Leslie Hoffman

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Brave New World

Brave New World

Mar 07, 1980
Une mini-série TV basée sur une nouvelle classique de science-fiction
Science Fiction
Naked Acts

Naked Acts

Jan 02, 1996
An aspiring actress has lost considerable weight to land her first movie role, but what the director didn’t tell her was that it includes a nude scene. Reluctant to do it, she embarks on a personal journey that unveils secrets once hidden under her weight, as she discovers emotional nudity is just as revealing as taking her clothes off.
Enfer mécanique

Enfer mécanique

May 12, 1977
Est-ce un fantôme, un démon ou le diable lui-même ? Le shérif Wade Parent est en mission afin d'arrêter une berline noire monstrueuse qui a commencé à terroriser les habitants d'une petite ville du Nouveau-Mexique. Personne ne sait d'où elle vient et surtout qui la conduit. Ce qu'ils savent cependant c'est que cette berline qui provoque la terreur dans le village doit être détruite avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
Les Griffes de la nuit
Avec son gant aux griffes aiguisées, un assassin défiguré du nom de Freddy Krueger rôde dans la nuit, et transforme les pires cauchemars de ses victimes en réalité. Pour rester en vie, il faut rester éveillé…
Convict 762

Convict 762

May 01, 1997
A spaceship with an all female crew runs into a meteor field because of a navigational mistake. They lose a lot of their fuel and realise they cant get home on what they've got. They are forced to land on a planet which has been reformed into one of the most dangerous penal colonies in the universe in order to refuel. Once there they realise only two men are left on the planet and they are engaged in hand to hand combat. The women cant figure out which one of the men is the officer and which one has systematically slaughtered the rest of the inmates. One by one each of the women is killed. Just who is Convict 762?
The Fifth Floor

The Fifth Floor

Nov 15, 1978
A spaceship with an all female crew runs into a meteor field because of a navigational mistake. They lose a lot of their fuel and realise they cant get home on what they've got. They are forced to land on a planet which has been reformed into one of the most dangerous penal colonies in the universe in order to refuel. Once there they realise only two men are left on the planet and they are engaged in hand to hand combat. The women cant figure out which one of the men is the officer and which one has systematically slaughtered the rest of the inmates. One by one each of the women is killed. Just who is Convict 762?


Oct 19, 1979
A spaceship with an all female crew runs into a meteor field because of a navigational mistake. They lose a lot of their fuel and realise they cant get home on what they've got. They are forced to land on a planet which has been reformed into one of the most dangerous penal colonies in the universe in order to refuel. Once there they realise only two men are left on the planet and they are engaged in hand to hand combat. The women cant figure out which one of the men is the officer and which one has systematically slaughtered the rest of the inmates. One by one each of the women is killed. Just who is Convict 762?
Science Fiction
Passeport pour une nuit blanche
A spaceship with an all female crew runs into a meteor field because of a navigational mistake. They lose a lot of their fuel and realise they cant get home on what they've got. They are forced to land on a planet which has been reformed into one of the most dangerous penal colonies in the universe in order to refuel. Once there they realise only two men are left on the planet and they are engaged in hand to hand combat. The women cant figure out which one of the men is the officer and which one has systematically slaughtered the rest of the inmates. One by one each of the women is killed. Just who is Convict 762?
Scream 2

Scream 2

Dec 12, 1997
A spaceship with an all female crew runs into a meteor field because of a navigational mistake. They lose a lot of their fuel and realise they cant get home on what they've got. They are forced to land on a planet which has been reformed into one of the most dangerous penal colonies in the universe in order to refuel. Once there they realise only two men are left on the planet and they are engaged in hand to hand combat. The women cant figure out which one of the men is the officer and which one has systematically slaughtered the rest of the inmates. One by one each of the women is killed. Just who is Convict 762?


Dec 13, 1985
A spaceship with an all female crew runs into a meteor field because of a navigational mistake. They lose a lot of their fuel and realise they cant get home on what they've got. They are forced to land on a planet which has been reformed into one of the most dangerous penal colonies in the universe in order to refuel. Once there they realise only two men are left on the planet and they are engaged in hand to hand combat. The women cant figure out which one of the men is the officer and which one has systematically slaughtered the rest of the inmates. One by one each of the women is killed. Just who is Convict 762?
Le justicier de New York
A spaceship with an all female crew runs into a meteor field because of a navigational mistake. They lose a lot of their fuel and realise they cant get home on what they've got. They are forced to land on a planet which has been reformed into one of the most dangerous penal colonies in the universe in order to refuel. Once there they realise only two men are left on the planet and they are engaged in hand to hand combat. The women cant figure out which one of the men is the officer and which one has systematically slaughtered the rest of the inmates. One by one each of the women is killed. Just who is Convict 762?
Star Trek : Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine décrit les événements survenus au XXIVe siècle autour de la station spatiale de la Fédération, Deep Space Nine (anciennement Terok Nor), commandée par le capitaine Benjamin Sisko.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Star Trek : Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine décrit les événements survenus au XXIVe siècle autour de la station spatiale de la Fédération, Deep Space Nine (anciennement Terok Nor), commandée par le capitaine Benjamin Sisko.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
A Captain's Log

A Captain's Log

Mar 02, 2025
A Journalistic news source and interview TV Talk show beaming down the latest Star Trek news and views from all the ships crews. A Captain's Log guides viewers through this side of our galaxy's quadrant with a splash of knowledge in our top 10 lists and interviews. Looking through Roddenberry's Star Trek universe and beyond in this half hour scoop at warp power, host Bryan Kreutz, his co-host Lili Fox-Lim steer viewers into a knowledge-based trek of Klingon language all the way through full interviews with guests the fans want to hear from. Bryan and Lili are accompanied by an animated alter ego named Rogg to humor viewers with relevant Star Trek news and views. From a Starfleet ambassador's point of view, as Ambassador to the fan's, Bryan Kreutz hands over the conn to his animated android counterpart's perspective ranging from logical knowledge to unknowns in Star Trek's Past, present, and beyond.


Jan 27, 2002
Nikki White poursuit son rêve d'être une showgirl à Las Vegas, tandis que son mari, Dwight, tente de percer dans la lutte professionnelle.


Jun 02, 1999
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine décrit les événements survenus au XXIVe siècle autour de la station spatiale de la Fédération, Deep Space Nine (anciennement Terok Nor), commandée par le capitaine Benjamin Sisko.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Jun 02, 1999
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine décrit les événements survenus au XXIVe siècle autour de la station spatiale de la Fédération, Deep Space Nine (anciennement Terok Nor), commandée par le capitaine Benjamin Sisko.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


May 23, 2001
L'USS Voyager, commandé par le capitaine Kathryn Janeway, est précipité par une entité nommée le Pourvoyeur dans le quadrant Delta, à environ 75000 années-lumière de la Terre, dès sa première mission.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


May 23, 2001
L'USS Voyager, commandé par le capitaine Kathryn Janeway, est précipité par une entité nommée le Pourvoyeur dans le quadrant Delta, à environ 75000 années-lumière de la Terre, dès sa première mission.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


May 01, 1983
Les aventures des officiers Poncherello et Jon Baker, deux motards de la California Highway Patrol qui s’occupent de faire régner l’ordre sur les routes.


May 19, 1984
M. Roarke est un milliardaire excentrique, qui a acheté une île au coeur de l'océan Pacifique afin d'y accueillir les touristes. En fait, non : pas n'importe quels touristes. Seuls les êtres malheureux ayant réellement besoin que leur désir le plus cher soit réalisé. Si la plupart du temps, il s'agit de trouver l'Amour, ces fantasmes sont toutefois variés : problèmes familieux, d'identité, mal-être, ou encore trouver un certain équilibre, sont des thèmes abordés. M. Roarke est assisté par le nain Tattoo, un natif coquin et plein d'humour et de fraîcheur. Ce qu'il n'a pas en taille, il l'a en coeur : il est prêt à réconcilier les gens à n'importe quel prix, quitte à parfois précipiter les choses. Il a encore beaucoup à apprendre du calme olympien et de la grande connaissance de l'âme humaine que M. Roarke lui enseigne au fil des épisodes.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy