Milan Enčev

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Můžem i s mužem

Můžem i s mužem

Jul 13, 2023
Four friends in their best years get together to celebrate Martina's birthday in a mysterious apartment, where they meet complete strangers. At the party, they reveal their deepest desires: Dita just wants everyone to be happy, Marta is on the hunt for a man, Marie is trying to get hers back, and Stella says she's "fine". However, as the evening progresses, they all realize that what they desire above all is love and understanding. And it's time to do something about it!
S písní v tísni

S písní v tísni

Oct 30, 2022
Thirty-something Jonas is not doing well at the moment. He has been taking antibiotics for a long time, so he is out of shape, and the trainer does not nominate him for the upcoming boxing match, he had a fight with a homosexual customer at work and is facing criminal charges because of that, and he also got a little involved with his colleague Silva, which logically does not please Jonas's friend Klařá. But Jonas hides the biggest problem by far from everyone. Although the suspicion of rectal cancer is fortunately not confirmed, the method of treatment of the damaged colon nevertheless shocks him - he has to regularly insert a dilator into his ass!


Mar 21, 2019
35-year-old Eliska has a wedding and is waiting for her big moment. Instead of his "yes", the groom says "no" and runs away from the altar. Fortunately, overwhelmed Eliska has a great friend with a clear recipe for what needs to be done. She herself alternates boys as socks and therefore immediately bases her profile on a dating site. She doesn't like it very much, but she is middle-aged, she's single and she's afraid the train won't miss her. And she wants to take life more firmly in her hands. She therefore throws herself into a blind date and tries to find new love between a series of catastrophic meetings. At the same time, she has to move quickly and the only option is to live with her half-brother, a weirdo who grows bees on the roof and who does not want her at home.


Nov 07, 2024
Twenty-three-year-old Aneta committed suicide with 13 knife wounds. No, this is not the subject of a horror science fiction, but the official conclusion of the Czech police. It is also the story of perhaps the most controversial criminal case in modern history, the background to which the filmmakers have been documenting for five long years. What role did a love triangle, the mafia, drugs and a mysterious Lebanese man play in the case? To answer these questions, years later, both Aneta's mother and the public have built an exact replica of the crime scene in the studio. A reconstruction of the site was carried out with the participation of the world's leading experts in psychology, toxicology, pathology and biomechanics. Will the conclusions of the British, Canadian, American and French experts match those reached by the Czech police? Will the victim's mother at least get the truth after ten years?


Feb 10, 2013
Après que Jan Palach se soit immolé par le feu en signe de protestation contre l'occupation soviétique de la Tchécoslovaquie en 1969, Dagmar Burešová, une jeune avocate, est devenue une partie de son héritage en défendant la famille de Jan dans un procès contre le gouvernement communiste. Un régime qui a essayé de déshonorer le sacrifice de Palach, une action héroïque pour la liberté de la Tchécoslovaquie. L'histoire de Jan et Dagmar est l'une des valeurs fondamentales de l'homme, de la vérité, de l'honneur, de la justice et du courage.
Modrý kód

Modrý kód

Jun 22, 2020
A Czech medical television series that focuses on an emergency department. Each episode follows cases inspired by real-life stories and the cases of patients and healthcare professionals.


Mar 29, 2020
David must join forces with police analyst Petra as they are drawn deep into the tangled web of who controls the flow of meth into Europe.


Jun 14, 2013
Vyprávěj je český televizní retroseriál vyráběný v koprodukci České televize a společnosti Dramedy Productions. Natáčení začalo v roce 2009 a první díl s názvem Od začátku byl uveden na programu ČT1 v pondělí 31. srpna 2009. Seriál je uváděn v týdenní periodicitě a stopáž každého dílu je cca 52 minut. Děj se odehrává v Československu a je zasazen do skutečných historických událostí, které ovlivňují příběhy jednotlivých postav. Dobovou atmosféru autoři navozují ukázkami z dobových Československých filmových týdeníků s původními komentáři, případně novým historizujícím komentářem, který namluvil Vladimír Fišer. Příběh je doprovázen hlasem vypravěče, který propůjčil herec Vojtěch Kotek a poté Matěj Hádek. Scénáře vznikají pod vedením scenáristy Rudolfa Merknera.