Olimpia Cavalli

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I baccanali di Tiberio
Cassio, a tourist guide, and Primo, his bus driver, are taking a bus load of tourists to visit villa Jovis, at Capri island. Then they have an accident, and they knock their heads hard, losing conscience. They come awake in the times of the Roman Empire in Tiberius' villa.
Vanina Vanini

Vanina Vanini

Oct 12, 1961
Vanina Vanini, comtesse romaine ennuyé, gâtée, tombe amoureuse d'un jeune patriote dévoué qui est à Rome pour assassiner un traître à la confrérie des francs-maçons.
La traite

La traite

Nov 19, 1959
Les cousines Posalaquaglia sont deux petits truands et vivacchiano gimmicks: Dante obtient en reconnaissance de Thomas un billet de cent mille lires du célèbre financier Bruscatelli qui se termine peu après en prison. Ainsi a commencé le voyage du projet de loi qui sera en mesure de perturber la vie du propriétaire de Passalaquaglia qui avutala sur le loyer, va l'utiliser pour acheter un chien de race pure dans la boutique Ottavio qui utilisera pour payer le salaire de Michele et il doit Odette après une nuit ensemble. Odette utilisera pour acheter une fourrure impliquant Alfredo, sa femme et aux Jeux olympiques. Vendu à un gestionnaire d'un lutteur de Luna Park, le projet de loi, protesté contre, commencer le long voyage de retour.
Le Mauvais Chemin

Le Mauvais Chemin

Jun 13, 1961
Amerigo quitte sa campagne italienne pour Florence, où il va travailler auprès de son oncle. Son chemin ne tarde pas à croiser celui de la belle Bianca, une prostituée. Mais sa liaison avec la jeune femme lui vaut d'être renvoyé. Amerigo se voit contraint de regagner son village natal. En proie à l'ennui, il reprend bientôt le chemin de Florence...
Gli attendenti

Gli attendenti

Nov 03, 1961
Colonels, majors, lieutenants: all of them live in the same building. Some of them have a wife or children or none, but everyone has his orderly. Major Penna is harassed by Osvaldo's mother. Lt. Martucci gets involved in the love affair between Antonio, his orderly, and Lauretta.
Che fine ha fatto Totò Baby?
A pair of brothers, Baby Toto and Pietro, sons of different mothers, live stealing suitcases at the Termini Station in Rome. After a theft, they discover that the stolen suitcase they got from an apparent sweet old lady actually contains a corpse.
Il Giovedi

Il Giovedi

Jan 24, 1964
Dino, la quarantaine, qui vit séparé de son épouse depuis de longues années, profite d’un jeudi passé en compagnie de son jeune fils de 8 ans, Robertino, pour tenter de gagner son affection et retrouver son estime…
Le Souteneur

Le Souteneur

Dec 30, 1961
Stefano Garbelli is employed by a pharmaceutical company. One evening Daniela, a young independent prostitute, approaches Stefano pretending to be a nurse. They get together, but Daniela has a sinister plan.
Due mafiosi nel Far West
In the late 1800's, Sicilians Franco and Ciccio are serving 20 years of prison for stealing two mules, when they are helped to escape by an American who says he is a friend of their grandfathers, who were killed in Texas by a gang of bandits who wanted to take over their gold mine. The two friends travel to America to take posses of the gold mine, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones who want it.
Le Guépard

Le Guépard

Mar 27, 1963
En 1860, tandis que la Sicile est submergée par les bouleversements de Garibaldi et de ses Chemises Rouges, le prince Salina se rend avec toute sa famille dans sa résidence de Donnafugata. Prévoyant le déclin de l'aristocratie, ce dernier accepte une mésalliance et marie son neveu Tancrède à la fille du maire de la ville, représentant la classe montante.
Letti sbagliati

Letti sbagliati

Apr 08, 1965
Four episodes: a traveler is enticed by train per bet; a professional wants to be alone with a woman he likes; a lawyer becomes the lover of an adversary; a man discovers his wife's infidelity after ten years.
Huit et demi

Huit et demi

Feb 14, 1963
Un cinéaste dépressif fuit le monde du cinéma et se réfugie dans un univers peuplé de fantasmes.
Totò a Parigi

Totò a Parigi

Oct 23, 1958
Duclos's son, a worldly gangster, is compromised in a case of which he is innocent. The proof of this innocence is in the hands of a "competitor", the Marquis de Chemantel de Beauvoiron, a misguided aristocrat. He asked for $ 10 million to cede the document. Duclos will then imagine Chemantel contracting $ 10 million in life insurance for his son. As he discovered in Rome a tramp, a look-alike of the marquis, he will bring this man to Paris and arrange for him to die accidentally.
Noi siamo 2 evasi

Noi siamo 2 evasi

Jun 26, 1959
Two inmates escape prison changing clothes with a couple of businessmen. They'll be taken by the financiers and find themselves surrounded by wealth and beautiful women.
I 2 marescialli

I 2 marescialli

Dec 22, 1961
September 1943: in the general confusion a thief dressed as a priest and a sergeant exchange clothes and roles.