Eugenia Bosânceanu

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Oct 27, 2017
Quand un coup du sort le stoppe net dans sa vie trépidante, un impitoyable homme d'affaires fait une pause et part trouver du réconfort auprès d'un vieil ami.
4 mois, 3 semaines, 2 jours
1987, Roumanie, quelques années avant la chute du communisme. Ottila et Gabita partagent une chambre dans la cité universitaire d'une petite ville. Gabita est enceinte et l'avortement est un crime. Les deux jeunes femmes font donc appel à un certain M. Bébé pour résoudre le problème. Mais elles n'étaient pas préparées à une telle épreuve.


Aug 03, 2016
Quelque part à Bucarest, trois jours après l'attentat contre Charlie Hebdo et quarante jours après la mort de son père, Lary – 40 ans, docteur en médecine – va passer son samedi au sein de la famille réunie à l'occasion de la commémoration du défunt. L'évènement, pourtant, ne se déroule pas comme prévu. Les débats sont vifs, les avis divergent. Forcé à affronter ses peurs et son passé et contraint de reconsidérer la place qu'il occupe à l'intérieur de la famille, Lary sera conduit à dire sa part de vérité.
Duminică la ora 6

Duminică la ora 6

Mar 16, 1965
Romania, 1940. A boy meets a girl. They fall in love without suspecting anything about their real identities. They chose an eventful, tense and dangerous life as underground anti-fascists fighters. The significance of their activity is manifest in the consequences it has on the tormented progress of their love. Reality is against it. Two parallel lines which meet for a second, only to drift apart for ever.
Binecuvântată fii, închisoare
Based on Nicole Valery-Grossu's European best seller autobiographic novel "Bless you, prison", the film is a true story, with real events and characters. A young intellectual woman, Nicole is arrested. There follow three months of exhausting interrogation and isolation. Alone in a cell, she undergoes a spiritual experience similar to that of the great mystics.
Subspecies 4: Bloodstorm
La jeune vampire Michelle Morgan a échappé à la maîtrise de son maître Radu Vladislas. Trouvée par une femme nommée Ana, elle est emmenée à l'hôpital où un médecin affirme pouvoir guérir son vampirisme. Radu, qui se remet de la mort imminente livrée par Michelle et ses amis, se rend à Bucarest pour suivre ses débuts. Il visite la forteresse du vampire Ash. Ash et son protégé Serena complotent pour détruire Radu et utilisent l'aide des humains, Ana et le docteur.
Întoarcerea lui Vodă Lăpușneanu
Alexandru Lapusneanu is one of important Moldavian rulers. A Macbeth figure, who obtains his throne in fight, who reeves any possible danger out of his way, a good "hospodar", husband and father. His reign is result of relation with the Great Powers of the XVIth century. The strain relation with the boyars (noblemen), the economic and spiritual contribution in the country's development, tensions of his own family, the loss of reign and the revenge, the second reign are elements for define the man and the prince like touching character
Frères De Sang

Frères De Sang

Jun 26, 1975
La conquête de l'Ouest. Harmonika est un soldat de l'armée américaine. Un jour, lui et ses camarades ont pour ordre d'attaquer un village indien dont ils massacrent la plupart des habitants, innocents. Harmonika est écoeuré par ce spectacle d'une violence extrême. Il décide alors de déserter avant d'être capturé par des Cheyennes. Cet événement est l'occasion pour lui de découvrir qui sont réellement ses supposés ennemis...


Jan 25, 2004
A young TV reporter would like to shoot a program about a former political prisoner nicknamed The Pharaoh, who spent forty years in Siberian exile. She manages to locate a former lover, his sister, and his onetime cellmate, but questions still remain...
L'Hiver en Flammes

L'Hiver en Flammes

Jun 08, 1966
After years of deplorable conditions of poverty and injustice, peasants revolt against the landowners, the social elite, and police in this routine social drama. A peasant woman is raped by a lecherous wealthy lesbian, and chaos breaks out in the rural areas where the poor suffer the most from the oppressive social and economic conditions.
Facerea lumii

Facerea lumii

Jan 01, 1971
Around the nationalization in 1948, a worker's daughter, as a student, is attracted by the social life offered by a breed horse owner. The relationship will sour by the cruelty with which he kills the horses, rather then give them away.
Atunci i-am condamnat pe toți la moarte
A young boy is adopted by a priest and his wife during the Nazi occupation of Romania during the Second World War. He befriends the village idiot, who's despised by everyone else. When a German is killed in the last days of the war, the village is threatened with total destruction unless the murderer is handed over. The villagers decide to hand over the idiot.


Jan 09, 1974
Pacala is an important hero in Romanian popular tradition. He is always making fun of everything wrong with the human behaviour such as stupidity, greed or vanity. His attitude and actions always bring damages to the mean, evil and materialistic people. So beside the jokes, the movie has this philosophical layer, undoubtedly because Pacala's independent way of being, free spirit and his love for the nature creates a way of seeing life, bringing joy. Filmed in a very beautiful part of Romania in 1974, the movie had an important success at that time and it is considered one of the most loved movies in Romania ever. Like the hero, found in many stories and jokes, the movie forwards the spirit of true freedom and pure link with the nature, forgetting about times and governments.
Pe aici nu se trece

Pe aici nu se trece

Jan 01, 1975
The film follows the stories of a handful of characters: Andrei (Radescu), who finds himself in conflict with his peers; Colonel Maxineanu (Stanculescu), the school commander; and Adrian (Mavrodineanu), a young villager who is inspired by the bravery of the cadets. The Hungarians arrive and launch a series of attacks against the Romanians. The Axis are pushed back again and again, despite superior numbers and weaponry. At the end of the film, they launch one last attack, which seems to momentarily begin breaking through. Just at that moment, reinforcements from the Soviet and Romanian armies arrive, pushing the Hungarians back.


Aug 16, 1976
The movie is set in 18th century Maramureș region of Romania. The Romanian officer Grigore Pintea return to his village and finds out that his parents were killed, and other villagers were tortured because they protested against the unfair treatment of Bartolok Graff. He deserts the Austrian army and he becomes an outlaw. He is joined by many peasants and so his band manages to occupy 2 fortresses.
Pentru Patrie

Pentru Patrie

May 07, 1977
In 1877 during the Russo-Turkish war the Kingdom of Romania joins the war on Russia's side and declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire.


Apr 03, 1978
After he fails to be accepted in college, Vali is questioned by police for participating in various thefts. He needs an alibi and he thinks the best one would be his father in Bucharest. To get there, he steals a motorcycle. In Bucharest he meets store clerk Anișoara, and he invites her to a seaside escapade. Their one day of love and future optimism is ended abruptly by a tragic motorcycle accident.
Totul se plătește

Totul se plătește

Dec 12, 1987
Margelatu discovers and annihilates a plot by the Austrians by infiltrating the Fratia organization with a fake envoy of the French revolutionary Alphonse de Lamartine


Oct 21, 2005


A love story that happens in the background Revolution in Timișoara.


Sep 01, 2006
Being forced into prostitution by her father, she finds solace in her friends and her journal.
Atac în bibliotecă

Atac în bibliotecă

Feb 28, 1993
Andrei Mladin, a young investigative reporter, is set up for two murders by a criminal that he brought to justice earlier.
Plecarea Vlașinilor

Plecarea Vlașinilor

Jan 01, 1982
In 18th century Hapsburg ruled Transilvania the Romanian shepherds from the village of Vlașini face the oppression and injustice of imperial authorities, being forced to flee from their place of birth or pay tribute to the Germans of Hermannstadt for grazing sheep on their own pastures.
Ho Ho Ho

Ho Ho Ho

Nov 20, 2009
Horace, a 8 years old boy, who still believes in Santa Clause, received as a Christmas gift a day at the mall. What ought to be a normal Christmas day turns into an adventure when Horace loses his mother. He mets John, a pickpocket disguised as Santa Clause, who was in the middle of an illegal operation. Unlike the Santas on TV, John doesn't seem to like children. Althought, the boy is convinced that this is the real Santa Clause and tail of it, causing all sorts of trouble as dangerous, as funny. Finally John finds the magic of Christmas and Horace discovers that miracles indeed, occur.
Contes de l'âge d'or

Contes de l'âge d'or

May 29, 2009
Les 15 dernières années du régime de Ceausescu ont été les pires de l'histoire de la Roumanie. Et pourtant, la propagande officielle de cette époque l’avait nommée « l'âge d'or » ... CONTES DE L’AGE D’OR est l’adaptation à l’écran des « légendes urbaines » les plus connues. Elles sont à la fois comiques, étranges, émouvantes et puisent leur inspiration dans un quotidien souvent surréaliste, quand l’humour était le seul moyen de survie de tout un peuple. CONTES DE L’AGE D’OR restitue l’atmosphère de l’époque et dresse à petites touches, le portrait d’un pays soumis à la logique perverse d’une dictature.
Vremea zăpezilor

Vremea zăpezilor

Jan 01, 1966
Pavel has to confron his father in law, who is decided to compromise him in front of the village.


Nov 19, 1973
The struggle to convince the peasants to join the collective farm in Romania 60s.


May 15, 1963
Durant les années 1900, en Roumanie, dans une région portuaire insalubre du Danube, l’enfance misérable d’Adrien Zograffi et son amitié pour Codine, un révolté assoiffé d’amour dont il sera le témoin des luttes jusqu’à la fin de celui-ci dans les circonstances les plus dramatiques.


Jan 01, 1979
This movie is about a person that was convicted in the 50s by the stalinist policy of the times, then released and re-educated at the workplace in 65, as the policy changed.
Misterul lui Herodot

Misterul lui Herodot

Jan 01, 1976
In a mountain village, two kids find a roman fibulae. Trying to find more, they stumble upon the notes of a history professor about a Roman settlement Lisidava. They are trying to locate it.
Căruța cu mere

Căruța cu mere

Oct 24, 1983
Romania in the year 1947: two years after the end of the second World War, the King (Mihai of Hohenzollern and Romania) has to leave the country, the communism is knocking at the door, and in these uncertain times, two young people are fighting to get their dream become real artists.


Jan 01, 1984
Young Thasica Pribeag follows her passion for cars and rallies, despite all the obstacles she faces.
Bătălia din umbră

Bătălia din umbră

Sep 22, 1986
In WWI a group of Romanian soldiers from Transylvania desert the german army and consitute a resistance commando group.


Jan 01, 1988
A history professor decides to take kids from his class in a trek across the country so they can experience various places and people.
Comoara din Vadul Vechi
In a poverty stricken village in 1947 Moldavia, the obsession for getting rich of Prisac turns the community against him. Based on "La Răzeși" (Yeomans) novel by Valeriu Emil Galan.
Melodii la Costinesti

Melodii la Costinesti

Nov 07, 1983
The film describes the journeys through which the members of a light music band pass in their attempt to be selected for the Costinesti Labor Festival.
Dragoste și apă caldă
Angela (Liliana Pană) and Dorina (Magda Catone), working at the Match Factory, live in the home and dream of marriage and spouses to give them a decent living. But the illusions are shattered when the men encountered prove their lack of character: Titi (the boy whom Angela is in love with, appears at a time with a kid and is raped), a vendor, is pimp, Emil, an engineer, is a And Radu, an emigrant in Australia, is undistinguished by his Collie dog.


Feb 25, 2011
In a forgotten village with lazy people and corrupt leadership, Pacoste must suffer for a mistake made in his past. His only friend is a young boy who finds in him a father figure.
La clef d'or

La clef d'or

Jun 06, 1968
Un jeune homme part à la recherche du pays de l'éternelle jeunesse. Après avoir reçu des instructions de Père du Temps. il doit affronter de nombreux dangers et subir plusieurs épreuves avant d'être admis dans cette contrée merveilleuse. À force de courage et d'astuce, il parvient pourtant à son but et épouse une princesse qui lui est venue en aide dans ses tribulations. Après avoir bu de l'eau d'une source interdite, il est cependant réduit à son état premier, mais il accepte son sort avec magnanimité.