Hanna Polk

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Jun 01, 2020
In 1943 Stanislawa Leszczynska was arrested by gestapo as a result of helping Lodz ghetto prisoners and sent down to concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau together with her three children. There she went through the dreadful trial. Stanislawa worked as a midwife facing inhuman conditions, on the edge of exhaustion, she delivered 3000 labors not loosing any child - Her name - as one of four outstanding Polish women of the last century - was placed on Life and Changing the Nation Goblet sacrificed by Polish women in Jasna Gora Monastery. What was the secret of this extraordinary woman? Where did her strength came from? Why even facing death she has never lost faith in what she was doing?
Docteur Semmelweis

Docteur Semmelweis

Nov 20, 1995
Quoi de plus banal et élémentaire que l’asepsie dans la médecine et la chirurgie d’aujourd’hui ? Pourtant, un homme courageux, le docteur Semmelweis, s’est battu contre l’obscurantisme de ses pairs pour tenter de faire prendre au sérieux ses recherches sur asepsie. C’était à Vienne, en 1860, dans une communauté scientifique qui choisissait l’immobilisme et l’insalubrité contre une découverte d’avant-garde. Ce film est le destin romancé d’un homme génial, écartelé entre le devoir et l’amour, d’un homme dont la vie se brise contre le mur de la médiocrité.


Apr 08, 1991
A small-time racketeer Stefek evades mob bosses by passing himself off as a mentally unstable cleptomaniac and laying low in an asylum. The racketeer and his closest devotee escape from the asylum and find work at the opera. Stefek becomes stage-doorman and soon discovers that the opera doubles as a brothel.


Sep 26, 2003
The dramatic story of a woman's struggle to discover the identity of her grandchild's father. The grandmother becomes obsessed with discovering the identity of the man who fathered her daughter's child.The naive daughter is of little help with her mother with the search, which turns into a dangerous journey, filled with unexpected events. The mother is forced to face and overcome her own dark secrets and deepest fears, and her struggles provide her daughter with a new sense of hope and understanding of her own life.
Bal na dworcu w Koluszkach
Podczas "zimy stulecia" na dworcu w Koluszkach zniecierpliwieni pasażerowie oczekują na przybycie pociągu. Łączność kolejowa zostaje zerwana. W tym samym czasie niedaleko Koluszek w zaspach śnieżnych utknął pociąg. W jego wagonach panuje wesoła atmosfera. Niektórzy pasażerowie, którym śpieszy się na połączenie z innymi stacjami, wysiadają i idą piechotą do dworca w Koluszkach. Jest wśród nich Andrzej Roszak - młody chłopak śpieszący do Warszawy, oraz prawdopodobnie jego rówieśnica Basia. Niedługo po nich do dworca w Koluszkach docierają pan Walerek - działacz polityczny, który jechał na bal do KC; pan Rozbicki z żoną, tuż po kontrakcie w Iraku; Matyjak - gwiazdor telewizyjny; dziennikarz Przoniak oraz inni. Na wyludnionym dworcu pasażerowie sprawnie organizują sylwestrową zabawę. Podczas wspólnej hulanki jej uczestnicy stopniowo obnażają ukryte kompleksy, frustracje i nadzieje.
Świadek koronny

Świadek koronny

Feb 02, 2007
Blacha, an ex-middleman in the criminal underground, is the key witness in an enormous Pruszkow mafia bust. As such he is kept under lock and key hidden away from the world. Intent on getting an interview with the ex-gangster is Marcin Kruk, whose pregnant wife was collateral damage in a mafia car-bomb several years back with Blacha being his main suspect. Fortunately Blacha holds Marcin's journalistic work in very high regard, hence agrees to an exclusive interview in a secluded hotel in the Hel peninsula. There he retreads his criminal life...
Sztuka kochania

Sztuka kochania

May 22, 1989
Prior to her wedding a nineteen years old Anna can't stop wondering - whether she made the right choice? So she decides to seek the advice of a well-known sexologist...


Jan 11, 2023
Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.


Nov 19, 2000


The story of the residents of a tenement house on Złota Street in Warsaw from 1945 to 1980.