John Colleary

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Jimmy's Hall

Jimmy's Hall

May 30, 2014
1932 - Après un exil de 10 ans aux États-Unis, Jimmy Gralton rentre au pays pour aider sa mère à s'occuper de la ferme familiale. L'Irlande qu'il retrouve, une dizaine d'années après la guerre civile, s'est dotée d'un nouveau gouvernement. Tous les espoirs sont permis…


Dec 11, 2015
Hector has been living on the motorways for years. His once comfortable family life has been replaced by a never-ending tour of service stations that offer him shelter, anonymity, washing facilities and food. The story follows his journey south from Scotland on his annual pilgrimage to a temporary Christmas shelter in London where he finds comfort, friendship and warmth. Over the course of his Homeric journey, Hector decides to reconnect with his long estranged past. As his previous life catches up with him, the story of how he came to be leading a marginal life begins to emerge.
Charles Dickens : L'homme qui inventa Noël
Le conte de Noël par excellence ! Le récit imaginaire de l’écrivain Charles Dickens et de ses personnages fictifs dont Tiny Tim et l’irascible Scrooge dans le Londres du XIXème siècle alors qu’il écrit sa plus célèbre nouvelle. Entre fiction et réalité, un splendide film familial, sur l’un des plus grands romanciers anglais.
The Bright Side

The Bright Side

Aug 20, 2021
Kate McLoughlin, comédienne de stand-up épuisée par le monde, se trouve dans un endroit sombre - elle veut en sortir. Ses prières morbides sont exaucées sous la forme d'un diagnostic de cancer.
Les quatre filles du docteur March
En pleine guerre de Sécession, quatre jeunes sœurs, Jo, Meg, Beth et Amy March traversent la difficile période de l'enfance à l'adolescence alors que leur père, le docteur March, est au front. Leur mère les aidera à traverser ces temps difficiles.
Critters TV

Critters TV

Nov 20, 2021
Meet the native wild animals of Ireland as you've never seen them before - at home, with their feet up, watching nature documentaries on the telly!
The Savage Eye

The Savage Eye

Jun 09, 2014
The show is a satirical and often surreal examination of subjects close to the hearts of the Irish people. It takes the form of a fake anthropological documentary as if made by British television. Each show explores one subject from it's history through to the present covering 6 or 7 topics (or subheadings) using voxpops and informed opinion to inspire comedy sketches and unflinching rants from numerous created characters. The third series is performed by comedians David McSavage, John Colleary, Pat McDonnell and Dermot McMorrow among others. The topics we are covering this year range from Media and Politics to Christmas and Family.