Mabel Wharekawa

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Paï : l'Élue d'un peuple nouveau
À 12 ans, Paï est la petite fille du chef Koro. Celui-ci doit trouver le garçon qui sera digne de devenir son successeur. Paï se sent dotée des qualités particulières pour devenir chef Maori mais son grand-père, parce qu'elle est une fille, refuse de l'initier. Elle devra alors apprendre en cachette les rituels traditionnels afin de lui montrer qu'elle est à la hauteur du légendaire « Whale Rider », le cavalier des mers.
Crooked Earth

Crooked Earth

Aug 23, 2001
Will Bastion returns home from the army after an absence of 20 years to bury his father, the former chief of thee Maori tribe, Ngati Kaipuku. The eldest son, he is reluctant to inherit his fathers role, so it is taken more willingly by his younger brother, Kahu. Kahu is the leader of a band of drug dealers and trouble-makers who ride horses through the middle of town, wrecking peoples gardens. Under the guise of refusal of a land settlement, Kahu makes a large marijuana deal with some murdering city folk. Will must choose between loyalty for his brother and his father, Maori tradition, and contemporary financial issues.


Nov 18, 2010
A random act of violence leaves eight people in crisis, searching for hope and new beginnings, as the Matariki constellation (Maori New Year) rises in the Southern skies.
Hāngī Pants

Hāngī Pants

Apr 01, 2021
When a succession of ex-wives show up to out-do- each other at a tangi of a man who was beloved by many, a flamboyant display of karanga takes place.