Maev Beaty

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Dream Scenario

Dream Scenario

Nov 10, 2023
Un malheureux père de famille mène une vie discrète jusqu'au jour où il apparaît soudainement dans les rêves de millions de personnes. Il devient célèbre du jour au lendemain et reçoit l'attention qui lui a longtemps été refusée dans son métier de professeur. Mais sa nouvelle renommée a un prix: ses apparitions oniriques prennent de plus en plus des formes cauchemardesques qui mènent à la violence. Il doit faire face aux conséquences et aux côtés sombres de sa renommée inattendue.


Feb 20, 2023
The ultimate royal family crisis. Prince Hamlet's father is dead, poisoned by his uncle, who has usurped the throne and married his mother, the Queen. When the dead King's ghost appears, commanding his son to revenge his foul and most unnatural murder, Hamlet is set on a course of action that can only end in the destruction of a dynasty and his own extinction.
Beau Is Afraid

Beau Is Afraid

Apr 14, 2023
Beau est un être sensible qui suit une thérapie afin d'exorciser les démons de son passé. Il habite un quartier bruyant et violent. Le célibataire doit bientôt s'envoler auprès de sa mère pour souligner l'anniversaire de la mort de son père. Or, ce jour-là, rien ne se déroule comme prévu. Il se réveille en retard et perd les clés de son appartement, l'obligeant à retarder son voyage. Rejoindre maman ne sera pas évident et pour y arriver, Beau plonge dans des aventures incroyables.
King Lear

King Lear

Feb 18, 2015
Fathom Events and BY Experience bring the Stratford Festival’s critically acclaimed performance of King Lear to cinemas for a memorable one-night event. An aging monarch resolves to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, with consequences he little expects. His reason shattered in the storm of violent emotion that ensues, with his very life hanging in the balance, Lear loses everything that has defined him as a king – and thereby discovers the essence of his own humanity.
Marco's Oriental Noodles
A futuristic noodle shop in small-town Saskatchewan has become the world’s first purveyor of the latest in culinary fashion: psychedelic polydimensional comfort food. In this lovingly bizarre short, director and animator Howie Shia examines the small, largely unnoticeable ways in which colonization seeps into our lives, and asks, what is the responsibility of those who dine at a colonial supper table? Dig in.


Apr 04, 2019
Based on a stage play of the same name by Amy Nostbakken and Norah Sadava, the story follows Cassandra, who is portrayed by the two women, expressing the opposing voices that exist inside the modern woman's head, during a 48-hour period as she tries to organize the affairs for her mother's funeral.
Death and the King's Horseman
In British-occupied Nigeria, a Yoruba king, the Alafin, has died, and it is the duty of his horseman, Elesin, to accompany him into the afterlife. While lustily enjoying the pleasures of this world, Elesin proudly anticipates his transition to the next – but the sacred ritual is interrupted, resulting in unforeseen tragedy. Inspired by a real-life incident, this masterpiece from Nobel Prize winner Soyinka celebrates a community striving to uphold its culture in the face of colonial power.
Much Ado About Nothing
Beatrice and Benedick, two quick-witted and sarcastic individuals are happily single, but their friends believe they would make a great romantic match. Set in the Early Modern world, an era of ever-changing attitudes towards marriage and power, the play presents a society at once filled with progressive feminist impulses and countervailing forces rooted in traditional patriarchal values. With his astonishing wit and insight, Shakespeare explores the complexities that underlie these growing social tensions.


Aug 29, 2021
Cinq jeunes infirmiers travaillant dans un hôpital de Toronto ont choisi de dédier leur vie à aider les autres, en oubliant parfois de prendre soin d'eux...