Keith Campbell

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Apr 26, 2023
Charles est un coureur de jupons tandis qu'Elaine est une chercheuse d'or. Le duo apprend l'humanité tandis qu'ils sont forcé de faire équipe et de poursuivre des robots doubles d'eux-mêmes.


Jan 01, 1995
Pour retrouver ses parents enlevés par des extraterrestres, un jeune garçon va demander l'aide d'un sage qui vivait au Far West au XIXe siècle.
Science Fiction
Le Gang des Champions

Le Gang des Champions

Apr 07, 1993
Scotty Smalls vient d'aménager en ville. Les enfants du quartier le considèrent comme une véritable andouille. Il ne sait même pas jeter une balle de base-ball ! Mais les choses ne tarderont pas à changer lorsque Scotty se joindra à eux sur le terrain de sport…
The Amazing Spider-Man
Abandonné par ses parents lorsqu’il était enfant, Peter Parker a été élevé par son oncle Ben et sa tante May. Il est aujourd’hui au lycée, mais il a du mal à s’intégrer. Comme la plupart des adolescents de son âge, Peter essaie de comprendre qui il est et d’accepter son parcours. Amoureux pour la première fois, lui et Gwen Stacy découvrent les sentiments, l’engagement et les secrets. En retrouvant une mystérieuse mallette ayant appartenu à son père, Peter entame une quête pour élucider la disparition de ses parents, ce qui le conduit rapidement à Oscorp et au laboratoire du docteur Curt Connors, l’ancien associé de son père. Spider-Man va bientôt se retrouver face au Lézard, l’alter ego de Connors. En décidant d’utiliser ses pouvoirs, il va choisir son destin…
Jeux de guerre

Jeux de guerre

Jun 04, 1992
Jack Ryan, un ancien agent de la CIA, donne désormais des conférences. À Londres, il est témoin d'une tentative d'assassinat de Lord Holmes, le cousin de la Reine d'Angleterre, par des terroristes irlandais. Jack Ryan tue Paddy Boy, le frère de Sean Miller, permet l'arrestation de ce dernier et sauve Holmes. Kevin O'Donnell, le chef du commando, réussit l'évasion de Sean. Réfugiés dans un camp d'entraînement en Lybie, Kevin et sa complice Annette organisent activement un nouvel attentat, tandis que Sean est décidé à venger la mort de son frère.
Suburban Commando

Suburban Commando

Oct 04, 1991
Un héros interstellaire d'un monde lointain visite la terre et tente d'adapter à une famille de banlieue encore genre banal.
Fatal Instinct

Fatal Instinct

Oct 29, 1993
Voici Lana, Laura et Lola. Trois jeunes femmes aussi belles que sexy qui convoitent toutes le même homme : Ned Ravine ! L'une veut l'épouser, l'autre désire seulement le tuer, et la troisième… le souhaite mort ou vif, au choix !
Mission : Impossible

Mission : Impossible

May 22, 1996
Ethan Hunt, un agent secret de haut niveau, est accusé de la mort de son équipe d'espionnage. Alors qu'il fuit les criminels du gouvernement, qu'il s'introduit dans la chambre forte la plus impénétrable de la CIA et qu'il se cramponne au toit d'un train à grande vitesse, Hunt se retrouve dans une course effrénée pour devancer ceux qui le poursuivent… et se rapprocher petit à petit d'une vérité bouleversante.
Agent zéro zéro

Agent zéro zéro

May 24, 1996
Pastiche du film d’espionnage où le héros, Nick Laren, reprend du service pour traquer avec l’aide de la magnifique et très mystérieuse agent 3.14, le général Rancor, son éternel ennemi qui lui aussi récidive dans les projets diaboliques qui mettent le monde en péril.
Men in Black

Men in Black

Jul 02, 1997
Chargés de protéger la Terre de toute infraction extraterrestre et de réguler l’immigration intergalactique sur notre planète, les Men in black ou MIB opèrent dans le plus grand secret. Vêtus de costumes sombres et équipés des toutes dernières technologies, ils passent inaperçus aux yeux des humains dont ils effacent régulièrement la mémoire récente : la présence d’aliens sur notre sol doit rester secrète. Récemment séparé de son vieux partenaire, retourné à la vie civile sans aucun souvenir de sa vie d’homme en noir, K, le plus expérimenté des agents du MIB décide de former J, un jeune policier. Ensemble, ils vont afronter une nouvelle menace : Edgar le cafard…
A.I. Intelligence artificielle
Dans un XXIe siècle où la fonte des glaces a submergé la majorité des terres habitables et provoqué famines et exodes, les robots sont devenus une composante essentielle de la vie quotidienne, et assurent désormais la plupart des tâches domestiques. Pourtant, le professeur Hobby veut aller encore plus loin en créant le premier androïde sensible : un enfant capable de développer un vaste répertoire d'émotions et de souvenirs. Peu après cette annonce, David, un robot de onze ans, fait son entrée chez Henry et Monica Swinton, un couple dont le jeune fils a été cryogénisé en attendant la découverte d'un remède pour guérir sa grave maladie. Bientôt abandonné par sa mère adoptive, David entame un périlleux voyage à la recherche de son identité et de sa part secrète d'humanité.
Windtalkers : Les Messagers du vent
En 1944, durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, face à l'ennemi japonais, les États-Unis ont utilisé une méthode de codage : le langage Navajo, uniquement compris et parlé par certains soldats indiens. Ces code talkers transmettaient les messages codés entre les bases américaines disséminées sur les îles du Pacifique. Le marine Joe Enders sort blessé d'une bataille sanglante sur les îles Salamon. Après avoir récupéré dans un hôpital, il est chargé d'une nouvelle mission consistant à assurer la sécurité de deux soldats navajos, Ben Yahzee et Charlie Whitehorse, et à protéger le code à tout prix pour l'empêcher de tomber aux mains de l'ennemi. En clair : sacrifier, si besoin est, leurs frères d'armes. Durant ce périple, Joe se voit accompagner d'Ox Anderson et d'autres soldats. En pleine bataille de Saïpan, des liens d'amitié se tissent entre les Navajos et leurs anges gardiens.
Le Cercle : The Ring

Le Cercle : The Ring

Oct 18, 2002
Lorsque sa nièce trouve la mort foudroyée par la peur une semaine après avoir visionné une mystérieuse cassette vidéo, Rachel Keller, une journaliste de Seattle, décide d'enquêter sur ce fameux enregistrement. Aidée de son ex-mari Noah, elle découvre que cette cassette est porteuse d'une étrange malédiction : quiconque la visionne est condamné à périr dans de terribles circonstances. Rachel prend tout de même le risque de regarder l'enregistrement. Le téléphone sonne alors, le décompte mortel s'enclenche : la jeune femme ne dispose plus que de sept jours pour sauver sa vie et celle de son fils. Sept jours pour tenter de déjouer le sortilège du Cercle…
Suspect Zero

Suspect Zero

Aug 27, 2004
Pour Thomas MacKelway, enquêteur au FBI, les trois meurtres qu'il a sur les bras n'ont en principe aucun lien entre eux. Pourtant, rapidement, le tueur le défie et lui envoie des énigmes...


Dec 17, 2004
À la fin des années 1920, Howard Hughes, jeune héritier d'une famille du Sud possédant de nombreux puits de pétrole, investit une somme considérable dans la production de "Hell's Angels", un film retraçant les exploits d'aviateurs pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Au cours d'un tournage qui va s'étaler sur trois ans, le producteur-réalisateur rencontre deux de ses fidèles collaborateurs: Noah Dietrich, chargé de s'occuper des finances de l'entreprise, et le professeur Fitz, qui devient son conseiller scientifique. Ce tournage avive également l'intérêt de Howard pour l'aéronautique, l'amenant à concevoir et à tester de nouveaux modèles d'avions rapides. Peu de temps après la sortie en fanfare de "Hell's Angels", Howard fait la connaissance de la comédienne Katharine Hepburn, dont il tombe amoureux.


Mar 02, 2011
Alors qu’il mène sa vie sans histoire d’animal de compagnie, Rango, caméléon peu aventurier, est en pleine crise d’identité : à quoi bon avoir des ambitions quand tout ce qu’on vous demande, c’est de vous fondre dans la masse ? Un jour, Rango échoue par hasard dans la petite ville de Poussière, dans l’Ouest sauvage, où de sournoises créatures venues du désert font régner la terreur. Contre toute attente, notre caméléon, qui ne brille pas par son courage, comprend qu’il peut enfin se rendre utile. Dernier espoir des habitants de Poussière, Rango s’improvise shérif et n’a d’autre choix que d’assumer ses nouvelles fonctions. Affrontant des personnages plus extravagants les uns que les autres, Rango va‐t‐il devenir le héros qu’il se contentait jusque‐là d’imiter ?
Minority Report

Minority Report

Jun 20, 2002
Washington, 2054. Plus aucun meurtre ne se produit grâce au « pré-crime », l’unité policière dirigée par John Anderton. Cette unité dispose d'un système lui permettant de visualiser les meurtres avant qu'ils ne se produisent. Mais quand John découvre qu'il est lui-même accusé d'un meurtre à venir, il n'a que 36 heures pour comprendre le véritable fonctionnement de ce système.
Science Fiction
Unforeseen Courage

Unforeseen Courage

Dec 12, 2000
Nick, A young believer in love and hope gets caught up in the allure of a beautiful and mysterious woman, Adrianna. While a monster conglomerate dealing in domestic trades to U.S. military organizations is revealed as a corrupt entity. Nick and Adrianna are mixed up in the middle of a web of violence and conspiracy.
The Rage

The Rage

Aug 15, 1997
FBI Special Agent Travis is trying to catch a deranged serial killer and is doing his best despite having a new and unexperienced partner in the form of Kelly McCord. It turns out that the serial killer is an entire army of disgruntled CIA mercenaries from Vietnam.
Batman : Le Défi

Batman : Le Défi

Jun 19, 1992
FBI Special Agent Travis is trying to catch a deranged serial killer and is doing his best despite having a new and unexperienced partner in the form of Kelly McCord. It turns out that the serial killer is an entire army of disgruntled CIA mercenaries from Vietnam.
Lonely Street

Lonely Street

Jan 01, 2009
Bubba Mabry, a gullible private detective, becomes the prime suspect in a tabloid reporter's murder after being hired to snoop on him by a mysterious celebrity.
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire

Dec 13, 1996
Bubba Mabry, a gullible private detective, becomes the prime suspect in a tabloid reporter's murder after being hired to snoop on him by a mysterious celebrity.
Le Cercle : Rings

Le Cercle : Rings

Feb 01, 2017
Bubba Mabry, a gullible private detective, becomes the prime suspect in a tabloid reporter's murder after being hired to snoop on him by a mysterious celebrity.
Ennemis rapprochés

Ennemis rapprochés

Mar 13, 1997
Bubba Mabry, a gullible private detective, becomes the prime suspect in a tabloid reporter's murder after being hired to snoop on him by a mysterious celebrity.
Demolition Man

Demolition Man

Oct 08, 1993
Bubba Mabry, a gullible private detective, becomes the prime suspect in a tabloid reporter's murder after being hired to snoop on him by a mysterious celebrity.
En cloque mais pas trop
Bubba Mabry, a gullible private detective, becomes the prime suspect in a tabloid reporter's murder after being hired to snoop on him by a mysterious celebrity.
Le Diable en personne

Le Diable en personne

Mar 06, 2013
Bubba Mabry, a gullible private detective, becomes the prime suspect in a tabloid reporter's murder after being hired to snoop on him by a mysterious celebrity.
The Fabelmans

The Fabelmans

Nov 11, 2022
Bubba Mabry, a gullible private detective, becomes the prime suspect in a tabloid reporter's murder after being hired to snoop on him by a mysterious celebrity.


Feb 23, 1996
Scuba-diver turned beach-bum Jonathan Slade is forced back into his previous milieu - the world of international espionage - in order to retrieve Black Boxes from an American jetliner that crashed under mysterious circumstances into the Black Sea. With his computer-hacker younger brother, Slade travels to a resort on the Russian-Turkish border to begin his quest. To his surprise and dismay, he's now joined by another secret agent, a beautiful but highly-skilled woman named Alex. As they begin diving in search of the downed jetliner, Slade and Alex begin to suspect they're being manipulated by higher-ups who may not be committed to American interests.
Le Premier Pouvoir

Le Premier Pouvoir

Apr 06, 1990
Scuba-diver turned beach-bum Jonathan Slade is forced back into his previous milieu - the world of international espionage - in order to retrieve Black Boxes from an American jetliner that crashed under mysterious circumstances into the Black Sea. With his computer-hacker younger brother, Slade travels to a resort on the Russian-Turkish border to begin his quest. To his surprise and dismay, he's now joined by another secret agent, a beautiful but highly-skilled woman named Alex. As they begin diving in search of the downed jetliner, Slade and Alex begin to suspect they're being manipulated by higher-ups who may not be committed to American interests.


Feb 15, 1991
Scuba-diver turned beach-bum Jonathan Slade is forced back into his previous milieu - the world of international espionage - in order to retrieve Black Boxes from an American jetliner that crashed under mysterious circumstances into the Black Sea. With his computer-hacker younger brother, Slade travels to a resort on the Russian-Turkish border to begin his quest. To his surprise and dismay, he's now joined by another secret agent, a beautiful but highly-skilled woman named Alex. As they begin diving in search of the downed jetliner, Slade and Alex begin to suspect they're being manipulated by higher-ups who may not be committed to American interests.
Prayer of the Rollerboys
Scuba-diver turned beach-bum Jonathan Slade is forced back into his previous milieu - the world of international espionage - in order to retrieve Black Boxes from an American jetliner that crashed under mysterious circumstances into the Black Sea. With his computer-hacker younger brother, Slade travels to a resort on the Russian-Turkish border to begin his quest. To his surprise and dismay, he's now joined by another secret agent, a beautiful but highly-skilled woman named Alex. As they begin diving in search of the downed jetliner, Slade and Alex begin to suspect they're being manipulated by higher-ups who may not be committed to American interests.
Science Fiction
L'ange de la destruction
Scuba-diver turned beach-bum Jonathan Slade is forced back into his previous milieu - the world of international espionage - in order to retrieve Black Boxes from an American jetliner that crashed under mysterious circumstances into the Black Sea. With his computer-hacker younger brother, Slade travels to a resort on the Russian-Turkish border to begin his quest. To his surprise and dismay, he's now joined by another secret agent, a beautiful but highly-skilled woman named Alex. As they begin diving in search of the downed jetliner, Slade and Alex begin to suspect they're being manipulated by higher-ups who may not be committed to American interests.
Science Fiction
Driving Me Crazy

Driving Me Crazy

May 16, 1991
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.


May 25, 1991
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
Science Fiction
Les Experts

Les Experts

Sep 09, 1992
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
Le Gang des Champions

Le Gang des Champions

Apr 07, 1993
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
Red Rock West

Red Rock West

May 14, 1993
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
Hot Shots ! 2

Hot Shots ! 2

May 21, 1993
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
La Firme

La Firme

Jun 30, 1993
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
Fatal Instinct

Fatal Instinct

Oct 29, 1993
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
Terrain miné

Terrain miné

Feb 18, 1994
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
Full Eclipse

Full Eclipse

Nov 27, 1993
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.


Jun 17, 1994
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
Terminal velocity

Terminal velocity

Sep 23, 1994
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
Stargate : la porte des étoiles
An eccentric East German inventor and defector travels to Los Angeles, California to sell a prototype revolutionary new car that runs on vegetables and produces no pollution, but he runs into one madcap situation after another to find a buyer and financier for mass production.
Project: Metalbeast

Project: Metalbeast

Jan 03, 1995
With the medical breakthrough of a metal-based synthetic skin called "bio-ferron" the prospect for pioneering surgeries for burn victims and cancer patients seems set to occur but for the warped head scientist in's a opportunist chance to reactivate a long forgotten classified project...that has been left frozen in a set of cryogenic chambers deep beneath the bowels of government laboratory. Convincing the other in the research team to start work on putting this living 'metal' skin on corpses, he now has the perfect test patients waiting on ice for them to work on. But there was a reason three of these stiffs in particular where left to chill. Due to an experiment gone bad these three only look human on the outside and none of them are as dead as everyone believes they are.


Apr 08, 1995
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Batman Forever

Batman Forever

Jun 16, 1995
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Strange Days

Strange Days

Oct 13, 1995
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Le Saint

Le Saint

Apr 03, 1997
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Batman & Robin

Batman & Robin

Jun 20, 1997
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
La Souris

La Souris

Dec 19, 1997
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.


Jun 08, 2001
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.


Sep 25, 2002
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Austin Powers dans Goldmember
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.


Dec 17, 2004
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
La Légende de Zorro

La Légende de Zorro

Oct 24, 2005
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.


May 03, 2006
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Planète terreur

Planète terreur

Apr 06, 2007
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Indiana Jones et le royaume du crâne de cristal
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Dirty Girl

Dirty Girl

Sep 12, 2010
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.


Nov 04, 2010
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Le Monde fantastique d’Oz
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
San Andreas

San Andreas

May 27, 2015
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Le Juge

Le Juge

Oct 08, 2014
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.


Nov 12, 2013
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Anges et Démons

Anges et Démons

Apr 23, 2009
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Inspecteur Gadget

Inspecteur Gadget

Jul 23, 1999
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Le Cercle : The Ring

Le Cercle : The Ring

Oct 18, 2002
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Ninja Kids 3 : Les 3 Ninjas se révoltent
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.


Feb 23, 2024
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Science Fiction
Le Cercle : The Ring 2
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Barb Wire

Barb Wire

May 02, 1996
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Science Fiction
Jeux de guerre

Jeux de guerre

Jun 04, 1992
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Six jours sept nuits

Six jours sept nuits

Jun 12, 1998
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Trojan War

Trojan War

Sep 26, 1997
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.


Oct 23, 1998
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
Science Fiction
Deconstructing Sarah

Deconstructing Sarah

Dec 16, 1994
Thriller about an advertising executive Kelley who leads a double life, looking for men in dive bars at night. However, when she goes missing, it causes her best friend Ticotin to turn detective and infiltrate the seedy underworld to discover what happened.
Futur Justice

Futur Justice

Sep 01, 1995
Thriller about an advertising executive Kelley who leads a double life, looking for men in dive bars at night. However, when she goes missing, it causes her best friend Ticotin to turn detective and infiltrate the seedy underworld to discover what happened.


Dec 01, 1996
An heiress is kidnapped during the chaos of a riot on Christmas Eve.
Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump

Jun 23, 1994
An heiress is kidnapped during the chaos of a riot on Christmas Eve.
C'est la fin

C'est la fin

Jun 12, 2013
An heiress is kidnapped during the chaos of a riot on Christmas Eve.
C'est la fin

C'est la fin

Jun 12, 2013
An heiress is kidnapped during the chaos of a riot on Christmas Eve.
Not Forgotten

Not Forgotten

Sep 11, 2009
An heiress is kidnapped during the chaos of a riot on Christmas Eve.
Les Runaways

Les Runaways

Mar 19, 2010
An heiress is kidnapped during the chaos of a riot on Christmas Eve.
Stone Cold

Stone Cold

May 17, 1991
An heiress is kidnapped during the chaos of a riot on Christmas Eve.


Aug 21, 1998
An heiress is kidnapped during the chaos of a riot on Christmas Eve.


May 12, 1998
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Stick It

Stick It

Apr 21, 2006
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way


Dec 17, 1992
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Last Action Hero

Last Action Hero

Jun 18, 1993
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Vanilla Sky

Vanilla Sky

Dec 14, 2001
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Science Fiction
Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor

May 21, 2001
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way


Mar 02, 2011
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Minority Report

Minority Report

Jun 20, 2002
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Science Fiction
Please Stand By

Please Stand By

Jan 26, 2018
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Mission : Impossible 2
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Mission : Impossible

Mission : Impossible

May 22, 1996
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
La Famille Addams

La Famille Addams

Nov 22, 1991
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
I Know Who Killed Me

I Know Who Killed Me

Jul 27, 2007
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way


Oct 24, 2019
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Le Rappeur de Malibu

Le Rappeur de Malibu

Apr 10, 2003
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Mission : Impossible

Mission : Impossible

May 22, 1996
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way


May 06, 2005
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Captain America : First Avenger
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
La Cité des Anges

La Cité des Anges

Apr 10, 1998
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
True Romance

True Romance

Sep 09, 1993
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Dark Wolf

Dark Wolf

Apr 15, 2003
A vicious werewolf stalks the streets of Los Angeles. Between killings, its desperate goal is to mate with unsuspecting Josie, who is unaware of her special power attracting the beast. Forced to take over an investigation involving werewolves after his partner is killed, an LAPD Detective is led to the trail of this ravenously deadly hybrid werewolf.
Critters 3

Critters 3

Dec 11, 1991
A vicious werewolf stalks the streets of Los Angeles. Between killings, its desperate goal is to mate with unsuspecting Josie, who is unaware of her special power attracting the beast. Forced to take over an investigation involving werewolves after his partner is killed, an LAPD Detective is led to the trail of this ravenously deadly hybrid werewolf.
Mafia Blues

Mafia Blues

Mar 05, 1999
A vicious werewolf stalks the streets of Los Angeles. Between killings, its desperate goal is to mate with unsuspecting Josie, who is unaware of her special power attracting the beast. Forced to take over an investigation involving werewolves after his partner is killed, an LAPD Detective is led to the trail of this ravenously deadly hybrid werewolf.
War & Peace

War & Peace

Feb 08, 1973
The classic BBC dramatisation of Tolstoy's epic story of love and loss set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars. Anthony Hopkins heads the cast as Pierre Bezuhov (a role for which he won the 1972 Best Actor BAFTA); Morag Hood is the impulsive and beautiful Natasha Rostova; Alan Dobie is the dour but heroic Andrei Bolkonsky; and David Swift is Napoleon, whose decision to invade Russia in 1812 has far-reaching consequences for Pierre and the Rostov and Bolkonsky families. The twenty-part serial was the vision of producer David Conroy whose principle aim was to transfer the rich characterisation and incident from Tolstoy's greatest novel to a television drama. Scripted by Jack Pulman and directed by John Davies, Conroy's War And Peace boasts superb acting, award-winning design (1972 Best Design BAFTA) and breathtaking battle sequences which were filmed in former Yugoslavia.


May 19, 2004
Angel est un vampire, il est maudit pour sa race car il possède une âme. Incapable d'être mauvais, Angel a donc décidé d'aider le Bien, de nous sauver nous, les humains, des démons et autres apocalypses qui nous guettent. Pendant 3 ans, il a aidé Buffy, la tueuse mais désormais il a decidé de quitter Sunnydale et la seule femme qu'il ait jamais aimé pour s'installer à Los Angeles. Là, il fait la rencontre de Doyle (un demi démon), son guide, son lien avec les puissances supérieures qui via des visions que Doyle reçoit, communiquent en lui montrant les personnes en danger qu'il doit sauver pour gagner sa rédemption. Aidés par Doyle et bientôt rejoint par Cordélia (autre venue de Sunnydale), ils ouvrent "Angel Investigations", une agence de détective spécialisée dans le surnaturel. Ensemble, ils combattent les vampires et les démons de Los Angeles. Au bout de neuf épisodes arrive Wesley, autre transfuge de Buffy.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


May 18, 2002
Vallery Irons, une femme qui a sauvé accidentellement une célébrité, est embauchée par une véritable agence de gardes du corps comme une célèbre figure de proue, alors que ce sont les autres membres de l'agence qui travaillent à résoudre les cas. Ironie du sort, son manque de compétences d'enquêtrice finira par vaincre les antagonistes dans chaque épisode. Les autres membres de l'équipe sont un panel de personnes issues de milieux fort différents : un ancien membre du KGB, CIA, FBI, une spécialiste en informatique, un maître en karaté, un ancien policier et un ancien boxeur de rue.
Action & Adventure
Buffy contre les vampires
A chaque génération il y a une élue. Seule elle devra affronter les vampires, les démons et les forces de l'ombre. Concilier scolarité difficile et affrontements nocturnes, ce n'est pas facile. Et c'est pourtant le quotidien de Buffy, une adolescente comme les autres avec ses problèmes affectifs et scolaires, mais qui la nuit part à la chasse aux vampires !
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Aug 02, 2017
Kingdom est un drame familial dont l'action se déroule dans le quartier de Venice à Los Angeles. La série sombre et violente suit une famille qui évolue dans le milieu du mixed martial arts. On y suit leurs addictions et leurs relations tumultueuses.


Jan 29, 2015
Le quotidien des Braverman, une famille du Middle West. Sarah, Adam, Crosby et Julia, quatre frères et soeurs, partagent les joies, les peines et les épreuves que leur réserve la vie.


Jan 09, 2024
Maya Lopez poursuivie par l'empire criminel de Wilson Fisk. Quand son périple la ramène sur ses terres d’origine, elle doit affronter sa propre famille et son héritage.


Mar 05, 2021
Trois semaines après la fin des évènements liés à Thanos, Wanda Maximoff est dévastée par la mort de son compagnon, le synthézoïde Vision. Elle se rend alors dans la petite ville de Westview dans le New Jersey, où Vision et elle avaient l'intention de s'installer, et y crée un univers fictif dans lequel elle contrôle l'esprit de tous les habitants. Elle y développe un univers de sitcom dont chaque épisode avance d'une décennie à partir des années 1950, et y fait revivre Vision, avec qui elle a des jumeaux, Tommy et Billy.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Jan 09, 2024
Maya Lopez poursuivie par l'empire criminel de Wilson Fisk. Quand son périple la ramène sur ses terres d’origine, elle doit affronter sa propre famille et son héritage.