis ses sentiments et qu'elle se voit cruellement rejetée, Xiang Qin envisage d'abandonner pour de bon. Cependant, il se passe des choses et son père l'emmène s'installer temporairement avec la famille de Zhi Shu. Dans une douce et pure romance se déroulant au lycée, la flottabilité enjouée de Xiang Qin brille. Zhi Shu commence à se demander si Xiang Qin est simplement une déviation ou la personne avec laquelle il est censé être.


Sep 20, 2019
En 1962, pendant la terreur blanche de Taiwan, une élève de dernière année du secondaire nommée Fang Ray-shin tombe amoureuse de son professeur et conseiller, Chang Ming-Hui. Au milieu des problèmes croissants auxquels elle est confrontée à la maison et à l'école, il devient sa seule évasion. Chang, épris de liberté, est l'organisateur d'un groupe d'étude sur les livres interdits, avec son collègue Yin Tsui-han et l'élève de deuxième année Wei Chong-ting. Un jour, Chang disparaît sans explication, et seuls Ray-shin et Chong-ting semblent se souvenir qu'il a jamais existé. Les deux s'unissent pour retrouver leur professeur disparu mais découvrent bientôt que l'école n'est plus le monde familier dont ils se souviennent. Le bâtiment est devenu une terre extraterrestre où les fantômes et les démons se déchaînent, et les deux étudiants seront forcés d'affronter la vérité de la terreur.
Beyond the Dream

Beyond the Dream

Jul 02, 2020
Lok est un schizophrène convalescent qui aspire à l'amour. Un jour, il rencontre la jeune et belle Yan-yan et tombe rapidement amoureux d'elle. Juste au moment où il a du mal à lui parler de sa maladie, il fait une rechute et devient délirant. Il ne sait pas qu'elle est conseillère en psychologie et quelque chose en tête. Le couple développe une relation qui dépasse leurs rêves les plus fous.


Oct 06, 2017
To repay the gambling debts her boyfriend has left behind after a fatal pigeon racing accident, Barbie, a pole dancer, meets organ dealer Malacca, who extracts her deceased boyfriend's organs. Malacca becomes Barbie's lover in the process. Meanwhile, Yang, a detective, sets up a trap to capture Malacca.


Jun 03, 2021
Just out of jail, Fai finds a spot on a street corner where other homeless people welcome him. But he doesn’t get much time to settle in. The police soon chase them away, and their possessions disappear into a garbage truck. Young social worker Ms Ho thinks it’s time to fight this in court. In the meantime, Fai and his friends have other concerns.


Apr 13, 2023
Accomplishing her late husband's wish of remaining a mysterious neon sign, a depressed middle-aged widow and the neon signmaker's protégé discover surprises and bitterness amidst the city's vanishing glow.


Mar 18, 2022
Yeesa has time-traveled through time and space to change her destiny many times, but this time, she wakes up a year later to find herself in a timeline where the people she used to know aren't exactly who they were in the previous timeline. Feeling lost and out of place in life, she tries to find her way back only to encounter different variables this time that might change her destiny once more.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Triad Princess

Triad Princess

Dec 06, 2019
Après avoir décroché un job de garde du corps de célébrité, la fille turbulente d'un puissant chef de triade chamboule la vie d'une star de la télé et trouve l'amour.


Jan 01, 1970
There is no way to avoid the law, and life is played by chess; the right and wrong are reversed, and evil spirits are expelled and upright.