Надежда Борисова

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Happiness Is…

Happiness Is…

Mar 26, 2015
Victor est un jeune homme qui rencontre une charmante fille, Anya, dont il tombe amoureux. Il n'a pas le temps de lui parler et décide de prendre son numéro de téléphone pour lui proposer un rendez-vous, mais Anya se trompe et lui donne le mauvais numéro. Après avoir appelé le numéro, Victor est bouleversé de ne pas entendre sa voix. Il décide alors de commencer à composer différentes combinaisons de numéros, espérant qu'un jour, il entendrait sa voix. Il tombe sur différentes personnes dont le destin était étroitement lié au sien ...


Oct 01, 2015
An incredible story of a young woman who had a husband and three lovers. The series describes what is happening with the fate of people who are cheating and who are being cheated on.


Dec 03, 2020
Detective Stas Khabarov is shot in the back attempting to arrest a well-known drug dealer. When Stas comes to his senses, he is shocked to realise that he has actually died and become a ghost. He sees a vision of his estranged wife Vera being murdered on her birthday by the same person who attacked him. Determined to find his killer, he decides to stay on Earth to solve the mystery and prevent the death of his beloved wife.
Секрет на миллион
«Secret for a Million» is a game show for celebrities. Guest stars win money for disclosing personal secrets. Guest has to answer 10 hardball questions from the host. The last question is the hardest one and a truthful answer will be awarded by 1 million rubles. Only the most honest and brave of the guests dare to answer it telling the ugly truth they hid from their fans for years.