Chuma Gault

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Oct 31, 1999
An unlikely romance develops between a Lakota warrior and a young black woman at an 1890s black college.
Death of an Agent

Death of an Agent

Jul 31, 2008
Mickey Skinner is a truly talented actor. But he lacks that essential part of the 'what-you-know' versus 'who-you-know' equation. He's hard working and survives with no chip on his shoulder, right up until the final moment of the worst day of the rest of his life.
Doubting Thomas

Doubting Thomas

Jun 12, 2018
After a white couple inexplicably gives birth to a black child, the purest bonds of trust, friendship, and love are put to the ultimate test.
Love & Teleportation

Love & Teleportation

Feb 14, 2013
Brian Owens was once a prominent professor of quantum mechanics until an accident stripped him of his credentials; he now teaches at a community college. In order to reclaim his stature, he is trying to build the world's first teleportation machine in his garage at night. All of this while being romantically pursued by one of the art professors at the college, avoiding the crazy old lady next door, and being harassed by the loan sharks he borrowed money from to build his machine. But his biggest problem is he can't get his machine to work.​
Science Fiction
Homeland Security

Homeland Security

Apr 11, 2004
Admiral McKee is retired, when following the events of 9/11 he receives a call from the White House informing him that his commander in chief requires him to serve his country once again. Shortly after this he is sworn into office as a senior member of the Office of Homeland Security under Tom Ridge. Once in office Admiral McKee faces the challenge of organizing this new office so as to prevent further terrorist attacks against the United States. With this in mind, Admiral McKee's wife recommends he speaks to his friend, NSA Agent Sol Binder.
Aniki, mon frère

Aniki, mon frère

Dec 13, 2000
Aniki Yamamoto, un yakuza de Tokyo, refuse de se soumettre au clan adverse qui a fait tuer son chef. Sa tête étant mise à prix, il quitte le Japon et part rejoindre son demi-frère Ken aux États-Unis.Il arrive alors à Los Angeles, ne parlant pas un seul mot d'anglais, et découvre une société qu'il ne connaît pas. Mais il retrouve rapidement son demi-frère, qui est devenu un petit dealer.Lors d'une altercation entre son demi-frère et le revendeur de celui-ci, Aniki intervient et passe à tabac le revendeur. C'est ainsi que petit à petit, Aniki va former son propre clan en appliquant les méthodes des yakuzas...


Feb 11, 2008
Regard sur la vie, les amours et les séparations de quatre femmes différentes, Toni, Maya, Lynn et Joan.
The Rookie : Le Flic de Los Angeles
Lorsque sa femme le quitte et que son fils part à la fac, John Nolan, la quarantaine, est à un tournant de sa vie et décide de réaliser un vieux rêve : devenir flic ! Il part vivre à Los Angeles et se retrouve, malgré son âge, un bleu parmi les bleus...
The Singles Table

The Singles Table

Jan 16, 2007
The Singles Table was an American comedy series that was originally considered for debut on NBC as a mid-season replacement in the 2006-2007 TV season. The series failed to find a time slot during the regular season and has been shelved since then.
The Newsroom

The Newsroom

Dec 14, 2014
Les coulisses tendues et survoltées de l'émission « News Night », diffusée sur la chaîne d’information en continu ACN, alors que son présentateur vedette, Will McAvoy, un homme aussi talentueux que détestable, est en pleine controverse suite à des propos tenus en direct remettant en cause le rêve américain. Alors que son équipe a déserté, il se voit attribuer une nouvelle productrice exécutive avec qui il a un passif...
FBI Portés Disparus

FBI Portés Disparus

May 19, 2009
Une brigade du FBI s'efforce de réunir témoignages et indices pour retrouver les personnes disparues. Le temps leur est compté car chaque heure qui passe réduit les chances de retrouver la victime.