Kim Il-sung

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Camarade Joe : Un américain en Corée du Nord
Au plus fort de la Guerre Froide, un soldat américain posté en Corée du Sud déserte son unité, traverse la frontière la mieux surveillée du monde, entre en Corée du Nord et s’y installe. Le “Camarade Joe“ obtient le statut de star en incarnant dans des films l’archétype du méchant Américain et devient ainsi un véritable outil de propagande pour le régime communiste.
President Kim Il Sung Met Foreign Heads of State and Prominent Figures April 1970-December 1975
The film tells the viewers that the President met with over 70,000 heads of party and state and prominent figures from 136 countries from March Juche 38 (1949) till the last moments of his life. It also records the facts that he made 54 official and unofficial visits to 87 countries for 685 days.


May 01, 1989
Defilada was made on the occasion of the 40th anniversary celebrations of state's founding in North Korea, which the regime intended to use to eclipse the 1988 Summer Olympics taking place that year in Seoul, South Korea. The North Korean regime invited filmmakers from countries then considered friendly (read: Communist), including People's Republic of Poland, which sent a team under Andrzej Fidyk. The documentary is primarily composed of declarative statements, as well as texts of North Korean newspapers and books. There was no author's commentary. Fidyk commented that he and his team were likely “the most disciplined” foreign team of filmmakers in North Korea, as they did not trouble the regime by looking under the surface - they were content with what they were given and asked to do. (Wikipedia)
Gwasu-ui nara

Gwasu-ui nara

Sep 09, 1972
North Korean propaganda film about orchards that yield bigger crops after Kim Il-sung visits. The films was presented as a gift to friendly-minded countries in the world. And expected by the North Korean Culture Ministry to be displayed publicly. Sweden was one of the countries honored by receiving a copy of "Gwasu-ui nara / Country of Orchards".


Jun 25, 1976
A woman refuses to give into her fiance's desire that she take a job as a secretary in his father's office. Instead she eventually decides to try to make a life for herself with fatal results.
나는 선무다

나는 선무다

Oct 03, 2015
Operating under a pseudonym which means 'no boundaries' - North Korean defector Sun Mu creates political pop art based on his life, homeland, and hope for a future united Korea. His hidden identity is nearly compromised when a massive historical exhibit in Beijing is shuttered by Chinese and North Korean authorities.
The Propaganda Game

The Propaganda Game

Oct 03, 2015
North Korea. The last communist country in the world. Unknown, hermetic and fascinating. Formerly known as “The Hermit Kingdom” for its attempts to remain isolated, North Korea is one of the largest sources of instability as regards world peace. It also has the most militarized border in the world, and the flow of impartial information, both going in and out, is practically non-existent. As the recent Sony-leaks has shown, it is the perfect setting for a propaganda war.
Dennis Rodman's Big Bang in PyongYang
Dennis Rodman is on a mission. After forging an unlikely friendship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, he wants to improve relations between North Korea and the US by staging a historic basketball game between the two countries. But the North Korean team isn't the only opposition he'll face... Condemned by the NBA and The Whitehouse, and hounded every step of the way by the press, can Dennis keep it together and make the game happen? Or will it go up in a mushroom cloud of smoke? For the first time, discover the true story of what happened when Dennis Rodman took a team of former-NBA players to North Korea and staged the most controversial game of basketball the world has never seen.
Le Dernier Prince rouge
Il est le Dieu vivant de la 9e puissance nucléaire du monde. Un jeune homme élevé en secret pour prendre la relève de la dictature nord-coréenne, entreprise familiale de père en fils. On ne connait de lui que les images amusantes, absurdes, et parfois terrifiantes, que la propagande de Pyongyang diffuse de lui. Nous avons enquêté pour découvrir les réseaux du dictateur : en Suisse, pour rencontrer les camarades et les professeurs de son enfance ; au Japon, avec le cuisinier de la famille ; en France, auprès de ses proches qui… s'y soignent ou s'y réfugient ; aux États-Unis, avec la CIA qui déploie des trésors d'imagination pour l'espionner ; en Corée du Sud auprès de réfugiés qui l'ont côtoyé ; en Corée du Nord enfin, pour découvrir l'incroyable machine à son service. « Le Dernier Prince rouge » cache des secrets surprenants et qui éclairent l'avenir de la Corée du Nord.
Corée, une guerre sans fin
Entre 1950 et 1953, les Américains larguent plus de bombes sur la Corée que durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La guerre de Corée coûtera la vie à 36 000 GI et plus de 2 millions de Coréens. Ce bouleversant documentaire restitue la cruauté et l’absurdité de cette guerre qui a déchiré une nation en deux, et laissé une péninsule dans le chaos.


Jan 01, 1969
Based on a revolutionary play supposedly written by the Eternal President of the Democratic People's Republic, Kim Il-sung, and rumored to have been co-directed by Kim Jong-il. This revolutionary work is also popular among the Chinese, especially those who lived through the Cultural Revolution, and have fond memories of revolutionary antics.
Gwasu-ui nara

Gwasu-ui nara

Sep 09, 1972
North Korean propaganda film about orchards that yield bigger crops after Kim Il-sung visits. The films was presented as a gift to friendly-minded countries in the world. And expected by the North Korean Culture Ministry to be displayed publicly. Sweden was one of the countries honored by receiving a copy of "Gwasu-ui nara / Country of Orchards".
Le Parcours des tyrans
Pour diriger d'une main de fer, tout aspirant dictateur doit suivre l'exemple des despotes présentés dans ce docu-série et appliquer le guide du pouvoir totalitaire.