Jimmy Hager

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Walker Payne

Walker Payne

Apr 27, 2006
A small-town father is forced to make difficult, heartbreaking decisions in order to save his two daughters.


Apr 25, 2013
Dans l'Amérique du début du XXe siècle, le jeune Ward Allen, un jeune homme à l'esprit romantique, rejette l'héritage qui lui revient et part vivre dans la nature. A ses côtés, son fidèle ami Christmas Moultrie, esclave affranchi. Alors qu'il officie en tant que chasseur, Ward rencontre une femme de la haute société séduite par son éloquence...
Katie, bannie des siens
Katie Lapp, jolie et jeune Amish, ressent un vide dans son existence. Tout va basculer le jour où une étrangère arrive à Lancaster County, à la recherche du nourrisson qu'elle a abandonné il y a dix-neuf ans.
In Search of Liberty

In Search of Liberty

Aug 29, 2017
A captivating statesman from Americas past takes a modern family on a series of wild adventures, opening their eyes to the origins and importance of the U.S. Constitution.
First Responders

First Responders

Oct 24, 2022
Karen Williams, a trauma therapist, has witnessed firsthand the special courage that shapes those who work in emergency services. But when her husband, a career firefighter, returns from a life-changing blaze, and she discovers that a degree and years of counseling first responders has done little to personally prepare her to help her husband’s battle with PTSD. Unable to see a path to save her marriage, she turns to God and celebrates the truth that through Him all things are possible. Perhaps no one knows this better than the brave men and women who provide emergency services: the ones we call “first responders.”
The Mulligan

The Mulligan

Apr 18, 2022
An inspiring story about relationships, forgiveness, and priorities. Paul McAllister seems to have it all, but his life starts to fall apart. Guided by the wisdom and advice of an old golf pro, Paul learns about playing a good game both on and off the course.
The Ultimate Legacy

The Ultimate Legacy

Dec 04, 2015
A self-absorbed young man is challenged to grow a conscience and change his ways in order to receive an inheritance.
The Trump Prophecy

The Trump Prophecy

Oct 02, 2018
The true story about fireman and public servant Mark Taylor who heard a special message from God about change in our nation. When Mary Colbert, a networker and connector of Christian ministries, heard Mark's message she felt called to start a national prayer movement which grew to thousands of people across our nation praying together for the leadership of America and a return to the Godly principles we were founded upon. The Trump Prophecy tells the story of Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert through the election of 2016 followed by a reflective time hearing from leaders in various sectors of faith, business, finance, military, and world affairs who respond with their perspective on what it takes to make America great again.
Les frères Scott

Les frères Scott

Apr 04, 2012
Lucas et Nathan, deux demi-frères que tout sépare, se retrouvent rivaux non seulement sur le terrain de leur équipe de basket mais aussi dans le cœur d'une fille.
Surface: Menace sous la mer
Qu'ont en commun des officiers de la marine, une famille de San Diego, l'Institut Océanographique de Monterey et des pêcheurs dans le Golfe du Mexique ? Leur découverte : une nouvelle forme de vie sous-marine, mystérieuse et à première vue amicale. Mais, cette rencontre du Troisième Type est-elle si innocente ou annonce-t-elle plutôt un grand désastre pour l'Humanité ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy