Kô Sugita

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UFOs appear on Earth, and people who actually see them suddenly find that their blood has turned blue. Soon panic and hysteria result in the new "blue-bloods" being persecuted by the rest of mankind, and eventually certain all-too-familiar measures begin to be taken against them.
Science Fiction
L'Homme Invisible contre la Mouche Humaine
Le capitaine de police Wakabayashi doit faire face à une multiplication de meurtres étranges, car aucun témoin n'a vu l'agresseur. Seul un bourdonnement de mouche semble avoir été entendu juste avant que le meurtrier frappe ses victimes d'un coup de poignard dans le dos. Sans aucun indice, l'enquête piétine. Les investigations de Wakabayashi l'amène à découvrir que certaines victimes avaient un point commun : elles ont toutes été à l'armée au même endroit et il semblerait que des expériences militaires avaient lieu à l'époque, visant à pouvoir réduire la taille d'un humain à celle d'une mouche. Wakabayashi se demande si ces meurtres ont également un point commun avec les expériences menées par le docteur Hawakaya sur un rayon pouvant rendre invisible des objets...
Science Fiction
Warm Current

Warm Current

Dec 01, 1957
L'histoire tourne autour d'un jeune homme chargé de sauver un hôpital en difficulté et qui doit choisir entre deux femmes, une infirmière dévouée et une fille riche et gâtée.
La Légende de Zatoïchi, Vol. 07 : La Lame
Atteint d'une balle dans le dos, Ichi se voit prodigué des soins à titre gratuits, après qu'une femme ait payé pour lui. En la retrouvant pour la remercier, il se retrouve - une fois n'est pas coutume - pris dans une guerre entre deux clans; mais contrairement à d'autres fois, il choisit d'aider celui de sa bienfaitrice, son père étant soumis à un terrible chantage par le chef de gang adverse. Outre des hordes de gardes de corps, Zatoichi devra également affronter des mercenaires enrôlés par le camp ennemi - et le fils de son protecteur, qui n'est autre que celui qui avait tenté d'intenter à sa vie...


Oct 14, 1967
A series of murders has been committed by someone with a new model gun, a Mord-Gessel X 38. Indeed, Daisuke himself is almost killed while investigating the case. This occurred while he was with Ritsuko, daughter of a company president. Detective Kimura thinks that the president himself, returned to Japan after an absence of fifteen years, might be the killer, or at least the man who supplied the gun. Ritsuko's father limps and though she explains this as the result of a traffic accident, Kimura remembers a narcotics smuggler named Suginami who shot himself in the ankle and then escaped from the hospital. He believes that the company president and the drug peddler are the same.
Feux dans la plaine

Feux dans la plaine

Nov 03, 1959
A la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le calvaire des derniers soldats japonais, pris entre les guérilleros philippins et les troupes américaines.
陸軍中野学校 竜三号指令
In late 1940 the Japanese were anxious to conclude peace in China and to that end sent Colonel Hidaka to inaugurate negotiations. He was mysteriously assassinated, however, when his car was blown up. The General Staff Headquarters in Japan, sends Lieutenant Shiina, a graduate of the famed Nakano School of Spies inaugurated by Colonel Kusanagi, to investigate the matter. Arriving in Shanghai, he disguises himself as a Chinese coolie and sets out to watch for developments, the only clue being a silver dollar found beside what was left of the victim.


Oct 08, 1960
A youth drama set in a Japanese university which is home to a group of active, leftist students.


Jun 26, 1960
Omnibus picture, consisting of three stories.


Jul 10, 1960
A crime boss gets out of prison and tries to find who from his organization betrayed him.


Jun 28, 1961
Shikiko Oba is nimble with her fingers and teaches dressmaking and designing. Among her pupils are Rinko, Katsumi and Tomie. Ginshiro, who is as shrewd as the shrewdest of the older generation of dyed-in-the-wool Osaka businessmen, steps into picture and Shikiko soon feels that he is indispensable to her. But the advent of a man in their midst breaks up the harmony that has existed among the four women, as gradually he forces himself on them with promises of love.


Oct 15, 1966
The story contrasts the life of two doctors, former classmates and now both assistant professors at Naniwa University Hospital in Osaka. The brilliant and ambitious surgeon Goro Zaizen stops at nothing to rise to a position of eminence and authority, while the friendly Shuji Satomi busies himself with his patients and research.