Laurie Ventry

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Dec 11, 2015
Hector has been living on the motorways for years. His once comfortable family life has been replaced by a never-ending tour of service stations that offer him shelter, anonymity, washing facilities and food. The story follows his journey south from Scotland on his annual pilgrimage to a temporary Christmas shelter in London where he finds comfort, friendship and warmth. Over the course of his Homeric journey, Hector decides to reconnect with his long estranged past. As his previous life catches up with him, the story of how he came to be leading a marginal life begins to emerge.
Eskimo Day

Eskimo Day

Apr 04, 1996
Comedy drama about the trials and tribulations of three sets of parents as they finally realise that their children have grown up and reluctantly they have to let them enroll at Cambridge University.


Nov 18, 1995
Two Neds are harassing a drunken 'jaikie' and an inebriated resident confronts them. A stand off takes place until one of the Neds shuts a young boy in an abandoned fridge. They leave but threaten to return and burn down the tenement. The residents try to open the fridge but are unsuccessful. Panic initially sets in as they fear the young boy will die.


Sep 03, 1998
Lors des funérailles de leur mère, trois frères et leur soeur handicapée se retrouvent pour régler leurs comptes.
Gangs of New York

Gangs of New York

Dec 14, 2002
En 1846, le quartier de Five Points, un faubourg pauvre de New York, est le théâtre d'une guerre des gangs entre émigrants irlandais d'un côté, les Dead Rabbits menés par Père Vallon, et les Native Americans de l'autre, dirigés par le sanguinaire Bill le Boucher. Ce dernier met rapidement en déroute les Dead Rabbits en assassinant leur chef, et prend par la même occasion le contrôle exclusif des rues de la "grosse pomme". Afin de renforcer ses pouvoirs, Bill s'allie avec Boss Tweed, un politicien influent. Seize ans plus tard, le gang des Native Americans règne toujours en maître dans New York. Devenu adulte, Amsterdam Vallon souhaite venger la mort de son père en éliminant Bill. Mais sa rencontre avec Jenny Everdeane, une énigmatique pickpocket dont l'indépendance et la beauté le fascinent, va compliquer les choses...
Down Where the Buffalo Go
Carl is a US Navy Shore patrol officer who is based at the Holy Loch naval base in Scotland. Armed only with a nightstick, his primary function is to ensure that sailors on shore leave do not become too rowdy, and to provide help to sailors in need of assistance. Carl is married to a local girl and their relationship is at breaking point - she wants to leave Scotland and settle in America while he wants to remain in Scotland. With his brother-in-law Willie, who is already estranged from his wife and under threat of redundancy from his shipyard job, the two men forge a friendship to help each other through.
Late Night Shopping

Late Night Shopping

Jun 22, 2001
Four friends Sean, Vincent, Lenny and Jody find themselves at something of a deadend. Trapped in a twilight world of permanent night shift work, they hang out together in the local cafe, drinking coffee and entertaining themselves by observing Vincent's unwavering success in pulling women. There seems to be little prospect of change...until Vincent accidently sleeps with Sean's girlfriend.
Outlaw King : Le Roi hors-la-loi
Dans l'Écosse médiévale, Robert Bruce revendique la couronne et mène une révolte féroce pour remporter l'indépendance de son pays contre le joug de l'Angleterre. L'histoire vraie et inédite de Robert Bruce, noble vaincu de l'Écosse médiévale devenu roi contre son gré puis héros hors-la-loi en l'espace d'une année. Contraint à se battre pour sauver sa famille, son peuple et son pays de l'envahisseur anglais, Robert Bruce s'empare de la couronne écossaise et rassemble une troupe de soldats hétéroclites. Avec eux, il devra affronter la colère de l'armée la plus puissante au monde, menée par le féroce roi Édouard 1er et son imprévisible fils, le prince de Galles.
Loser's Blues

Loser's Blues

Nov 01, 1987
A steelworker in Lanarkshire, Scotland tries to save his marriage while indulging his gambling habit.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

May 04, 1997
Hamish Macbeth is a comedy-drama series made by BBC Scotland and first aired in 1995. It is loosely based on a series of mystery novels by M. C. Beaton. The series concerns a local police officer, Constable Hamish Macbeth in the fictitious town of Lochdubh on the west coast of Scotland. The titular character was played by Robert Carlyle. It ran for three series from 1995 to 1997, with the first two series having six episodes and the third having eight.